Author Topic: Misc. comments for Ask JTF (Sunday, September 7, 2008).  (Read 858 times)

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Offline Zionistforever

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Misc. comments for Ask JTF (Sunday, September 7, 2008).
« on: September 02, 2008, 09:02:31 AM »
Dear Chaim.

I was able to find the latest Ask JTF because I was lucky that it was in first page when I came to the fourm. Now for my questin why is everything going whireless like the internet, phones, computers etc? Bonus questin Why do we hardly here anything about the country of Jordan this name is can also be a person or a place. Example: I have a friend whos named Jordan.

Jorge, pick a question, you don't get bonus questions. :(
Eretz Tzion Yerushalaim. Hashem bless Israel.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Misc. comments for Ask JTF (Sunday, September 7, 2008).
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2008, 04:50:47 PM »
Dear HaRav HaGaon Chaim Shlita:

    What is the chance of another Mercaz Harav type attack happening in a yeshiva/seminary in Israel? I'm going to Yeshiva in Israel till January and haven't been there since last January. Are yeshivas doing anything new to enhance security? If not, what ideas do you have?  Thank you.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Misc. comments for Ask JTF (Sunday, September 7, 2008).
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2008, 05:00:47 PM »
Shalom Chaim

I am going to say something that you will disagree with.  A strong point of view of this movement is that every Jew should move out of Galut and move into Eretz Yisrael. First and foremost, every Jew should learn Hebrew fluently to able to get by in Israel.  Chaim, when I visited Israel last year, I realized that the culture and mentality of Israelis were very different from my personality.  I concluded that there is no way, no how that, even if I were able to speak Hebrew fluently, that I would succeed in land of Sabras and with a competely different mentality and culture than from what I was raised with.  Furthermore, I would be leaving my family behind.  Unless it were a life or death situation, I, personally, feel that it is more important to be close to my family and future wife's family, (especially if it is an excellent wonderful moral righteous family). I want to apologize to my idealistic Jewish friends that I don't feel that at this time, it is meant for me to make any sort of Aliyah.  From here, I will continue to support Israel and visit there as frequently as possible.  I will learn Hebrew, Gd willing.  I will teach my children, Be'ezrat H'shem, how to speak fluently and mold them, with the help of my future wife, Be'ezrat H'shem, to be more idealistic than the both of us.  If it is meant to be, Gd will help us, Be'ezrat H'shem, to be in the right place at the right time.

Dr. Dan

      The culture shock for me is a huge factor. I had trouble getting adjusted when I was there for 4 months last year. I'm going back this week for another four months, however. If I ever moved there I would also have concerns about leaving my family behind etc. I understand how important it is to live in Israel, but I also know that many people in this generation were born and raised in Chutz L'aretz and consider it home because that's life. What's the solution? Stay in your native country in Chutz L'aretz with your family,friends, and live comfortably, or move to Israel, start everything new, and risk being socially and economically miserable but take solace in the fact that you are at least living in Israel?

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Re: Misc. comments for Ask JTF (Sunday, September 7, 2008).
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2008, 09:48:42 AM »
Pheasant, it's all true.  I'll put up a link once I find it, since I blogged about it a while back. 

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Re: Misc. comments for Ask JTF (Sunday, September 7, 2008).
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2008, 09:22:02 PM »
Do you think the only good black is a self-hating black?
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Strictly speaking, most blacks--with their obsession with gangster culture and its attendant drugs, mass violence, and confrontations with the police--are extremely self-hating.