Moishe: The Rabbi is wanting urgently to speak with me. Oi Gewalt, did I something wrong again?
Duck: No, please dont worry, He said only, that it is about your Islamophobia, and that he ccan heal you, if you are of good will.

Now come to me my good Moishele. Here I have the proof, that your oppinion about the evil Islam which has conquerred the whole Great Britain is only paranoia in your twisted head. My friend Reb Rubenstein from London has written to me, that there are no problems with Muslims and that all people there have best understanding. But please read for yourself if you don't believe me.

Rabbi Birnbaum, this sounds really nice. Specially the passage, where Rabbi Rubinstein writes that he has played with the pastor and the Imam gulf. I have to admit, that I am really a pathologic islam-hostile little dog. The letter is the best proof for this. Only one thing makes be bother ...

The envelope!