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My tribute to the great Chaim Ben Pesach

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The One and Only Mo:
Hey, my name's Mo (short for Moshe), I'm 20, and I started watching JTF when I was 14. Every Thursday night in the summer when I was in Queens visiting my dad, he used to make me change the channel to QPTV. I was so angry because I was always watching wrestling and he would put on the channel to one or two guys sitting in hats and sunglasses screaming. I never paid attention  because I was just really upset that I had to miss part of WWE Smackdown every Thursday night. I noticed my dad was always glued to the TV watching this stuff on QPTV, so one night I joined him.
      The first time I actually paid attention to JTF on QPTV was when Chaim Ben Pesach was talking about Al Sharpton and how fat and stupid he was. Chaim then said that he and his fat, slimy family were eating in a restaurant when gunmen came in. Everybody hid under the table and Sharpton took his meal with him under his table while shots were being fired. Chaim was describing how how he was pigging out on his food while everyone else feared for their lives. Needless to say, I laughed so hard from that story that I became hooked to this guy named Chaim Ben Pesach.
     I eventually found myself turning off wrestling and switching on JTF on QPTV every week. My dad and I were watching and listening intently - - - my dad was interested for the obvious political reasons, and I was interested because Chaim Ben Pesach usually had me cracking up on the floor within the first five minutes. However, the more I paid attention the more I understood and his messages really started hitting me. I didn't know that much about politics and current events. All I knew was that Arabs were killing Jews and it seemed there was another suicide bombing in Israel every few days or so. My dad would explain to me things I didn't understand.
      For the next few months I would go to the JTF website and listen to the shows, read articles, and try to get a better understanding of the world and JTF's views. I attended a pretty left-wing Jewish High School and I got myself into quite a bit of trouble whenever I argued with the left wing teachers and students.
        The last few years I always made it my business to check in with JFT regularly. Now, I'm going to Israel for the second time in as many years to yeshiva and I'm going to try to keep up with JTF as much as possible and spread the word. I plan on doing more research and getting involved so I could argue (and win) against the leftist shmucks and anti-semites that I will be going to university with starting in January. Of course, as always, Chaim Ben Pesach, a genius, a hero, and a tzaddik, to say the least, provides me with the best insights, views, and advice a person could ever receive while still making me smile and laugh with his unparalleled sarcasm, satire, and legendary wit.

                                           May we merit moshiach and the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash B'mheira V'yomeinu

Hey Moshe! Glad to have you on the forum!

Just for clarification that wasn't Al Sharpton. It was actually Gary Ackerman.

I loved that show. It's one of my favorites. Here's the audio:

JTF 2002-01-02 Ackerman

Welcome to the forum, Mo1988!

Welcome Mo!

Welcome Aboard Mo!


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