Pastor Manning is a followr of Cone just like Jeremiah Wright is. Manning is just not as evil as Wright. He's still not compatible with JTF although I think he does good with many of his latest sermons.
He is a follower of Cone? Do you have a source?
He only said, that he studied there. And of course he is a little bit pride that he learned at such famous professorships. [If we like it or not this people are very prominent] But he don't said that he agrees with everything Cone teaches.

He is a great preacher. He speaks the truth to his community and I think it hurts very much. But without pain, there will be no deeper insight, and without no deeper insight there will be no change for good.
He really talkes about sin [Offense against the moral part of the Mosaic law] Black liberation theology has nothing in common with the concept of sin.
Black liberation theology is a mix from Christian relicts with Socialism and black supremacy. And this people have the tendency to blaim the whole world for their own mistakes, like Muslims are doing. In fact they are so blinded by their wicked cult, that they are unable to see God and through this they are unable to see themselves.
Reverend Manning has clearly not this theological views. The opposite is true. He blaims first himself and his community for the aberrations and his benchmark is clearly the bible.
No black liberation reverend would do this. I have nothing seen and heard that would made him a heretic. He is as far I can judge a good Christian.