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rachel corey hussein

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--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on September 06, 2006, 08:15:43 PM ---I think I once posted something on her "memorial site" to offend her family. I suggest others do the same. How dare she call her self a name that is of righteous Jewish women (Rachel). She is a Hillul Hashem. Yimach Shema VeZichra, May Her Name and Memory Be Obliterated.

--- End quote ---

We got that one in the new testament, my friend, post the link to her website and or her relatives, lets go tell them all what we think of them


heres the memorial website of the worthless nazi b!tch, Praise G-d God Jesus she has been obliterated to hell for all eternity.

El Cabong!:
She got what she deserved, too bad there wasn't a video of her getting run over.

Hail Columbia:
Maybe the liberals had a point about Darwinism, after reading what happened about that broad.  Anyway, does anyone remember the story about this German anti-nuke activist, who tied himself to railroad tracks, in a feeble attempt to keep a freight train from transporting nuclear material from France to Germany?  His fellow activists, who all failed physics, tried to get the train, which was carrying several dozen boxcars, to stop, when the train was around a couple of dozen feet from the German activist.  Of course, the train couldn't stop in time, and the activist ended up bleeding to death.

Rachel Corey --- useful dhimmi idiot par excellence.


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