I know she is a politician, with politicians you know you got to be carefull. But thus far I do like what I see. And for me to endorse someone like this takes a lot. I do not want to bring out all the balloons and pompoms yet for someone till they show their work as they show their promises. But with her I am going to be open minded. I will contact her page time to time to let her know more about us and add things in like about the border issue or calling islam the religion of peace is not being honest but i know with the pc people how they will react. Lets see the first steps though is to defeat Obama and get this team elected. If she plays her cards right she will be the first woman president of the United States in 4. So through that I will also send this forums link. Who knows maybe a guest speaker that a like Ask JTF, we can have an Ask Sarah Palin from our members. Lets see.