Native Americans are NOT one of the lost tribes of Israel and DNA proves that, any person that claims to be Native American and of the lost tribe of Israel is probably a Anglo-Saxon with identity issues. I've seen the quantum blood testing and my ex girlfriend (who was a Mescalero Apache Native) showed me DNA results showing that Native Americans are either A, B, C, D or X (y chromosome)
That is not Jewish origin, those DNA markers originate in Northern Eastern Asia/Siberia but have about a 20,000 year difference from the Asian population that also has those markers.
The only people pushing this theory are Mormons and those Black Hebrew Israelite cults.
There is not a single Native American tribe that claims descent from Israelites.
The only people who could even claim Jewish ancestry with Native American blood would be those of mixed background (Jewish mother, Native father), or Iquitos, Tarapoto, Belém and Manaus Jews who mixed with local Amerindian populations.
And most of those so called Cherokee groups you post of are fraudulent groups that no other true Cherokee recognizes let alone the federally recognized tribes. Everyone and their grandma is Cherokee descent nowadays because it's the "cool thing".

Not Native

Majority of Jews do not resemble the phenotypes of the Native Americans, they are primarily Mongoloid though small Caucasoid populations did exist. Nothing against the Native American people, but we're not the same people and I think they would find it equally offensive as us to think there is a connection, those Cherokee words aren't the same either, go read the Native languages link I posted.
The closest people to any of those groups would be the Altaic tribes in Russia which most were wiped out by the Slavs or heavily mixed with the population.
Comparison of our languages, now we're all related lol!
German eins zwei drei vier funf
Dutch een twee drie vier vijf
English one two three four five
Hebrew echad shtayim shalosh arba chamesh
Arabic wachid ithnan thalatha arba'a chamsa
Maltese wiehed tnejn tlieta gherba hamsa
Ojibwe bezhig niizh niswi niiwin naanan
Algonquin pejig nìj niswi new nànan
Cree peyak nîso nisto newo nîyânan
These are the only such Amerindian Jews that exist