Author Topic: A friend of meretz and Jstreet as well as C.A.I.R.  (Read 610 times)

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Offline mord

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A friend of meretz and Jstreet as well as C.A.I.R.
« on: September 24, 2008, 08:27:01 AM »   

Tikun Olam Files IRS Complaint Against Clarion Fund
Sep 24th, 2008 by Richard Silverstein | 0

Promotional packaging for Obsession DVD (click for enlarged image)
After covering the campaign to distribute 28 million DVDs of the anti-Muslim documentary, Obsession, to sway voters to vote Republican in crucial swing states, I’ve decided to file an IRS complaint (form 13909) against the Clarion Fund, which produced the film and distributed it.  There are too many subterfuges involved in the production of this film and the way that Clarion does business.

It is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  That’s why the film’s packaging makes this bogus claim:

Clarion Fund is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization devoted to educating the public about national security issues.

501c3’s are prohibited from engaging in direct partisan political activity.  Yet Radical Islam, another Clarion website, featured an endorsement of John McCain’s candidacy.  It is Republican bedrock principle to frighten American voters with the bogeyman of Islamic terror.  If they do, they figure they win as they have a lock on the national security vote.  George Bush, Dick Cheney and now, John McCain have done this since 9/11.  Similarly, Raphael Shore, the film’s producer and director of Clarion Fund, bets that any voter he can scare with this film is likely to vote Republican.

The Republican Jewish Coalition has sent out mass mailings of Obsession to various Jewish mailing lists.  Right-wing evangelical groups distributed it at both national political conventions.  The film’s packaging features this message:

The threat of Radical Islam is the most important issue facing us today.  But it’s a topic that neither the presidential candidates nor the media are discussing openly (!).  It’s our responsibility to ensure we can all make an informed decision come November.

In short, everything about this film and Clarion Fund is partisan and political.  As such, the latter has clearly violated IRS regulations governing the behavior of non-profit organizations.

Further, every non-profit is required to file an IRS form 990 and make it accessible to the public.  Clarion Fund acknowledges it has not done so.  Gregory Ross, it’s PR flack claims it’s level of activity was not substantial enough to meet the threshold for filing a 990.  I’m no expert on 501c3 regulations (though I AM a former non-profit fundraiser), but this sounds entirely bogus to me.  This is another issue that the IRS should investigate as part of my complaint.

Will Evans of Truthdig writes that 501c3’s do not have to reveal their donor lists.  This could be a golden reason why Shore has registered as a non-profit.  He gives his donors the opportunity to make tax-deductible gifts to Clarion at the U.S. taxpayer’s expense.  In the meantime, he can conceal their identity in ways that would not be possible were Clarion a different type of entity.

Finally, if anyone doubts the partisan nature of this film, the list of interviewees includes Alan Dershowitz, fake PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat, Nonie Darwish, Brigitte Gabriel, and Muslim-hater Daniel Pipes.  Among the endorses with blurbs listed on the DVD are Jewish neocon Michael Medwed, an analyst from the right-wing Hudson Institute, and a professor from the U.S. Navy War College.

I’ve just discovered that CAIR has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against the Clarion Fund, claiming it is a front for Aish HaTorah and is shilling for the McCain campaign. CAIR believes the funding for distribution of the DVDs comes from Aish. My money is still on the RJC, but who knows.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Ulli

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Re: A friend of meretz and Jstreet as well as C.A.I.R.
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2008, 09:23:30 AM »
This guy is nuts. Why he doesn't drop the Jewish coverage and joins openly the American Communist party?  :::D
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline mord

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Re: A friend of meretz and Jstreet as well as C.A.I.R.
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2008, 09:37:20 AM »
This guy is nuts. Why he doesn't drop the Jewish coverage and joins openly the American Communist party?  :::D
Really these pro terrorist anti Israel anti American communists now make claims to being pro Israel when we know that their really pro mo slum .LOOK HERE HE SUPPORTS CAIR THEY HAVE SO MANY UNINDITED  CO CONSPIRITORS IN CAIR 

Allyson Rowen Taylor Trashes CAIR at ‘Mighty Heart’ Screening
Jun 27th, 2007 by Richard Silverstein | 11
Allyson Rowen Taylor was in her element at an interfaith screening of A Mighty Heart in Los Angeles. During the panel discussion featuring a representative of CAIR and Rabbi Dov Beliak among others, Taylor lit up the room with her bilious Islamophobia “likening CAIR’s involvement to ‘David Duke co-sponsoring ‘Schindler’s List. The only reason they like this film is because it’s about a dead Jew…’”

Variety must’ve thought it made for a good Jewish cat fight as it featured an entire story about Taylor’s eruption. Naturally, the right-wing blog world has taken up the cause. Why? Besides the fact that the panel discussion actually included a Muslim organization, which implies that Muslims don’t actually relish the idea of killing Jews like Pearl, the Israel super-patriot crowd detests CAIR, likening it to an Arab terror group. In addition, I’m guessing that the film is insufficiently anti-Muslim for Judea Pearl, Daniel Pearl’s neocon father, and folks like Rowen Taylor.

But before anyone else takes up this cause they ought to stop and examine their Joan of Arc. Rowen Taylor is the same person who provided dubious (in my opinion) supporting testimony claiming Rabbi Chaim Seidler Feller initiated a physical attack upon Rachel Neuwirth. She is the very same person who wrote a harassing message to the personal e mail account of Adam Horowitz, an American Friends Service Committee staff member, asking “why do you hate being a Jew, why are you in favor of murdering Jews??.” (By the way, thanks again to Muzzlewatch for providing the tip that led to this story and its coverage by The Forward). It’s the same Rowen Taylor who wrote a comment at Amazon about Jimmy Carter’s best seller: “This is a work of a man who clarly [sic] is in cahoots with the radical Islamofacists…”

If Variety or anyone else wishes to make Rowen Taylor their poster girl regarding this movie they should know she’s a well-known trash talker–anti-Muslim slurs, her speciality. All Daniel Pearl represents for her is an opportunity to promote her Islamophobic agenda. I guess a “dead Jew” (her phrase, not mine) is as good a figure as any to serve her purposes.

By the by, Variety tantalizingly writes about Rowen Taylor’s recent job history, she “has been involved in orgs such as the American Jewish Congress and Stand With Us.” Wonder if she’s bailed out of Stand With Us just as she bailed from AJCongress. If so, that would be a very short stay with the former employer. Perhaps they found her as loose a cannon as the AJCongress’ director did when he spoke with me about her job performance. Nah, given Stand With Us’ Israel super-patriotism and allergy to Muslims, she and that group are a match made in heaven. I’m guessing she’s still working with them, but some clarification is in order.

Hat tip to Muzzlewatch for this story.

UPDATE: Thanks to Rabbi Dov Beliak, a panel member at the screening discussion, for writing a comment below denouncing the types of attitudes represented by poor, twisted Allyson in her tirade against CAIR

more on CAIR
« Last Edit: September 24, 2008, 10:28:14 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: A friend of meretz and Jstreet as well as C.A.I.R.
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2008, 01:26:48 PM »
aish hatorah?  the paranoia of the muzzies knows no bounds...

Offline mord

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Re: A friend of meretz and Jstreet as well as C.A.I.R.
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2008, 01:29:09 PM »
aish hatorah?  the paranoia of the muzzies knows no bounds...
:::D :::D :::D They are  backward bacteria and what is needed is antibiotics
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03