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Hello from Lyon

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Hello everyone, i live in France near Lyon and so did my family since 1882. But for now due to work reasons i'm in Poland near Wroclaw.
I'm 28 and i do my best to rise my 2 beautiful children as rightous jews.  :dance:

I'm really sad to witness what is slowly becoming the "new France". Islamisation is a plague here and it's without a doubt the main raison of the amazing rise of antisenitisn of the past few years.

Of course i strongly support Israel, even if i'm deeply disgusted by the last few governments. Israel should NEVER talk with terrorists arabs, nor should he spoliate rightous colons fom their lands. Israel is G-d given land to Jews.

I discovered your forum while watching a video on youtube about American elections.
I then heard an audio called ask jtf and found it very intresting.
Since a few days i enjoy reading your forum and i finally registred (i have to admit that my i'm a little ashamed of poor english, but with some practice it can only become better)  ;D


Welcome to the forum Betsalèl ;D

Shalom and welcome aboard.  My friend Nathalie was from Lyon.  She made Aliyah in 2003-4 and is now living in Netanya. 

Glad to see you're out of France.  I don't think much has changed since Dreyfus...

Welcome to the JTF forum.  Your English is fine.  

Welcome Aboard!


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