Author Topic: Paulson Pleaded for McCain to Save Bailout  (Read 630 times)

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Offline Roadwarrior

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Paulson Pleaded for McCain to Save Bailout
« on: September 25, 2008, 07:05:54 PM »
CNN David Gergen was lecturing Mccain not to "parachute" in
and interfere .....An apology is in order from the likes of Gergen
and Mathews who cynically questioned Mccain's motives

Schieffer: Paulson Pleaded for McCain to Save Bailout

So much for a "stunt."

John McCain got involved in the bailout negotiations after Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson told Sen. Lindsey Graham yesterday that the bailout plan would fail unless McCain came in and brought balky Republicans aboard.   That's what Bob Schieffer reported on this morning's Early Show.  Schieffer's account stands in stark contrast with the allegation by Dems like Barney Frank and their MSM cohorts that McCain's moves of yesterday were nothing more than a political "stunt."

Here was Schieffer speaking with the Early Show's Maggie Rodriguez at 7:05 AM EDT today:

BOB SCHIEFFER: I am told, Maggie, that the way McCain got involved in this in the first place, the Treasury Secretary was briefing Republicans in the House yesterday, the Republican conference, asked how many were ready to support the bailout plan. Only four of them held up their hands. Paulson then called, according to my sources, Senator Lindsey Graham, who is very close to John McCain, and told him: you've got to get the people in the McCain campaign, you've got to convince John McCain to give these Republicans some political cover. If you don't do that, this whole bailout plan is going to fail. So that's how, McCain, apparently, became involved.
Continued Schieffer . . . 

SCHIEFFER: He has gotten what he wants, he's going to have this meeting, kind of a summit today with the president and Barack Obama.  I'm told that the leaders of both parties are getting close to having some kind of a bill. The question, though, is whether rank-and-file Republicans, especially, are going to vote for this. 

And that's where McCain comes in.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Paulson Pleaded for McCain to Save Bailout
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2008, 07:22:43 PM »
I hope it fails and these companies collapse.  If I were to get into financial difficulty due to my corruption, I'd not be bailed out but shipped off to jail... 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline jaime

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Re: Paulson Pleaded for McCain to Save Bailout
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2008, 08:14:27 PM »
Really?  Geraldo Riveria mentioned class action lawsuits by taxpayers and a few other issues.  Paulsen was stunned when he was informed he would not be getting the $700 B in one lump sum.  Paulsen's first response to any bailout is that he will demand, before a judge, that whatever Congress, Senate, taxpayers, President, want, is not going to happen.  His agenda before a judge will be that what he says goes and no one can fight him.   

Geraldo is in disagreement w/Judge Andrew Napolitano who discussed constitutional law.  I think I will start another thread to show the unconstitutionality of this unfair bailout.  Richard Shelby (R) from Alabama came out of the West Wing waving crumpled up 5 pages of report from top scholars in the country at the finest universities/colleges and called it a "bad plan," and was outraged.

Naturally, Barack Hussein Obama had a different viewpoint.  I just rec'd this from my newsletter from Human Events.  Here is what BHO said:

Emboldened Democrats—including Sen. Barack Obama—are forcefully pushing an unapologetically interventionist line, stating repeatedly, in as clear terms as possible, that capitalism is the problem and government is the solution. It's the sort of stark rhetoric Democrats have mostly avoided for the past 12 years, but they feel they can get away with in the light of the Republican administration's accelerating march towards nationalizing the financial sector.

Regarding Paulsen, Human Events said this today:

The mood of the day in Washington is panic and fear. Lawmakers in meetings with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke left ashen-faced when warned about the potential course of the U.S. economy absent a massive bailout. Those in the know keep hushed tones and insist "trust us," while laymen—basically everyone in Congress and the press—fear the unspeakable catastrophe around the corner.

Regarding Sen. McCain, Human Events said this:
The administration's vast bailout plan is meeting resistance this week, with Democrats calling for a more populist plan, Sen. John McCain and others on Capitol Hill calling for more congressional oversight of these proposed new powers for Treasury, and some conservatives and economists of all stripes questioning the efficacy of Paulson's plan, if not the broad idea of a bailout.

See this link to read entire newsletter going into more extensive details from everyone:

Offline jaime

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Re: Paulson Pleaded for McCain to Save Bailout
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2008, 08:19:42 PM »
Nancy Pelosi's Scam Energy Drill called "Hoax"

More political games designed to dupe the American people!  Increased prices at the pump!  More dependence on oil from Iran, Venezuela and other foreign countries that HATE America!

That basically sums up Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her liberal cohorts’ plan to address our nation’s energy crisis.

Indeed, leave it to the Pelosi Politburo to pass a bill, literally in the dark of night, that EFFECTIVELY PROHIBITS domestic drilling and then try to sell the legislation to the American people as a measure that opens up domestic drilling!

In case you missed it, here's the play by play on Pelosi’s energy “hoax”:

Last Monday at 9:45 PM, Pelosi dropped a 245-page bill on Congress (H.R. 6899, the so-called “Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act.”).

Then, using arcane procedural maneuvers, she effectively stifled substantive debate, by-passed the committee process, prohibited amendments and forced a vote within 24 hours!

And on Tuesday evening, the House of Representatives passed this "sham bill" on a mostly partisan vote of 239-189!

And Pelosi's bill is NOTHING BUT SMOKE AND MIRRORS.  It will ACTUALLY PROHIBIT DOMESTIC DRILLING, RAISE YOUR TAXES, and has a 'mother-load' of Congressional pork!

Republican House Minority Leader, John Boehner, had this to say: "It would permanently lock up 80 percent of our nation's offshore energy resources -- holding hostage billions of barrels of American oil."

Congressman Jeb Hensarling called it “a hoax bill that would permanently prevent exploration of nearly 90 percent of the Outer Continental Shelf for American energy and block energy production in arctic Alaska and the Inter-Mountain West." [Emphasis Mine]

House Minority Whip Roy Blunt said; "I'm offended.... And the American people should be offended that we're not doing the job for them that really matters."

Right now, this "Pelosi sham bill" is on the fast-track to the Senate and the only thing that may stand in its way -- and the passage of REAL energy legislation that will actually open up domestic drilling -- is YOU and millions of other concerned Americans!

If we don't take action right now, the mantra of "drill here and drill now" may be replaced by a policy of "drill nowhere, drill never and raise taxes on the American people."

And we can't let that happen!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush and each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate.

Tell them that the American people are not fooled and REFUSE to be held hostage by "sham legislation." The American people know that this Pelosi "sham" will only PROHIBIT domestic drilling and raise taxes on average Americans!

Tell them that "drill here and drill now" means just that. The American people expect them to stand firm AGAINST "smoke and mirror" legislative plans and to get busy passing REAL energy legislation that will lower the price of gasoline at the pump and decrease our dependence on foreign oil!
-Send My Blast Faxes-

If the above hyperlink does not function, copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser

And The Liberal Media Gives Pelosi Political Cover

Read more here:

The liberal media is already giving Pelosi political cover and repeating the lie.

Within minutes of the passage of this "sham legislation":
Reuters wrote: "The U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation Tuesday that lifts a longstanding ban on offshore oil drilling, opening most of the U.S. coastline to exploration."

The New York Times wrote: "The House on Tuesday night approved a measure that would ease a longstanding ban on offshore oil drilling..."

CNN: "The House of Representatives on Tuesday night passed an energy bill clearing the way for more oil drilling off U.S. coasts..."

But the sad truth is that this legislation DOES NOT lift the ban on offshore drilling; it actually effectively puts MORE RESTRICTIONS on offshore drilling!

Fortunately, some news outlets are allowing the TRUTH to come out.  Rep. John Shadegg published an editorial in the Wall Street Journal which lays out the facts on Pelosi’s “energy hoax.”

Shadegg wrote, in part:

"But the problem is that their plan, which passed the House yesterday and will likely come up for a vote in the Senate later this week, will not produce a single drop of oil." [Emphasis Mine]

"We're told that the Democrats now favor drilling. That they have seen the light after feeling the heat all summer. What's really happening is we're mid-way through a political hoax. [Emphasis Mine]

"Some 70% of Americans favor increased domestic drilling. Unfortunately, if Mrs. Pelosi and her party's leaders continue to play politics, we can be sure Americans won't get the energy they want."

Rep. Hensarling was more plain-spoken: