This was so terrible of a dream, that I was scared to share it, but I will. I dont know if this will happen, or what, but this was scary and beyone awful;
There was a distributor, and he was handing out pamphlets, they reminded me of these little itty bitty books that the churches put all over the place. I looked at these little pamphlets/books, and was HORRIFIED.. They had words written in English: "Verboten Juden" "This is what Jews look like" "Save us from the Jews" "Ban Kosher" They were printing them up, faster and more and more, and people all over the world had these terrible little pamphlets. Someone handed me one and smiled. I almost fainted, and then I woke up.
I was in a COLD sweat, and a migraine today that is terrible. I dont know what all of this is about, but I am scared that this could happen. This immoral decadent society does not even know right from wrong, so, I dont even feel like I could trust ANYONE as far as I could throw them.