Author Topic: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.  (Read 17880 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2008, 09:01:23 AM »
Dear Chaim,

How do you think the issue of Shemita should be handled in Israel?   (How to avoid buying from the Arab enemy?) 

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2008, 12:58:19 PM »
 How does one decide how much Torah to learn, in line with the obligation to study Torah? 
On a similar note, I would like to apologize to you Chaim and all the other members for not appearing of late as I’ve just started a job and getting used to a new schedule, leaving me incredibly busy. Thanks for all you do – despite your hectic time-tables.


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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2008, 03:40:47 PM »
Do you think the only good black is a self-hating black?

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2008, 03:46:15 PM »
How can I debate with people who read books by Norman Finkelstein?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 05:42:26 AM by Ambiorix »
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline tykus1

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #29 on: September 06, 2008, 10:10:01 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

FYI, There is quite a bit of information on the internet that appears to confirm what you stated in your previous program regarding Gov. Palin.  The original statement regarding Palin's support of Buchanan apparently was initiated and propagated by the notorious leftist site!  So far, all legitimate sources of info confirm that Gov. Palin is in fact not a Buchanan supporter.  One such site is:

Hope this info helps.

Baruch Hashem 

Offline Gruzinit

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #30 on: September 06, 2008, 11:26:06 PM »
Dear Chaim,

I am disgusted at the way the media has treated Palin and her daughter's pregnancy, it is ironic that the left and media have finally found a moral compass when it comes to working mothers and out-of wedlock pregnancies. My question regards Palin's character. Too many times we have seen so called "conservative" politicians who voted one way and acted another, caught up in major sex scandals, most recently David Vitter and Larry Craig.

Palin's willingness to publically address her daughter's pregnancy when many a politician would send their daughter on"vacation" to get an abortion and preserve their squeaky clean image. I believe we can only say we are true believers not by our words but by our actions, when our beliefs our truly tested. Many politicians talk the talk, Palin is walking the walk.

Do you thinks the way the Palin's have handled their daughter's pregnancy shows them as true believers in the midst of difficult choices?
The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money. – Alexis de Tocqueville

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #31 on: September 06, 2008, 11:31:19 PM »
Dear Chaim,

An internet article described how a group of young Republicans were forced to take down their "Build the Fence Now!" signs down at the Republican National Convention. Clearly the issue of immigration is at the back of people's minds with the threat of a nuclear Iran, the issue of energy, and the nightmare of a Barack Hussein Obama presidency. What do you think we should expect from a McCain administration about immigration?

Offline ape

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #32 on: September 06, 2008, 11:36:45 PM »
I just saw a documentary on the Chicago housing projects ruled by gangs.  I heard that there were more murders in Chicago under Obama's office than casualties in Iraq. If Obama can't stop the murders in his own district, how can he stop them in Iraq?
What would you do specifically to clean up the gangs in the housing projects that these impotent politicians are so afraid to touch?

« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 04:47:10 AM by ape_has_killed_ape »

Offline Scriabin

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #33 on: September 06, 2008, 11:40:18 PM »
Dear Chaim:

What do you think of Jerry Lewis?


Offline Trace

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #34 on: September 07, 2008, 12:20:59 AM »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #35 on: September 07, 2008, 04:45:08 AM »
Do you believe that G-d condones the use of artificial medication? I've been having these horrible asthma attacks lately, and I believe unless it is life-threathening, G-d would not condone the use of artificial medication and I try to avoid it. What does Judaism say about the subject?


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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #36 on: September 07, 2008, 10:00:46 AM »
Dear Chaim:

After putting the fear of god into me last week (quite literally)  I ditched the Japanese girl.  I just thought that being with somebody who  might have a chance of converting or raising Jewish children with would be better off than winding up with nobody and having no chance of continuing the Jewish lineage.  you seemed skeptical of my inability to meet Jewish women in your response.  you probably are not in a position to know this but most non religious Jewish women in their 20's these days seem to be hooking up with either schvartzes or Asians.  this is the product of the MTV generation.  is it more acceptable for a Jewish woman to marry non Jewish since the children of the couple will still be Jewish?

Offline Masha

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #37 on: September 07, 2008, 11:21:45 AM »
Chaim, do you think women should be allowed to vote or run for political office?

Offline Zvulun Ben Moshe

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #38 on: September 07, 2008, 12:20:46 PM »

I noticed that most of your videos on flix and other video sharing websites dont have a link to JTF or Hayamin websites. This is very important. If you or someone goes and edits every video description to ad the link, our Google ranking will rise dramatically. Let's not forget that website content is secondary in importance to links from other, popular websites.

I am Zvulun ben Moshe and I approve this message.

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #39 on: September 07, 2008, 12:30:24 PM »
   The weekly Parashas always speak to me for some reason. Yestarday's parasha left me a confused so I'm wondering if you could provide any insight. One of the themes was about false prophesy. Over the last week I came across three situations where I told three close Jewish friends that they should change what they were doing and follow the torah. In each case I said that either something really bad would happen if they continued to not follow it, or good things would happen if they chose to follow it. This problem is that this made me feel powerful and as if I was speaking with prophecy. My goal was not to be a false prophet, but my convictions are so clear.
   In one case I told someone from an Orthodox family that she should date someone Jewish instead of this black savage that I saw sexually disturbing photos of her with. I told her of all the horrible things I fear he will do to her. I probably servered my relationships with her family in doing so.
   In another case, I told someone who abandoned Judaism for religions of India, who wanted me to support Obama, that he should not do so, but instead return to the torah. I told him of bad things Obama would bring.
   In another case I told a family member that Hashem would reward him if he went to Bait Knesset and became proud of being Jewish. This week's parasha seems to imply that I shouldn't have done what I did, or at least done it differently but perhaps I misunderstood what I read. What insight do you have about my actions?
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
« Reply #40 on: September 07, 2008, 04:14:32 PM »
Hello Chaim,
I'd like to ask a question about your early life if you don't mind.

Where were you born and how did you first get in touch with the JDL and Rabbi Kahane?
