Author Topic: Sept 25th Anti Ahmadinejad Rally In NYC.= Stop Him Before It Is Too Late!  (Read 672 times)

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Dear Friends,

Anyone in the NYC area===Please Try To Attend!! Let's Send A Loud Message To The Tyrants Of The World!

Women United, the Jewish Action Alliance, Center for Security Policy, the Catholic League, the Traditional Values Coalition, the Alliance of Iranian Women and many other organizations of all faiths and political affiliations will hold an interfaith counter-rally to protest Ahmadinejad's presence at the United Nations, and to oppose his nuclear weapons program and his outrageous threats against the USA and America's ally, Israel.

Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been invited to speak along with many other politicians, both Democrats and Republicans.

For their definitive responses === Check Web-Site.

Please join us at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, East 42nd St, near Lexington Ave and Grand Central Station in Manhattan, at 5:30pm. PLAN EXTRA TRAVEL TIME because the large number of attendees will affect traffic.

Please visit the website for the rally at - for updates!