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Truthfull question for orthodox Jews

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--- Quote from: Tzvi Ben Roshel on October 01, 2007, 09:22:57 PM ---Dominater96- sorry but your wronge.
Marrriage isnt only about reproducing. Their has to be love and a desire to be with eachother, (but in accordince with Jewish law).

 Download- Dating & Marriage Part 1
         and then if you want more go to part 2.

Please tell me what you think after you have watched the video (or MP3).

--- End quote ---
Your right, I went a little overboard. But the essence of Marriage is to have children. That is why if Jews are married, and they cant have children for 13(?) years, they have to divorce. Rabbi Kahane was asked, "isnt it racist to ban goy, and Jewish marriage?" Rabbi Kahane responded, "no its torah, Jews are married to have children, no matter how much you "love" the other person doesnt matter" it deosnt matter how much u love the goy.

Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
I believe its 10 years, and I dont know you you MUST have a divorce or if you can (or if its suggested to).

A Jew can't marry a black. There is a Mitzvah against bestiallity.


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