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Why did Serbhatred cross American Political Lines?
« on: September 27, 2008, 11:32:11 PM »
One notes that both Joseph Biden and John McCain were in agreement regarding supporting the KLA. No party has clean hands in the matter but not all who participated have dirty hearts.

There was a massive amount of disinformation that influenced people. The timing and use of disinformation reached a state of directly influencing the battle in real-time to a massive extent. The effectiveness of it continues to pay unseen dividends to Bosnia and Jihadists around the world. This is because disinformation alters the targets perception of their interests.

Due to a lack of workable ties to the region and a state of general disinterest, higher level leaders simply did not know much about the Balkans. Yugoslavia was important in WWII but Americans have a type of historical Alzheimer's that impairs the working of long-term memory. The immediate media barrage by the secessionist government of Slovenia played well to ignorant Western journalists setting very important conceptions about Serbs in place.

Given a type of unconscious Western arrogance, Westerners could easily believe that the state of local morals was primitive and that one side was brutal. They were correct in a fashion. Croatia's treatment of people was sadistic if they didn't see journalists or neutral observers around. The Bosnian Muslims could use their "victim" status to demand massive Western support based on their supposedly being subject to mass killings while the fact that Muslims were conducting them was suppressed. Crimes were committed, they were just committed by the parties the Westerners out of the loop were backing.

In evaluating the situation, the propaganda of Slovenia set important precedents to a desultory war. The later propaganda efforts of Croatia went even further and dehumanized Serbs to Westerners too ignorant to know the truth. Some people with emotional attachments to a Catholic identity automatically believed Ustashi propaganda.

In conducting their efforts, the Croats mimicked common Western concerns and Political Correctness. They gave it a veneer of democratic values that was not credible if one looked at the situation with a bit of cynicism. Sadly, Western journalists have lost that valuable tool. Soldiers are by nature cynics and could evaluate the situation better on the ground but no one asks the opinion of a soldier in deciding what to do.

There was gradual information trickling up to the politicians but the problem was that true and confirmed information flow was much slower and less well received that information that arrived first and that confirmed the local political biases. People unquestioningly used Croatian and Muslim sources. Some intelligence did flow up from the ground but the flow was constrained by the ignorance of the upper level people and the need to give them a message they will accept.

Is there much inherent illwill in the American perception of Serbs? No, the illwill is a result of believing that Serbs committed a vast array of crimes. This is more the product of general goodwill coupled with blindness and holding massive firepower and an itchy trigger.

Some people believe in the goodness of America and the ability to spread American ideas and standards to the rest of the world by force. They are not entirely wrong as history shows and Iraq is now probably a bit better of in terms of rational thinking that it had been before. The problem arises when they then blindly accept whatever side tries to bring America in.

The Croats had lived in the West and knew how to make Westerners believe them. The Muslims followed the Croat example. The Albanians followed the Muslim example. The Serbs tried to be honest within the confines of military necessity. Serbs thought in a basic military and legal context constrained by honesty. Their local enemies did not feel the need to be honest and could enlist the support of people to gullible to know otherwise.

It is an extension of goodwill to all that some Americans hate Serbs. The information they are using is derived from Croat and Muslim propaganda. Military and intelligence sources on the ground are only of use to scholars because the leaders never looked at them. The read the newspapers or watched TV.

Some people here say "No on could be that stupid!". They are. Americans do not understand geopolitics or strategy. Their memory is too short. Americans do understand business and thus can afford to be generous. This should not be construed as a pure financial motive for backing one side or another. The amount of military and financial aid far outweighs the profit to be gained from it. The problem is one of ignorance and mindless faith in the media.

Some people searched for information but by then everyone else had moved on and found the assessments of the researchers to be in opposition with the news reports they had relied on earlier. When choosing between intelligence analysts and journalists, politicians will pick journalists. This effect is exacerbated in Democratic administrations.

Biden did not move on. He continued to proclaim himself an expert and was open to all Serbhatred. McCain was simply a trigger happy politician with an invulnerable faith in the use of force to right things is the right hands. Most Americans have barely heard of the conflict and the few who have make their judgments from the media.

Disinformation is the root of the problem.
Never underestimate human error. You may erroneously assume a different location but the magnitude is still beyond human comprehension.

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Re: Why did Serbhatred cross American Political Lines?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2008, 01:26:20 AM »
"One notes that both Joseph Biden and John McCain were in agreement regarding supporting the KLA."

TRUE. But both of them were major recipients of Bosnian and Albanian Muslim and Croat Ustasha Nazi largesse in the form of  large sums of money in the form of "campaign contributions" for many years PRIOR to the outbreak of war in 1991.

"Some people here say "No on could be that stupid!". They are. Americans do not understand geopolitics or strategy. Their memory is too short."

TRUE again. The ordinary American people I hate to admit are genearally ill-informed about Balkan politics and World War 2 history but the politicians and leaders on Capitol Hill including Congressmen and Senators are privy to much privileged information apart from watching the CFR controlled CNN, CBS, ABC, MSNBC,WP, NYT, etc.

Your position is that politicians - Congressmen and Senators - were all merely DUPED by Bosnian Muslim & Albanian Muslim (i.e., Islamofascist) and Croat (i.e., Roman Catholic Ustasha Nazi) propaganda.

While this may well have been the case from mid 1991 to early 1993, this position becomes increasingly difficult to sustain after 1993 since the Croats and Muslims were slaughtering each other in central Bosnia from early 1993 for over an entire year and US Congressman and Senators could no longer sustain the "its all the fault of the evil Serbs!" baloney.

THE REAL ANSWER IS NOT IGNORANCE OF THE FACTS BY AMERICAN POLITICIANS BUT $$$$$ MONEY $$$$$ - LOTS and LOTS of it - being given to Congressmen and Senators during the decades of the 1980's and 1990's by Albanian and Bosnian Muslim as well as Croat and Slovenian Roman Catholic lobbying groups.

Here is an excerpt from an article exposing all of the above by the world renowned and highly respected director of the Strategic Issues Research Institute of the United States (SIRI-US), former Vietnam veteran and conservative commentator, Benjamin Works:


Buying An Intervention: Kosovo & Albanian Pac Money In Congress
By Benjamin Works

Director, Strategic Issues Research Institute

"Back in 1995, late in the Bosnian war, I got a reference to a 1986 Senate resolution proposed by Senator Bob Dole of Kansas, decrying Yugoslavian official oppression of the Albanian population of Kosovo --that's 1986, when the Albanian Autonomous government was still fully operational. Joseph DioGuardi, a New York Republican, sponsored the companion House Resolution, both of which never emerged from committee.

I got a copy of that Senate Resolution Nr. 150 from the CongressionalRegister of June 19, 1986 and then let it sit in my file for a long time, while the NATO occupation of Bosnia appeared to keep things calm.

Meanwhile, Bob Dole managed to lose the 1996 Presidential Election, then vigorously supported Mr. Clinton's year-by-year extensions for keeping some 6900 US soldiers in Bosnia.

As the KLA insurrection in Kosovo reached civil war levels, I began to think about that resolution and how it misrepresented history. I had done considerable reading on the origins of the Yugoslav conflicts,pulling Washington Post, New York Times and other reports from the 1980s, bearing on Kosovo and the collapse of the Federative Republic's communist government under the pressure of ethnic-nationalism.

Well, pieces fit together showing that all along it has been the ethnic nationalist fascist losers of World War II in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo who have been exploiting the political process in Germany and the United States. Their goal has been to effect the division of Yugoslavia and the cleansing of Serbian populations from their territories, while purporting that "Greater Serbia" was the menace to European security and not the post-fascist "Greater Croatia" and "Greater Albania."Survivors of the Croat Ustashe movement in southern Germany began their work in the 1960s, but Joseph DioGuardi must be given credit for a sustained campaign to influence Congress beginning in the mid-1970s.

DioGuardi, an Albanian American whose ancestors came from an Albanian transplant community in the heel of Italy, sat in Congress for several years in the mid-1980s as a Conservative Republican from New York'sWestchester County, but creating a Greater Albania was his agenda as a map on his website shows ( His Political Action Committee (PAC) activities are easy to follow from 1988 on.

WW2 Fascist-Nazi Albanian KLA "Greater Albania" Map on Joe DioGuardi's site ( for many years:

Above: KLA (UCK) ALBANIAN TERRORISTS - Then US Ambassador to the UN Richard Holbrooke with a [KLA] UCK commander, summer 1998 - KLA Leaders have denied any responsibility for the war and post-war violence against Serb and other non-Albanian citizens.

"What makes the PAC and individual contributions to campaigns more interesting is the demonstrated connection between the Kosovo Heroin Mafia, its "pizza connection" distribution ("inherited" from the Gambino crime family) and money-laundering networks, and the number of pizzaria owner-contributors listed in DioGuardi's filings. The Croats and Albanians came up with big pots of launderedmoney, then spread it around selectively, with American politicians helping to persuade other members in Congress.

I have indications of a political alliance between DioGuardi and Bob Dole going as far back as the early 1970s, but have not yet got all the evidence in hand. What I do have is sufficient to reach tentative conclusions about how foreign policy, in a democracy, can be "bought" --that is precisely what happened in the case of the Kosovo Air War."

Here is a quote posted by our friend Andrew Brookes (InfidelWarrior) on Canadian conservative pro-Israel site "Israpundit":

McCain suports the KLA Islamic-Fascist Jihadists in Kosovo.

I have done a search on Israpundit’s archives and I have found that McCain vigorously supported the Islamo-Nazi KLA terrorist group by not only calling for the bombing of Serbia in 1999 in support of these Jihadist fascists, but actively pushing Bill Clinton to arm the KLA.

This admission from an Albanian website

“(R) Senator John McCain who made his name nationally known by advocating the 1999 NATO Bombing of Serbia. Back in 1999, McCain even advocated the we send American troops into Kosova [Kosovo] on behalf of the KLA.

“McCain has consistently been on the Albanian American Civic League’s payroll and even marched with them a year after the NATO intervention.

“McCain receives 47% of his campaign donations from $2,300 or more contributors. McCain is a conservative Republican and aggressive interventionist.

Disgraced Congressman Joe DioGaurdi’s Albanian American Civic League [AACL] is the Albanian Jihadist-Fascist KLA’s front-group in the United States.

Here’s a photo of

McCain at a pro-KLA rally with DioGaurdi

Just who are the KLA?

See here:

The roots of Kosovo fascism

And this from Israpundit’s archives:

"Obviously, [DioGaurdi's AACL] displaying a map showing an Albanian nation encompassing a large chunk of Serbia, half of Macedonia, and parts of Montenegro and Greece was not advertising a commitment to “freedom and democracy” but something else altogether. However, the removal of the map did not change the content of the website, indicating that the leopard may have changed his spots, but not his nature…

And this:

Benjamin Works has exposed this Albanian bribery of Congressmen and Senators since the mid 1980’s on his brilliant US think tank SIRI-US (Strategic Issues Research Institute of the United States)

Just type in DioGuardi KLA into the search facility on the SIRI-US website.

Here is a comment from Benjamin Works on Joe DioGuardi in 1998 (Works predicted that lobbying by the AACL on Capitol Hill would eventually lead to the Clinton-led NATO bombing of Serbia over Kosovo)

“DioGuardi heads The Albanian-American Civic League and openly advocates carving a Greater Albania out of parts of Greece, Macedonia, all of Kosovo and part of Montenegro.

“This just does not conform with OSCE law or any other international law.

“Given the chaos within Albania, a responsible leader would focus on that, not on tricking the world into a general Balkan war. Oh; don’t forget that Bob Dole is in cahoots with DioGuardi; proof it is a bad policy.”


I also suggest you visit Julia Gorin's blog and type in the following names into the search facility:

Lantos, Biden, Liebermann, Wolf, McCain, Engel, Gilman, Hoyer, Dole, Hyde, Traficant, DioGaurdi, Clark (as in former 2004 presidential candidiate, Wesley Kanne Clark)

Also note our friend Nathan Pearlstein's comments early last year on Israpundit:


Bill Narvey, my apologies for the delay in replying. You write:

“…it seems that because Lantos supported Kosovo becoming an independent state he may too have been conned…”

“Conned”? Surely you must be joking right, Bill? Is Rep Tom Lantos a hopelessly naive teenager?

Are the entire Western NATO/EU & US government establishments also a bunch of hopelessly naive teenagers? Or are they all suffering from selective amnesia?

Lantos has been involved with the KLA’s front group in the United States, the Albanian American Civic League (AACL) - which incidentally, as the KLA’s leading lobbying arm in the United States Congress, lobbied for the arming of the Islamist Nazi terrorist KLA during the conflict in 1998/1999 - Lantos having been involved with pro-Albanian lobbying even before the AACL’s founding in January 1989. That was 18 years ago!

Over that 18 year period Lantos (D-CA) along with former Congressman DioGaurdi, Congressmen Henry Hyde and Benjamin Gilman(R-NY) has personally introduced or otherwise supported many proposed US House Congressional Resolutions calling for the arming of the KLA by the US government and the independence of the murderous gangster & terrorist led province of Kosovo. Tom Lantos, along with former Congressman DioGaurdi, Henry Hyde and Benjamin Gilman during 1999 urge recognition of the terrorist Islamist Nazi KLA’s leaders as a legitimate “freedom fighter” organization fighting on behalf of the “oppressed” Albanian population in Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, etc.

Lantos is lauded (as is Senator Joe Lieberman) by the AACL on their website where it proudly states:

“[March 1999]The Civic League holds a second rally in front of the UN with Jewish leaders to protest the ongoing genocide in Kosova. April Traficant introduces the Kosovar Independence and Justice Act, H. Con. Res. 1425, calling for the arming of the KLA, the indictment of Slobodan Milosevic as a war criminal, and the independence of Kosova…the Civic League holds a rally in Washington, DC, with Senator Joseph Lieberman and Congressmen Ben Gilman, Jim Traficant, Stenny Hoyer, and Tom Lantos, calling the U.S. government to arm the KLA, to grant Kosova independence, and to indict Milosevic as a war criminal.”

Comment by Nathan Pearlstein — January 21, 2007 @ 2:44 am

(Comment by Nathan Pearlstein continued...)

Let me ask you this Bill, when you write “…so many nations and leaders were conned“, are you seriously trying to imply that Lantos and the entire Western government establishments including their mouthpieces in the corporate controlled mass media were also “conned” for an entire 18 year period about the KLA’s real nature: that of a brutal, sadistic, Nazi terrorist organization guilty of heinous crimes against Jewish and Serbian civilians in Kosovo?

Are you seriously trying to imply that with the Western corporate mass media’s & NATO/EU and US governments’ trillions of dollars in funds and massive information gathering resources these governments and giant media corporations possess, that they were still somehow innocently and naively “conned” for 18 years about the KLA?

That they were all totally unaware for an entire 18 year period that the KLA is nothing but a murderous Islamist Nazi separatist terrorist group guilty of barbaric crimes such as beheadings, eye gouging, disembowlment of pregnant women, bodily dismemberment and the brutal expulsion of Kosovo’s entire Jewish, Serbian and Roma community numbering 350,000 people: crimes perpetrated after the United Nations & NATO took over the province in June 1999?

Please Bill, surely you don’t really believe that they were all innocently and naively unaware of these crimes for that many years do you?

This quote from Jared Israel of Emperor’s Clothes, from the article “Stranger than Fiction: NATO and the US Sponsor Terror in Kosovo and Macedonia”:

Mr. Lee's suggestion that Dulles' rescue and empowerment of Gehlen was somehow less monstrous because he was "fooled" about Gehlen's Nazi beliefs is typical of the way the mass media has been whitewashing American foreign policy since 1945.

According to this reasoning, it is a crime if Nazis (or Islamist terrorists) go out and commit atrocities on their own. But if they commit atrocities at the behest of American leaders who are a) naive about who these Nazis (or Islamist terrorists) are and b) only using these Nazis or terrorists in pursuit of good American values, then it is OK. This treats the American foreign policy establishment as if it were some perpetual teenager who may have fallen in with a bad crowd, but heck, he'll grow out of it.

It seems that anytime the leaders of the foreign policy establishment are implicated in some vicious act that suggests not only hypocrisy but criminal misconduct, they and the media put the blame on confusion, inefficiency, bewilderment, lack of preparedness - that is, human error. These vast bumbling bureaucracies don't plot evil deeds, they just totally "screw up", is the idea.

Perhaps someone did a study which revealed that ordinary people will forgive any official misdeed as long as the guilty party quickly and freely confesses to stupidity or incompetence (rather than evil intent)"

Bill, I strongly urge you to read the following articles:

Comment by Nathan Pearlstein — January 21, 2007 @ 7:16 am

Offline Pescarii

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Re: Why did Serbhatred cross American Political Lines?
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 02:15:48 AM »
While money was involved, money is always involved. Bribery is how politics works.

Bob Dole had a Croat staffer and aid who supplied him with the Croat view of Jugoslavia. Dole was working from this twisted perspective in deciding whom to side with and take money from. Just because information is public, does not mean that it is seen.

The information was available and some managed to get through the institutional blocks. The problem is more a matter of Ideology mixed with psychology. Politicians, like ordinary people, tune out unpleasant facts which contradict the vision of the world as they need for their egos. They wanted to be heroes so they imagined the situation to be one where they were backing the "good guys" and ignored the logical problems that became evident when the Croats and Muslims started fighting each other.

The politicians became invested psychologically in the vision of Evil Serbs and in their own backing of the Muslims and less so the Croats. Viewing the Serbs as evil presented few emotional difficulties for the politicians due to both Croats and Muslims saying the same thing.
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Re: Why did Serbhatred cross American Political Lines?
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2008, 12:49:38 PM »
Serbs and Greeks should jointly hit Albania.
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Re: Why did Serbhatred cross American Political Lines?
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2008, 05:15:07 PM »
While money was involved, money is always involved. Bribery is how politics works.

Bob Dole had a Croat staffer and aid who supplied him with the Croat view of Jugoslavia. Dole was working from this twisted perspective in deciding whom to side with and take money from. Just because information is public, does not mean that it is seen.

The information was available and some managed to get through the institutional blocks. The problem is more a matter of Ideology mixed with psychology. Politicians, like ordinary people, tune out unpleasant facts which contradict the vision of the world as they need for their egos. They wanted to be heroes so they imagined the situation to be one where they were backing the "good guys" and ignored the logical problems that became evident when the Croats and Muslims started fighting each other.

The politicians became invested psychologically in the vision of Evil Serbs and in their own backing of the Muslims and less so the Croats. Viewing the Serbs as evil presented few emotional difficulties for the politicians due to both Croats and Muslims saying the same thing.

I agree with your take on the above. When you combine psychology - the need for these Congressmen and Senators to be [acting like] heroes fighting another Holocaust [albeit a totally phony one ] - combined with lots and lots of MONEY and disinfo from Croat, Albanian and Bosnian muslim -paid US PR firms like Ruder & Finn - and you have the US government fighting on the side of pure EVIL.

Thanks for your great reply. Good job Pescarii !!



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Re: Why did Serbhatred cross American Political Lines?
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2008, 07:29:07 AM »
Here is an article from a bit of anti-Serb propagandists. They point out the amateur nature of Serb propaganda efforts and lobbying while it would seem to be in their interests to present Serbs as having a massive propaganda machine.

The interesting psychological element is that they are composed of the leftist idealist activists that attempt to "get to the root causes". They accuse the Serbs of propaganda and lying while they use information that originated with the Bosnian Foreign Ministry, the Croatian CIC, and Ruder-Finn. This is due to their not checking the origins of the sources and giving undisputed credibility to the anti-Serb governments indirectly.

This is most likely due to several factors. One is that the timing of the propaganda campaign by the Croatians allowed the Croats to cut off any future ability to lobby by the Serbs. Few PR firms would take a contract from Serbs if they believed the Serbs were guilty. Timing mattered in persuading people not to deal with Serbs.

Another factor is that the accusations of genocide made by the Croatians and Muslims covered them from Serb accusations of genocide. There is a psychological factor among Westerners that "victims" are never guilty. This made a critical evaluation of Croat and Muslims sources viewed as morally odious. That safely protected Croat and Muslims victimhood until Croats and Muslims started fighting. By then, once the government is involved, they needed to operate on the side given to them by the media and their political superiors. They had difficulty choosing between Muslims and Croats but it was simpler to "roll-back" the Serbs.

This stemmed from disinformation that Western troops on the ground had a better chance of critically viewing than the media. The media is the source of the views of the politicians, the academics (who get interviewed on the subject), the activists, the diplomats, and some military leaders. This results in the media being extremely influential.

The effectiveness of Croat propaganda was due to their knowing the psychological influences of the Western journalists. They knew the models of the world that the journalists and diplomats were using. Muslim propaganda was less professionally conducted but achieved more due to their being weaker when the overriding judgment among the media was that the underdog can do no wrong. Serb information efforts were hampered by being slower to act than the Croats and Muslims, operating on a conventional basis of law and knowledge of war and history, and by not knowing the psychological factors of Westerners.

The article posed below believes that certain things are "Serb propaganda" and assumes that Serbs are evil. The assumptions of such are due to believing the media. The article does a fair job of assessing the professionalism and influence of Serb lobbying efforts.
Never underestimate human error. You may erroneously assume a different location but the magnitude is still beyond human comprehension.