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Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« on: September 14, 2008, 05:16:48 PM »
Since Pastor Manning has become such a popular figure in this forum I think it is important to be informed about his ideology and principles.

Here is a page,, from ATLAH, about "Father Ham":

   Ham is the son of Noah.  As the sons of Noah boarded the ark, Almighty God commissioned Shem to be the keeper of the flocks and beasts.  Ham was assigned the task to preserve the knowledge of creation and pre-creation.  He also carried the science of mathematics and medicine with him into the ark.  Japheth wasn't given anything to carry aboard the ark.

    Ham is the father of the dark-skinned, kinky-haired people.  He is also the founder of the nation of Egypt, and his knowledge has enabled his sons to become the builders of the Great Pyramids in Egypt.  These are the inheritances of the sons of Father Ham, and they have been passed onto his descendants.  Yet, when you see the dark-skinned, kinky-haired people today, they have fallen from their level of greatness.

    However, Almighty God has raised up The Honorable James David Manning, as the Priest for this generation to speak a word of deliverance unto them.  That word is called, ATLAH - the land of The Great Light People.  God is returning world power to the dark-skinned, kinky-haired people, and when they rise, they shall institute a level of superiority that cannot be denied nor rivaled by the existing world

So apparently Ham (the youngest of the three sons, father of the colored people), was the clever son, Shem (father of the Semites) was the industrious son, while Japheth (father of the Indo-Europeans) was a bum. I have no idea on which source he relied on when making this claim. And while the bible says that Ham is the father of Kush (Nubia) and Mizraim (Egypt), (and also the cursed Canaan), there is nothing about Ham and his descendants from Kush as being superior. In fact Ham is reported to have committed a deviant act against his own father.

"God is returning world power the the dark-skinned kinky haired people..." - returning ?! As if they had ever had superiority before. This is not a righteous message. This is bible-revisionism and black supremacism.

And another important issue is that Pastor Manning is a self-proclaimed prophet who claim to have been directly addressed by the Lord in at list three occasions. Here his is own testimony (
    ATLAH: That's What God Said!

    "ATLAH Explained"
    by The Honorable James David Manning

    On September 14, 1991, I was home praying at my favorite place.  For many years I had used an old chippendale
    armchair as my place to kneel before the LORD.  My routine
    in prayer was well established; I knelt, observed the verses
    of the Lord's prayer as found in Matthew 6.  From there as was my custom, I waited on the Holy Spirit to inspire me.

    I am not sure how long I had been praying, but I heard myself say the word
    ATLAH: then the Holy Spirit stopped me.  He then said, "see now the word
    you have spoken is the new name I have given for the land formerly called

    For the past thirteen years I have been preaching The Vision of, 50,000
    Righteous Men Living for the Lord in the community formerly called
    Harlem.  Essentially the answer to the problems of this Ghetto can be solved
    by the men becoming Righteous Men, but more importantly Almighty God will
    get the glory when He raises up a people who are now not a people; and the
    world will have to acknowledge it was the Living God who raised up this

    The name ATLAH came from the LORD in the middle of the week, and my first
    opportunity to tell the congregation was Sunday.

    The worship on Sunday was per-usual, but during of the worship I made the
    announcement, that Almighty God has given me a new name for the community
    formerly called Harlem and it is ATLAH.  Some members took out pens and wrote
    the name on scratch paper, some asked how to spell it, and we all returned to
    our normal worship.

    Two weeks later while at prayer at the altar in the sanctuary, the LORD spoke
    again and said, now the word ATLAH mean, "The land where the people shall
    walk barefoot, because the land is Holy Ground."
I need to say that when I first
    heard the word, and what God said about it being a new name, I did not like it.
    I thought that it sounded too much like the word Allah, the Muslim deity.  Beyond
    that it did not have the usual english sound that I am so accustomed, so I did not
    like it.  I bordered on being ashamed of it, but continued in many smalls ways to
    talk about ATLAH.

    Shortly after that time the LORD spoke to me again in a prayer meeting, and said
    the word ATLAH is from Him, and if I would look in the Bible I would discover that
    nearly every name of power in the Bible ends in in the letters "AH."
  I began to
    look and discovered that Isaiah, Jeremiah, Noah , Sarah, Deborah, Shiphrah, Puah,
    Micah, Zephaniah, Zachariah, Moriah, Hallelujah, Jehovah, Messiah, Elijah, and
    the list goes on and on, all ended with the "AH."  In fact, nearly every name in
    the Bible ends in "AH."  I had studies at Union Theological Seminary in NYC, and
    was aware of the "EL" endings, and that it meant God, for instance Emmanu-el
    means that God is with us.

    The "EL" was the prefix for the various names of God; Elohim, El Shaddai, and
    others, but never in all my studies had any one ever pointed out the "AH" endings
    to names in the Word of God.  ATLAH ends in "AH."

    During that same time the LORD led me to the Book of Genesis 2:11, there it talks
    about the land surrounding the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve's paradise.  It names
    the rivers that flow out of that land, and the name of the land is Havi-lah.  There
    we again have not only the "AH" ending, but we have the "LAH" ending, and it is
    related to the land.  The LORD showed me further in the Book of Isaiah 62:4, where
    it talks about the land that the nation of Israel did conquer, and the name of the
    land is called Beu-LAH, again with the Anointed "LAH" meaning.

    Formerly known Harlem has been renamed:  ATLAH

    ATLAH means, the land where the people shall walk barefoot, because the land is
    holy ground. 

    Given to Pastor James David Manning, by Almighty God, 14 September 1991

First of all, regarding the importance of AH in the bible:

In the case of 'Noah' and 'Messiah' the 'h' stands for a different consonant, a khet- 'ח', rather than he- 'ה', so it doesn't belong there at all. In the cases like Hallelujah or Zachariah (in Hebrew the ending has the same spelling), it is totally incorrect to separate just the -ah, since the last vowel of the word is -jah. And -jah indeed represents the name of God. There are many names and letter combinations that represent God in Hebrew, other than 'El'. 'LAH' however, is NOT one of these combinations. Not in Hebrew at list. In Arabic 'lah' (from al-lah), means a god (small 'g'). In names like Michah I think that the j ('י') was dropped to make easier to pronounce. The 'h' in 'Sarah' is significant since the orginal name had been 'Sarai' until God changed it to 'Sarah' so to honor the Matriarch.

On the other end, the 'ah' ending of many other words and names such as 'Ziporah' and 'Havilah' is incidental- the 'ah' simply indicate that these are feminine words.

Now, I don't want to completely discredit Pastor Manning. He apparently does good things for his community, and politically he seems aligned with JTF on much of the issues. He may be a special type of black supremacist but he is not a hater. It is legitimate that his main concern is the betterment of his own community through self improvement, which is a refreshing difference from the hate preaching of self-entitlement to commit crime and to rob the whites through affirmative action, that are the mainstay of most other leaders and ideologists of the black community.

Still It is important to be well aware of his ideological/theological views about race and religion. I can't just disregard the racist and somewhat ridiculous part of his teaching, which happen to be the core of his beliefs.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2008, 07:27:28 AM »
I rethinked what I said about Manning being politically close to JTF. I think he isn't. He opposes Obamma vehemently however he says He would have voted for the socialist racist MLK.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2008, 07:30:20 AM »
I rethinked what I said about Manning being politically close to JTF. I think he isn't. He opposes Obamma vehemently however he says He would have voted for the socialist racist MLK.

he was also a hillary supporter until obama knocked her out.

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2008, 07:50:08 AM »
I think he made up a story in order to correct black people. His theological arguments in the videos are from a Christian point of view 100% correct. I have seen the most videos.

I really don't understand what this ATLAH, "God spoke to me" and Ham issues are good for. It don't fit in the theological frame.

I can only explain it with his intention that he wants to give the black people in his community hope. I don't agree with this method. Also I highly doubt, that god has spoken to him. Perhaps he feels like it happens, but it could be autosuggestion.

I have sent Chaim the ATLAH page you quoted here before a few days. But he is very busy.

Imo let us not look for the hair in the soup. He is one of the best preachers I know. From a Jewish point of view, I think it doesn't matter if he makes up this stories as long he don't influencing Jews. I am shure this is not his goal, he cares mainly about his black Harlem community.

His views on economics, politics and "black rage" are very close to ours.
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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2008, 08:38:32 AM »
  He really is the ONLY black man out there standing against the BEAST.  OF COURSE the words will be OUT OF CONTEXT, the Christian version of Torah is all messed up and MANY MANY MANY things totally missing or incomplete.
 I think it good to point out this err, because that is NOT AT ALL what is written.
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Offline Zelhar

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2008, 10:37:19 AM »
The thing is that we need to make a clear distinction between supporting a leader that represents relative righteousness such as McCain, and supporting a truly righteous leader.   

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2008, 10:59:14 AM »
The thing is that we need to make a clear distinction between supporting a leader that represents relative righteousness such as McCain, and supporting a truly righteous leader.   

Yes you are right. I acknowledge your points of critique.

I disagree too with the mentioned points, namely Manning's statement about the descent of the word ATLAH, his claim of personal conversations with God and his explanations of Hamite history.

There is no excuse for this points with another version of the Bible, because todays modern and revised translations are mostly not Vulgata and Septuaginta based, but directly from the Jewish "Masoretic" codex. At least is this the fact in protestant communities.
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Offline AsheDina

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2008, 11:18:35 AM »
The thing is that we need to make a clear distinction between supporting a leader that represents relative righteousness such as McCain, and supporting a truly righteous leader.   

  It is OBVIOUS that he is way off in his biblical perspective.. the one thing I thank him for, though, is his ability to stand against everything that obama is, even if the whole world went with obama. 

   Zelhar.. do you believe him to be unrighteous, or just OFF?   I dont really see any righteousness in Mccain.  I dont listen to tele-evangelists AT ALL.  I get very angry when I see the things written in THEIR book, and they do totally the contrary.  So, it is really NO WONDER to me that this nation and its leaders are just corrupt, b/c SOMETHING worked in America & its people for almost 200 yrs.
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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2008, 11:39:00 AM »
Paulette, I think Manning means very well, but his measures to reach his goal are imo not in every case adequate. ::)
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2008, 11:47:47 AM »
  It is OBVIOUS that he is way off in his biblical perspective.. the one thing I thank him for, though, is his ability to stand against everything that obama is, even if the whole world went with obama. 

   Zelhar.. do you believe him to be unrighteous, or just OFF?   I dont really see any righteousness in Mccain.  I dont listen to tele-evangelists AT ALL.  I get very angry when I see the things written in THEIR book, and they do totally the contrary.  So, it is really NO WONDER to me that this nation and its leaders are just corrupt, b/c SOMETHING worked in America & its people for almost 200 yrs.

I can't judge him to be unrighteous, as disturbing and racists some of his principles seem to be. He tells his flock to stop be lazy parasitic ignorants. He doesn't blame the whites, and in fact he says he loves America and that Africa means nothing to him. At list in one video he said that he support Israel and every effort to stop nucleariation of Iran. This is a righteous message.

I just can't overlook his claims. I don't know of any other serious Christian who claims to literally speak with God. As much as I respect his good effort I can never trust him because basically, he is an outright liar. May be he is so committed to his goal that he thinks the aim justifies carrying the name of God in vain, or may be he is a cynic and megalomaniac, I don't know, anyway I completely disapprove this.

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2008, 11:55:41 AM »
He's a piece of crap. I don't know why people are all over him.
I haven't met a black that isn't racist in some way.

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2008, 12:38:22 PM »
I can't judge him to be unrighteous, as disturbing and racists some of his principles seem to be. He tells his flock to stop be lazy parasitic ignorants. He doesn't blame the whites, and in fact he says he loves America and that Africa means nothing to him. At list in one video he said that he support Israel and every effort to stop nucleariation of Iran. This is a righteous message.

I just can't overlook his claims. I don't know of any other serious Christian who claims to literally speak with G-d. As much as I respect his good effort I can never trust him because basically, he is an outright liar. May be he is so committed to his goal that he thinks the aim justifies carrying the name of G-d in vain, or may be he is a cynic and megalomaniac, I don't know, anyway I completely disapprove this.

  Ok, I see what you mean.  There are times when I just have a 'knowing' inside of me, and I defintaly feel that G-d is with me, and if I act on that decision, which never contradicts Torah, then I feel good. 
I agree that people ought to be VERY careful what they utter and say: "G-d told them this"  Bush for one example FOR SURE.
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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2008, 04:32:31 PM »
He's a piece of crap. I don't know why people are all over him.
I haven't met a black that isn't racist in some way.

I also don't understand why people are all over him, but to say that he's a piece of crap is going a little bit too far.

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2008, 04:33:50 PM »
He's a piece of crap. I don't know why people are all over him.
I haven't met a black that isn't racist in some way.

Nor have I met a Asian,white, or a hispanic that is not a racist in some way
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 04:40:52 PM by Americanhero »

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2008, 04:41:07 PM »
What rubbish...

Harlem is the holy land....  :laugh:


PS: What is this schmuck smoking? He thinks G-d is talking to him.. He must be insane... The age of prophecy ended over 2000 years ago.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2008, 05:48:43 PM »
I mentioned before that he was a follower of Cone. That's where the black supremacy stuff comes from more than likely. He also believes some quite hilarious Afrocentric stuff like the great Egyptian engineers being black.

None of this changes the fact that if blacks were all like Pastor Manning, we'd all (all races) be a lot better off. I think he does have a mission from G-d to speak to his own people, to inspire pride and hope and to encourage them to work for their own support, etc. I hope he abandons the more silly aspects of his philosophy one day.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 08:59:32 PM by Rubystars »

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2008, 05:54:02 PM »
Hi Rubystars.  Welcome back.  Is everything OK with you? 

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2008, 06:16:51 PM »
Hi Lisa, yes everything is fine :) Thanks so much for caring about me! I was really surprised when I came back and saw that big thread with so many people who had prayed for me. 

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2008, 08:50:39 PM »
Whatever his theological base is, it should not preclude us from working with him on a common goal. You don't always have ideal allies. He sounds intelligent, honest and smart! Of course he is, as he should, first and foremost is concerned with an terrible state of affairs in the black community. I've never heard him saying anything but respectful things about whites in general and Jews in particular. He never said that he supported Hillary, clearly he is a republican supporter.  He gained notoriety. We should work with him.
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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2008, 09:00:55 PM »
Whatever his theological base is, it should not preclude us from working with him on a common goal. You don't always have ideal allies. He sounds intelligent, honest and smart! Of course he is, as he should, first and foremost is concerned with an terrible state of affairs in the black community. I've never heard him saying anything but respectful things about whites in general and Jews in particular. He never said that he supported Hillary, clearly he is a republican supporter.  He gained notoriety. We should work with him.

I supported Hillary against Obama not because I like Hillary (I don't like her at all) but because she was running against Obama. If Pastor Manning did support Hillary I think it was probably for the same reason.

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2008, 09:05:37 PM »
I don't think Manning is a black supremacist.  Actually, in one of his videos, he was encouraging black women to marry white men (as well as Asians).  He said he would perform the wedding ceremony.  He believes it's very hard for black women since many black men end up in jail. 

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2008, 09:10:29 PM »
They don't eat pork. Cool this is for nuturianl purposes
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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2008, 09:20:56 PM »
I don't think Manning is a black supremacist.  Actually, in one of his videos, he was encouraging black women to marry white men (as well as Asians).  He said he would perform the wedding ceremony.  He believes it's very hard for black women since many black men end up in jail. 

That's disgusting. If he really loved black people he would want them to marry honorable black people so there would be more black babies.

Any white man or woman I see with a black is ... well I shouldn't even say what I think of that, because the language is too strong for this forum.

That reminds me, I worked with a cute Asian girl at one of my jobs who had the sweetest personality, etc. and she ended up dating and planning to marry a Mexican and it made me sick to my stomach to think of her polluting her heritage that way and not staying true to her people. It bothers me when any race mixes with another race.

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2008, 09:25:04 PM »
Ok, so white + asian--who is the polluter and who is the pollutee?

Whites and Asians should not mix with each other either. They would both be destroying one another's heritage to do that.

Whites should have enough respect for their white ancestors to stay with whites and Asians should have enough respect for their ancestors to stay with other Asians. Blacks should stay with blacks. Mestizos should marry Mestizos, etc.

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Re: Pastor Manning and ATLAH
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2008, 11:41:39 PM »
Whites and Asians should not mix with each other either. They would both be destroying one another's heritage to do that.

Whites should have enough respect for their white ancestors to stay with whites and Asians should have enough respect for their ancestors to stay with other Asians. Blacks should stay with blacks. Mestizos should marry Mestizos, etc.

She's backkkkk! And angry as ever!
I'm married within my own heritage.