Author Topic: Zagreb car bomb kills journalist  (Read 2685 times)

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Zagreb car bomb kills journalist
« on: October 24, 2008, 09:04:16 AM »
Zagreb car bomb kills journalist

A Croatian Journalist who was criticizing Franjo Tudjman’s Croatia and the current Croatian corrupt government is assassinated.

Offline 4International

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Re: Zagreb car bomb kills journalist
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2008, 09:58:25 AM »
Shalom brother Dalmacija,

thanks for this terrific post. Here is what the BBC report says:

The city [of Zagreb] has been gripped by a wave of violence this year.

President Stipe Mesic said the bomb, which was reportedly planted underneath Mr Pukanic's Lexus, meant "terrorism has become a fact on the streets of our capital".

"The state is faced with an unprecedented challenge from the criminal circles," he said. "Now it is them or us... rule of law and safety of citizens against criminals, terrorists and mafia."

Of course for Mesic and the late Franjo Tudjman, and most of the pro-Ustasha nostalgic Croat population of Croatia, the "criminals, terrorists and mafia" during the 1990's was ALL Serbs collectively.

Now that Franjo Tudjman the Holocaust denier has been dead for nearly 10 years, and the 800,000 Serbs who used to live in Croatia and Krajina have been overwhelmingly expelled and murdered by the Croats with the full backing of the West, the Croats who went around murdering Serbs on behalf of the Croatian HDZ government have nothing better to do but engage in organized crime and kill Croat journalists, policemen and lawyers' daughters on the streets of Zagreb.

Mesic - just like Tudjman before him - is also a Holocaust denier and Ustasha Nazi apologist. See below:


Croatia: Holocaust Denial on Display

Insults, Cover-up and Incitement:

Croatia's Mesic at the Israeli Knesset

* Croatian President Stjepan Mesic's supposed apology at Israel's Knesset 31 October 2001

* Critique by Jared Israel


Much effort has gone into projecting the image of a new Croatia that has supposedly renounced its murderous past and, hence, may join the European Union. This effort has especially targeted Jews, who, having had the unfortunate experience of being the Nazis' main victims, are now used to grant absolution to the culprits.

So, in 2001, Croatian President Stjepan Mesic visited the Knesset, where he sort of apologized (see for the clerical fascist Croatian Ustashe's murder of over 30,000 Jews.

Actually, he sort of did not apologize, since he a) never mentioned the Ustashe; b) never mentioned the murder of over 30,000 [other figures based on German sources are as high as 65,000]; and c) began his 'apology' saying, "This is the proper place and the proper occasion to get rid of the ballast of the past," indicating how he views that hindering weight, the Holocaust.

Pursuing the appearance of reform, last November, Croatia opened an exhibition at the Jasenovac death camp in Slavonia, from which territory, by bitter irony, the Croatian army had, in 1995, driven out all Serbian civilians, thus rendering it serbenrein. They fulfilled the dream of the very Ustashe whom the exhibition is supposed to get Croats to remember, lest it "happen again"; although, having gotten rid of all Serbs, Jews and Roma, it is unclear what the Croatian clerical-fascists could do again, other than to themselves (or outside Croatia).

Here is some background for perspective on the exhibition. In June 1991, the Yugoslav Republic of Croatia, controlled by the HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union), led by Franjo Tudjman and Stjepan Mesic, launched a secessionist war that destroyed Yugoslavia. The HDZ revived symbols and policies of the Croatian Ustashe, whose base the Catholic clergy incited to hate "foreign elements" (primarily non-Catholic Serbs). In April 1941, the Ustashe had formed a German Nazi-backed state, mass murdering Serbs, Jews and Roma with a violence equaling the Einsatzgruppen of their German sponsor-allies. (Please see Encyclopedia of the Holocaust for more.)[/i]

When Tudjman and Mesic launched their Germany- and Vatican-backed secessionist war in 1991, Serbian charges that they were mobilizing the Ustasha apparatus that had flourished in the Croatian Diaspora after World War II were mocked by a world media that suppresses evidence linking Croatia to the Ustashe. Case in point: a video broadcast 9 December 2006 on Croatian TV, which shows Mesic in 1992 telling Australian-Croatians:

"You see, in the Second World War, the Croats won twice and we have no reason to apologize to anyone. What they ask of the Croats the whole time, 'Go kneel in Jasenovac. Kneel here...' We don't have to kneel in front of anyone for anything! We won twice and all the others only once. We won on 10 April [1941] when the Axis Powers recognized Croatia as a state [meaning, when the Nazi invaders installed the bloodthirsty Ustashe in power! - JI], and we won because we sat after the war, again with the winners, at the winning table."

-- BBC Monitoring; December 10, 2006

Defending himself, Mesic said he had only made such speeches (plural!) to serve Croatia's war in the 1990s. (BBC Monitoring, 15 December 2006)

In the video, Mesic celebrates fascists who posed successfully as anti-fascists when the Nazis lost, thus sitting "at the winning table."

So: a) the scandal shows that the Serbs were telling the truth when they said the secessionists roused the Ustashe to fight Yugoslavia (and Serbs) in the early 1990s; and b) what is left of the hype about a President Mesic who regrets Ustashe crimes?


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Re: Zagreb car bomb kills journalist
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2008, 11:03:22 AM »
Thanks for the information 4International.....

Today the Serbs are not present in Croatia anymore  , neither you have today Serbian "influences" in Croatia. During the 90s and before Croatia said that the Serbs are the problem  and causing problems. That criminal communist and Cetnik Serbs who control Croatia are guilty. All the Serbs were marked as Cetniks or communist by the Croatians. In order to establish a save and civilized Catholic Croatia the Croatians needed to sent the Serbian minority collectively in exile.
Only "loyal" Serbs were welcome in Croatia. These loyal "Serbs" were loyal to Croatia during the period of 1990 - 1995 when Croatia started to sent the Serbs in exile. First during the period of 1990 until 1993 when Croatia banished approximately 300.000 Serbs from Croatian controlled areas - and finally in 1995 Croatia banished all the Krajina Serbs (500.000) from Krajina during the Croatian irregular invasion against UN protected areas The Republic of Serbian Krajina.....

How can a real Serb have the status of a loyal citizens of Croatia (during the war 1990 -1995) and being quite about the Croatian attitude towards regular Orthodox Serbs?

Since 1995 Croatia is Serbian free. Who is now guilty for the crime, corruption and violence in Croatia?

It is easy to blame only the other for the problems.
Fascist policy, does not work


Recently a Serbian man was killed in Croatia (Krajina):

Government in exile
11.080 Земун, Магистратски трг бр. 3
Тел/факс 3077-028,  vladarsk[at]
Бр. 908/08 – 07. 10. 2008. године

News report (dated on September 2008)
Murdering in the city of Knin, the former capitol of the Republic of Serbian Krajina

A young Serbian male killed in Knin – with out any occasion

The Serbian family Vitas is facing a very, very dark time.
The Croatian authorities had promised to the family of Vitas the unconditionally security of their family members and the absolutely respect of their private property, which is located in Krajina. Based on these conditions, the exiled Krajina Serb family of Vitas decided to return from exile, Serbia, to their hometown the city of Knin.
Very soon, after the family had arrived to Knin, their 21 year old son (Igor Vitas – 1987) was brutally murdered, with out any occasion.

Igor Vitas was physically attacked with an iron object, on 21 September 2008 in Knin,
by a man of Croatian nationality (named Ivo Buva). This unlucky young Serbian man was transferred to the local hospital, but he did not survive the attack.

On 26 September 2008 the Serbian young man Igor Vitas died and he was buried on 30 September 2008, in his birthplace the city of Knin. This testifies the fact that the Serbian people is not secure anywhere in the Republic of Croatia and that Croatia’s invitations to the exiled Serbs, to return, are a political fraud.   

This murdering did not gained any media attention in Croatia, neither was somebody hold accountable.

The president of the Croatian parliament (Ivo Sandar) party removed, with reasons, the Croatian minister of justice, minster of domestic affairs and the police chief in Zagreb from their positions, because a young woman (Ivana Hordak), of Croatian nationality, was recently assassinated in Zagreb (Croatia’s capitol).           
After the Serbian young male was murdered in Knin, the Croatian government did not took any actions.

This is a, most recent, message to the Serbs, that their lives are endangered in the Republic of Croatia, next to the well known fact that the Serbian personal and national rights, in Croatia, are also violated.   

Ratko Licina

Government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina – in exile.