The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

mohammed's profile - bride(s) wanted!


Christian Zionist:

*He may be a leader of men, but he sure is a follower of women

*He thinks life is very unfair - so many women and so little time

*He's a guy who expects an "aye" for an eye.

*He wanted to master the art of making a girl see the light when he has her in the dark.

*He had just one interest in life - himself.

*Girl's are always running through his mind - they wouldn't dare walk!!

*He believes in love at first sight - it saves a lot of time.

*He's had some awful temptations. It required all his strength and will power to yield to them.

*He's very chivalrous - always wants to protect a girl from men who have ideas, because he has the same ideas himself.

*He'd never go out with the NO-it-all type of girls.

This one is much better than the last one.  It's really funny lol.


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