Personally, I don't have alot of respect for congress, because of the fact that we treat them like Kings/Queens.
They get the best healthcare, private retirement, etc, etc, etc, they pass laws for us, the American people that they are not effected by in any way, shape or form....

I feel that it is really corrupt......

This is my 2 cents, anyway.....
Of course, we see evidence of the corruption all the time, don't we? Every time someone gets caught buying prostitutes or what have you.
WE, the PEOPLE need to be holding them MUCH MORE ACCOUNTABLE than we have done in the past....
We all need to be speaking UP, writing them LETTERS, getting involved in the LAW MAKING process, etc.
Please go over to if you would like to be doing this.
WE NEED more people to SPEAK UP, too many, way too many people just sit on the sidelines and expect things to work out while our country goes to **** in a handbasket....

I get soooo tired of some of the people I talk to, that just really have NO CLUE or just DON'T CARE....
Well, if Obama gets elected, and things start happening, they will start caring, but then it will be TOO LATE!!!!
ok, Ill get off my soapbox, now.....