The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Bin Laden Allowed To Stay Unbothered in Pakistan
I am against Islam, but I am not against the people, they have been indoctrinated, it is not their fault, to me, killing them is like killing babies.
El Cabong!:
--- Quote from: Rhuan on September 11, 2006, 04:03:52 PM ---I am against Islam, but I am not against the people, they have been indoctrinated, it is not their fault, to me, killing them is like killing babies.
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Better to kill them than to have our people killed. If they are indoctrinated, that's not our problem. There is no justification to sacrifice our men killed just to save our enemies, whether it's their fault or not. That is just pure misguided do-gooder nonsene.
I would risk my own life to save others.
I would hope that other people would be prepared to do so.
The quran is my nemy, and Satan who I believe guided muhammed in the creation of the quran is my enemy, innocent people who ahve been indoctrinated are not my enemies.
--- Quote from: Rhuan on September 11, 2006, 04:22:41 PM ---I would risk my own life to save others.
I would hope that other people would be prepared to do so.
The quran is my nemy, and Satan who I believe guided muhammed in the creation of the quran is my enemy, innocent people who ahve been indoctrinated are not my enemies.
--- End quote ---
people who think like you end up being killed by the hands of these "not your enemies".
you should really stop thinking that you are moral, because you're not! what can be more immoral than to offer sending your people to die, in order to save the ENEMY who tries to kill YOU and your people?
extremely illogical.
Think about it from all angles, the muslims are not our enemies, they are the enemy's slaves.
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