Wow Muman, you actually protested against this? What are you, some kind of fascist?

All kidding aside, do you think that there is one muslim on the face of the earth who would advocate for the sexual liberation of Jews? I can imagine the muslim student groups in America beating their breasts over the oppression of Jewish gay people.
What's wrong with us? Muslims support muslim interests, blacks support black interests, gays support gay interests. And Jews? Well, they support everybody's interests except their own. Deep down, (or maybe not so deep down) these Jews want to be loved more than they want to advance their own causes. They think to themselves, if only we could show the gay muslims that we love them, perhaps they won't want to kill us. Yes, it takes a great deal of idiocy to believe that.
I don't care about the gays, or the muslims, or the gay muslims. Let's devote our energies to help those who deserve it.