General Category > Ask JTF
Ask JTF for Sunday, September 28, 2008.
Hello Chaim,
This may not be very relevant, but I've been perplexed by this for some time. The US DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) has included in its list of 8 critical languages, Hebrew and Japanese. I can understand why the other languages would be included, such as Spanish, Chinese, Arabic... but really do not know why Hebrew and Japanese are included. [Japan has an extremely low drug use rate, and research shows the drugs in Japan especially amphetamines come from North Korea, where the rogue state manufactures them. Yet Korean is not a critical language, according to the DEA.] I was wondering if you maybe knew why Hebrew is included.
Thank you!
This is the order the DEA's list, which seems to me be in order of importance because it is not in alphabetical order.
* Spanish
* French
* Russian
* Hebrew
* Arabic
* Dialects of Nigerian Languages
* Chinese/Mandarin
* Japanese
The wealthiest 1% pay 40% of the federal income tax and this doesn't include astronomical corporate, estate and other indirect taxes therefore at least a significant portion of the bailout that these bankers are getting is their own over taxed money. I'm reluctant to believe that they use loopholes to avoid taxes because this propaganda comes from communists and socialists. I don't believe the government should ever bail out companies but I also don't think the wealthy should be overtaxed. I also heard the Bush administration wanted minorities to own more homes so they supported these bad loan polices. I don't see why the executives should be tried when the government promoted the "corruption." What do you think about the bailout, prosecuting the executives, and do you believe they really use loopholes to avoid taxes?
Do you think the governments ties with corporations is evidence that one of the reasons for the Iraq war could've been oil? Oil prices are high and they aren't getting that cheap oil yet but before they invaded they didn't think they'd be in this mess either.
Hello Chaim.
If an attack from the US or Israel on Tehran seemed to be in the works.... do you think that Russia would sign a non-aggression pact with Iran?
Brian N.
Shalom Chaim, I posted this week, not sure it posted. here's the question again. i have a Friend of mine who like me is an admirer of the late great Meir Kahane. Yeas ago he legally changed his surname to Kahane. He says he is supporting Obama, I told him that is an insult to Kahane's memory, and told him to legally change his surname. He says he no longer on speaking terms with me. your opinion?
Dear Mr. ben Pessach,
what is your oppinion on hotpots in cans in general?
I have a very robust stomach and nearly no problems with any food, even very heavy dishes.
But if I eat this, even light chicken soup, I have stomachaches. But if I cooked it by myself fresh all is fine.
So I quit buying these food, althrough I am a little skinflint and they are normally very cheap. :'(
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