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Ask JTF For March 18 Broadcast

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Dear Chaim,

Just curious as to what form of government would be instituted in Israel under the Kahanists?  Would it be based on the United States form of a representative republic, or would it be a socialist form?  It would appear to me that ultimately it should be modeled on how the USA was founded, with a similar constitution and government structure.  Through the riteous gentiles, Hashem formed the USA based on godly principles.  Would there be one state, or several; would there be a separation of powers, or one leader (dictator?).  When you refer to "the Kahanists coming to power" or "when the Kahanists take over" it would appear that you would want complete control (dictatorial control, power concentrated, no checks and balances).  Can you please present some details on the form of government the Kahanists would implement, and how that would be accomplished.

Keep giving us the truth so that we can continue to educate those who don't know, and fight against those who wish to destroy us!


Hidden Author:
1. You say that only conquering Lebanon will secure the border. Yet that would only move the border north so that the same problem would occur as in July 2006. And you can't keep moving the border north forever. And as I explained, the IDF did everything short of conquering the place, with the mass destruction of infrastructure and forced evacuation of hundreds of thousands. But that do not help so what can they do?

2. In a Washington Post column, Senator Alan Simpson called for an end of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. He argued,

--- Quote ---My thinking shifted when I read that the military was firing translators because they are gay. According to the Government Accountability Office, more than 300 language experts have been fired under “don’t ask, don’t tell,” including more than 50 who are fluent in Arabic. This when even Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recently acknowledged the nation’s “foreign language deficit” and how much our government needs Farsi and Arabic speakers.  Is there a “straight” way to translate Arabic?  Is there a “gay” Farsi?  My God, we’d better start talking sense before it is too late. We need every able-bodied, smart patriot to help us win this war.

Since 1993, I have had the rich satisfaction of knowing and working with many openly gay and lesbian Americans, and I have come to realize that “gay” is an artificial category when it comes to measuring a man or woman’s on-the-job performance or commitment to shared goals. It says little about the person. Our differences and prejudices pale next to our historic challenge.
--- End quote ---

What is your response to the "esteemed" senator's argument?

Shalom Chaim,

Hope you are well. :)

1- Last week you mentioned that you had read the Quran. I assume you clearly noticed some of the truths that Haschem revealed to the Jews, also in the Quran, and many of the rules are inter-related, also with christianity. Even though they were probably copied from other scriptures and evilly manipulated. Doesn't it mean that we should partially respect the Quran because otherwise it would be degrading to the truths within it. The spreading of the Quran and Bible has allowed the few truths to at least spread even if represented in the wrong way. What did you make of the stories and the Quran in general?

2- Why do Haisidic jews have curly strands of hair and jewish men wear strings dangling from their trousers?

Thank you. I really cannot keep up the way i'm living, a confusion of religions. Thinking nothing seems more meaningful.  :-\ :-[ :'(

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Sarah, I'm not Chaim, but I can tell you that the Koran is a phony book that plagiarizes parts of the Judeo-Christian Bible and does NOT really validate them. Do remember that Islam is the pagan religion of the Canaanites (Allah is an adaptation of the moon g od Sin) that Mohammed modified just enough to appeal to ignorant Jews and Christians with a poor understanding of their own scriptures.

1. I know he's an awful liberal, but Chaim do you find any of Woody Allen's early films funny? He does have an ingenious sense of comedy in his early films.

2. Does JTF do anything about hunting NAZIs (from WWII)?  Is there anyone pursuing NAZIs anymore or are we letting them get away.


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