
Will you buy a gun before November elections?

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Author Topic: Will you buy a gun before November elections?  (Read 30312 times)

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Offline Shamgar

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #100 on: October 05, 2008, 07:08:13 PM »
You had better have the ability to protect yourself and your loved ones. It is the not a legal requirement or a charter of the local, state or federal governements to protect you and your families as individuals. And believe me they have intent of same.

If you don't own a gun or other weapon (for those of you already living under socialism), know how to use and will use it you are sheep. Sheep get slaughtered.
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Offline White Israelite

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #101 on: October 05, 2008, 08:43:42 PM »


The Brady Campaign says they aren't anti-gun either despite the fact they want to outlaw everything including hunting guns that shoot more than 300 yards.

Anyways, what are you talking about sharpnel? I've never heard of a firearm causing shrapnel, that's why you practice and train where your shooting.

And if you think all the gun toting nazis are in the south, you are wrong my friend, dead wrong. Most of the Nazis reside in California and the northwest, it's a well known fact. Some of the most dominant nazi groups come from Illinois (Cook County)

Those aren't sniper guns, I only count 1 in the recent pictures I posted. Where do you get the idea someone is going to shoot up a school because they have a military style weapon? That's equivalent to saying men are going to rape women because we have a penis.


see? this is where I differ...Nobody likes a white neo-nazi..but everyon likes the rap toting gang raping savages at least in my part of town....so if I had anything to fear, it would be those savages and not the idaho rural living white neo nazis.  Here we have lots of blacks and muslims..and a lot of them hate Jews.  I know a regular gun, mace or loud eardrum destroying horn will make them run for the hills.

As far as the so called popular white neo nazi skinheads...i predict at the time where Jews might have a demise and the rap gang bangers and white neonazis gain power that them two will be at each others' throats in fear that their standing will become weaker...

Jews in the 1930's that lived in Germany didn't think a man with a funny moustache and a bunch of men in brown shirts were much of a threat either. Look how that turned out, history repeats it's self.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #102 on: October 05, 2008, 09:12:31 PM »
Furthermore, even more pictures. Still think these guys aren't a threat? These morons want you on the other end of the barrel, go read the turner diaries, read up on the massacres of Jews in youth community centers, all these anti-semitic attacks are happening in california, illinois and new york where Jews live. This isn't some distant land out in the middle of nowhere, this is happening here at home! If you can't see that, time to wake up and smell the lead, because it's pointed right at us.

Wake up guys, this threat should be a sticky and you all need to see these pictures to understand whats going on. You can pretend nothings happening and continue to live in ignorance or you can do something and prepare. Why do you think they wear masks? Ever think some of these individuals have been involved in some crime where they can't be seen holding a gun or are plotting something? If Obama gets elected, not only will our "rifles" be banned but handguns will be banned too and we will be defenseless. I am only one man with a few guns, we need fellow Jews to do their part and arm themselves to protect the rest of the Jewish people in this country. You rely on the government, your going to get bit and it ain't going to feel good.

If the Zionists who founded Israel saw what a bunch of anti-gun lazy misfits we've turned ino, they would be rolling in their graves. They weren't perfect, but at least they had an instinct to protect Jews and do what needed to be done. Where is the warrior image that the ancient Hebrews had? Now we're being murdered while the world watches and we ask for sympathy. What kind of Jew are you? It's better to die on your feet in combat than to die on your knees at your enemies mercy.

That's right, those pictures, that's your f***ing enemy, those people want to kill you just like Adolf Hitler wanted to. He's pointing a gun at you, what are you going to do? Walk away? Only you don't take it so serious because you sit in your safe comfortable computer room and think that the day will never happen. I'm prepared, and I wish every single Jew and gentile on this forum the best of luck and hope you are prepared as well.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #103 on: October 05, 2008, 09:12:43 PM »
You want to know something vulgar?  Like LaRassa and the Communist Party attains support and financing from the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnege Foundations so do these Aryian/White Power groups.  Many are organized and financed by FBI/CIA members.  

There is actually a very good interview on RadioLiberty.Com with Barry Chamish.  Not for what Chamish, but he does make some very good points about Israel's left and right being controlled by the same entity/peoples, like in America, but for what Dr. Monteith states about these sorts of militant bigotted groups.  You'll have to fast forward to about 55min before the Chamish interview comes up.  I'm not a fan of Chamish but one cannot dismiss him entirely...  What Monteith says is certaily correct about the government funding, organizing and infiltrating of both "left" and "right" wing groups.  No question..

"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #104 on: October 05, 2008, 11:16:00 PM »
Moron is holding an Israeli made weapon. Oh the irony
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Offline Vito

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #105 on: October 05, 2008, 11:38:30 PM »

These Nazis are going to be hunting for Jews, not pigs and deer. If you guys don't see that, then you really are living in a cave. You need to arm up because these guys are prepared while we're sitting ducks.

WI :

I don't foresee a couple of pissed off skin heads taking over our cities and hunting for Jews... I think you're over reacting a bit imho.

What I do see is if Bongoid gets into office.. ATF and FBI will be searching houses for registered weapons that have not been turned in.
The big question.. do you submit or do you start a civil war with ATF & FBI? G-d knows you're not winning a bureaucratic debate with Hussein in office. 

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #106 on: October 05, 2008, 11:50:32 PM »

These Nazis are going to be hunting for Jews, not pigs and deer. If you guys don't see that, then you really are living in a cave. You need to arm up because these guys are prepared while we're sitting ducks.

WI :

I don't foresee a couple of pissed off skin heads taking over our cities and hunting for Jews... I think you're over reacting a bit imho.

What I do see is if Bongoid gets into office.. ATF and FBI will be searching houses for registered weapons that have not been turned in.
The big question.. do you submit or do you start a civil war with ATF & FBI? G-d knows you're not winning a bureaucratic debate with Hussein in office. 

I will NEVER register my guns and I will not turn them in, my body will have to be dragged out full of lead.

I'm not overreacting, the problem is that few of the members here take the threat serious. This is really sad.

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #107 on: October 05, 2008, 11:51:27 PM »

These Nazis are going to be hunting for Jews, not pigs and deer. If you guys don't see that, then you really are living in a cave. You need to arm up because these guys are prepared while we're sitting ducks.

WI :

I don't foresee a couple of pissed off skin heads taking over our cities and hunting for Jews... I think you're over reacting a bit imho.

What I do see is if Bongoid gets into office.. ATF and FBI will be searching houses for registered weapons that have not been turned in.
The big question.. do you submit or do you start a civil war with ATF & FBI? G-d knows you're not winning a bureaucratic debate with Hussein in office. 

I will NEVER register my guns and I will not turn them in, my body will have to be dragged out full of lead.


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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #108 on: October 06, 2008, 12:00:56 AM »

These Nazis are going to be hunting for Jews, not pigs and deer. If you guys don't see that, then you really are living in a cave. You need to arm up because these guys are prepared while we're sitting ducks.

WI :

I don't foresee a couple of pissed off skin heads taking over our cities and hunting for Jews... I think you're over reacting a bit imho.

He's not overreacting at all. It doesn't take a prophet to envision the effects of the U.S. economy completely collapsing. The Jews will be blamed. They will be targeted in large scale pogroms as people loot, pillage and riot throughout each city. It's a nightmare scenario, but it could easily happen here. To dismiss it or trivialize it is foolish. The only positive note is that unlike the Jews of Europe, I believe American Jews will put up a fight.

Offline Sparky

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #109 on: October 06, 2008, 12:12:08 AM »
I spoke to a cop about the best gun to buy for personal protection.  He said he and other cops use the following S&W .38 special revolver: 


I was going to purchase this gun if Hussein wins the election. I've been reading some of the pros and cons about certain guns on this thread.  Before investing $500, any reason I shouldn't purchase this gun?  I'm also going to try, though it will be difficult, to get a concealed weapons permit.

I'll be honest with ya, never heard of a cop using a S&W .38 unless it's a backup. Some of the older cops use revolvers because they were issued them back in the day, but most police departments use semi-autos. If that's what you want, go for it. Most police are using either Glocks, SIG's, Berettas, or H&K.

Yes, you're exactly correct in that the cop used it as a backup.  What attracted me to this revolver was its small size and weight and the ability to carry it concealed with little difficulty.  But thanks for the feedback and I'll look into the semi-autos you listed as well. 

Offline Vito

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #110 on: October 06, 2008, 12:36:47 AM »

These Nazis are going to be hunting for Jews, not pigs and deer. If you guys don't see that, then you really are living in a cave. You need to arm up because these guys are prepared while we're sitting ducks.

WI :

I don't foresee a couple of pissed off skin heads taking over our cities and hunting for Jews... I think you're over reacting a bit imho.

He's not overreacting at all. It doesn't take a prophet to envision the effects of the U.S. economy completely collapsing. The Jews will be blamed. They will be targeted in large scale pogroms as people loot, pillage and riot throughout each city. It's a nightmare scenario, but it could easily happen here. To dismiss it or trivialize it is foolish. The only positive note is that unlike the Jews of Europe, I believe American Jews will put up a fight.

You have a point, it's happened time and time again in the past so I can't say it's not possible in the future. Don't worry though, this Goy will be fighting right beside you!  :dance:

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #111 on: October 06, 2008, 01:35:58 AM »
ok so let me tell you my whole opinion on guns and stuff...

I'm all for it...especially if Obama wins..My personal preference if I were to own a gun would be a regular pistol type gun...and i would use it merely as a deterent to intruders.

After much thought, I worry that if I had a gun in my house, that Gd forbid my child woudl find it and think it's a toy and Gd forbid kill someone with it.

Therefore, I'm more on the side of carrying mace and perhaps an unloaded pistol with blanks simply to scare off intruders...In one hand I carry the gun and on the other hand a very sharp knife...stunning the intruder maybe the way to go to get out of the house safely and time for the cops to arrest the person.

I'm all for the surprise attack.

As far as the possiblity of huge mobs of skinheads...the day that happens will be the day there is no more law and order...I hope that by that time, I will have enough forthsite to leave this country and move to Israel or somewhere else in the world...just as my parents did when they left Iran 10 yrs before the revolution.  My next goal is to learn Hebrew which my future wife can teach me..and Gd willing teach my children that first and foremost...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Sparky

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #112 on: October 06, 2008, 02:25:36 AM »

These Nazis are going to be hunting for Jews, not pigs and deer. If you guys don't see that, then you really are living in a cave. You need to arm up because these guys are prepared while we're sitting ducks.

WI :

I don't foresee a couple of pissed off skin heads taking over our cities and hunting for Jews... I think you're over reacting a bit imho.

He's not overreacting at all. It doesn't take a prophet to envision the effects of the U.S. economy completely collapsing. The Jews will be blamed. They will be targeted in large scale pogroms as people loot, pillage and riot throughout each city. It's a nightmare scenario, but it could easily happen here. To dismiss it or trivialize it is foolish. The only positive note is that unlike the Jews of Europe, I believe American Jews will put up a fight.

American Jews will put up a fight?  Most of the American Jews I know are self-hating Marxists who want all guns banned. They're gonna march into the boxcars just like their European ancestors.  Best worry about yourself.  Lock and load!

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #113 on: October 06, 2008, 02:34:17 AM »
ok so let me tell you my whole opinion on guns and stuff...

I'm all for it...especially if Obama wins..My personal preference if I were to own a gun would be a regular pistol type gun...and i would use it merely as a deterent to intruders.

After much thought, I worry that if I had a gun in my house, that Gd forbid my child woudl find it and think it's a toy and Gd forbid kill someone with it.

Therefore, I'm more on the side of carrying mace and perhaps an unloaded pistol with blanks simply to scare off intruders...In one hand I carry the gun and on the other hand a very sharp knife...stunning the intruder maybe the way to go to get out of the house safely and time for the cops to arrest the person.

I'm all for the surprise attack.

As far as the possiblity of huge mobs of skinheads...the day that happens will be the day there is no more law and order...I hope that by that time, I will have enough forthsite to leave this country and move to Israel or somewhere else in the world...just as my parents did when they left Iran 10 yrs before the revolution.  My next goal is to learn Hebrew which my future wife can teach me..and Gd willing teach my children that first and foremost...

Putting blanks in the gun puts your life in danger, if you pull out a gun, you better intend to use it for it's purpose. Plus you can still be charged for discharging a firearm in city limits which I believe is a felony (felony = no more gun or voting rights). Is it worth it? You only use or pull out a gun when you need it.

Furthermore, using blanks isn't exactly safe either, the person can still suffer burns and if theres anything in the barrel, it can still kill them (even a small pebble or something or dirt). That's how the actor from "The Crow" died.

Anyways, if your afraid of your child picking it up, this is what I do....

I wear my gun on me at all times with CCW permit, or around the house. I have instant access to it. When I'm not wearing it or i'm not using it, I either keep it locked up in case or in a safe (you can buy them cheap, fingerprint safes). Furthermore, keeping a gun loaded has various definitions, I always keep a loaded mag in the gun but I don't have a round in the chamber unless I'm wearing it. In the event the child were able to somehow open that safe and get the gun, they would still have to be able to physically pull back that huge chunk of steel which isn't....easy at all for little hands. Even harder with a rifle.

A gun is a last resort, so don't use it for scaring or threatening people away, not only do you place your life in danger but you suffer legal consequences as well. If your looking to scare people, get a blowhorn or a taser instead, guns aren't toys to freak people out.

I don't think anyone here wants to kill anyone or have weapons to act macho, I don't want to kill anyone, but I am prepared if I have to. You have to mentally and physically train for this stuff, know your boundaries. This is a serious subject to me and I have done years of research to be a better gun owner and to educate others.

If someones breaking into your home, you don't know if they pose a threat to you or they have a gun or a knife. If you fire a blank and they realize nothing happened, what do you think will happen? If you shoot someone in the leg to "wound them" or a warning shot, you also put your life in danger and risk being sued. These are all things to consider.

You may not consider yourself a liberal, but what I am hearing is very common to what liberals preach, and I think it's how they want to condition people to feeling morally guilty to taking a life to defend themselves. I would like to see you take advantage of your rights and be a responsible gun owner so that your child is safe, but at this point, we're at a dead end and we need to focus on rational behavior. You can always buy the gun, lock it up and do your homework on the subject until your ready to use it. I'm more than willing ot teach you what you need as well, any questions you have.

Dan, you really need to reconsider what your getting a gun for and the legal purposes and responsibilities behind owning one. Most gun owners are law abiding people and concerned about responsibility, but rethink your positions. I'm going to even recommend you to a gun forum and I recommend you read the posts there.


I post there as PILMAN.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 02:44:18 AM by White Israelite »

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #114 on: October 06, 2008, 03:01:53 AM »
Unfortunately a lot of people that grew up in the city, it's the only life they know of. I was a victim of it too, I grew up in Chicago.

The city life makes you believe the entire country is similar to it. It has a way of influencing you, concentrated a massive population in a smaller area, you are brought up and taught a specific code of morals, a way of life, you are taught there is no need to leave the city because you have all the education and job opportunities one would ever need.

Along with that, corrupt politics. What one considers a conservative in New York is not a conservative in the midwest or the south.

One a person is conditioned into the city way of life and thinking, it's ...difficult to make them think outside the box, and the same has applied.

When I grew up in the city, I was taught in school that guns were bad and to report them. I was taught that the only people who should have guns are those that hunt and that no one hunts in the city and as a Jew, hunting was prohibited. I was taught handguns are used for self defense but that if I ever saw a kid with a handgun, he was either in a gang or had bad intentions. Kids were taught to stay away and don't ask questions about guns, don't learn about them, just ignore them. Even the mere drawing or sight of a gun even on a police officer brought feelings of fear.

AK47's and uzi's were seen as outlaw weapons and had no place in society, crudely manufactured and not welcome in our society or place, a true gangster weapon.

When my dads weapons were confiscated, my opinions changed, my dad taught me everything I knew about guns and I was told that I had to defend myself from nazis and blacks, the school system told me my dad was paranoid and that I should never pick up a gun, just focus on education.

When I finally moved and left, I went to rural areas outside of the country, I learned quickly how different life was outside of the city, the culture, the people. We were taught that the South didn't welcome Jews, it was a rural hostile place full of nazis and KKK gun toting thugs and that I should have no place in their society. I was wrong.

I was welcome with open arms by southerners, they were the most hospitable people I had met and they asked a lot of questions. I learned everything I needed about guns by rednecks living in the open country and being able to shoot. I started conceal carrying weapons with permit and at first I wanted only a handgun, over time I learned about rifles and realized that most of this stuff about "full automatic machine guns" and "gangster weapons" was a load of crap, that it was a citys way of controlling people and making them into sheep, demonizing weapons so they could ban them. Turn people into useful idiots, feel them propaganda and censor out the truth.

over time, I learned the history of every military gun where it was made, how the AK47 was designed by the Soviets as a peasant rifle, the most reliable rifle in the world and how guns themselves were not evil, just inanimate objects and that only the people who used them could be judged. The first time I held that AK47 in my hand, I felt like I had power in my hands, I felt like no one would ever mess with me again, and I felt like I wanted one, that envy. I felt with a gun, I automatically deserved respect.

After that envy died, I bought my first gun very excited, I did all the research I could about the gun, the history, the markings, what it meant, the safety, I watched videos on youtube how to field strip it, how to properly hold a gun, the 4 safety lessons, everything I could to be a safe shooter to show responsibility. My buddies were impressed.

I finally purchased my first military style rifle semi-automatic galil, I remember the media telling me how these guns were cop killers and that they should be banned, holding it the first time, I felt like I had something that was tabboo and the fact that politicians wanted it banned and it was controversial made me want it even more. After a while, I realized it was no different than any hunting rifle I had shot or even that bolt action rifle, as a matter of fact, that 5.56 x 45 was no more than a little .22 caliber with a lot of gun powder behind it. I realized the only difference was the magazine capacity, the folding stock, and the bolt lug and flash hider. I could have done more damage with a hunting rifle or a shotgun.

After a while, I stopped having that "superior feeling" to owning guns, I no longer cared and it was just a tool to me, that feeling wore off. I focused less on buying guns to be a badass and more on why I wanted guns to begin with, I knew I needed them because of my background being a Jew, I knew I was more interested in collecting guns because I was interested in history behind them and the wars they were used in, almost like collecting a sword that was used in a ancient battle or something.

I got more interested in politics involving gun laws and safety to set a prime example to other new gun owners and get them involved.

I started questioning all these rediculous laws and why they even existed in the first place, we were told to register our guns, ban assault weapons, limit capacity in magazine, all for the children because of spiking gun crime, what gun crime? We had 3 murders in our town with 17,000 people in a year and none with guns, why should my rights be sacrificed in some city that had nothing to do with me? Then it hit me, people didn't see the whole picture, only black and white. These cities where most of the gun crimes occurred were in cities where the guns were already banned.

There you have it, the laws did nothing.

I got involved in firearms for the wrong purposes, perhaps out of curiosity and just having one to own one, and I turned it into a positive thing.

I don't want people to make the same mistake as me, I want people to own guns for responsible use and I want them to use them responsibly. I don't want people to be afraid of buying a gun because it looks to "evil" or the appearance or because a "gang member used it", I buy military guns because I like quality, if the militarys using them, it means that the government contractors have to work that much harder to make a reliable weapon suitable for military purposes. Gang members are merely using a tool for the opportunity.

I saw a lot of these school shooters, they had little exposure to guns as a kid, they saw guns as this "forbidden fruit" and had to have it, they thought that power in their hands would solve all the issues like a video game, take out all their victims and then off themselves, it was a godlike feeling to them. They never respected the tool, merely used it as a tool of intimidation of fear and power.

I realized this and didn't want to be in the same shoes as them, I justified my hobby and realized the power of firearms, I learned to respect the tool and saw it as a object I hoped I would never have to use it for except plinking at paper targets.

When these gun legislatures came out, I felt insulted like a slap in the face, I knew it wouldn't stop school shootings, merely politicians that waited for the situation to arrise to back their political bills banning weapons that had absolutely nothing to do with the shooting at all, like politicians passing a assault weapon ban after virginia tech where the shooter used 2 handguns.

I don't worship guns, I am defensive about my hobby and my rights because other people want to take away those rights, they say they support the 2nd amendment but they want to chip away at our rights, give them an inch, they will take a mile. My rights are under attack and that's why I defend my rights.

You use the tools you need to survive in this world, not because of fear and ignorance, education is the key.

Learn, educate yourself, practice, train, and enjoy yourself. If you fear guns, they will control you, real gun control is you controlling your weapon.

I thank G-d the day I moved out of Chicago, I maybe an isolated Jew but it was the best move I ever made to open my eyes.

« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 03:12:41 AM by White Israelite »

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #115 on: October 06, 2008, 08:12:07 AM »

These Nazis are going to be hunting for Jews, not pigs and deer. If you guys don't see that, then you really are living in a cave. You need to arm up because these guys are prepared while we're sitting ducks.

WI :

I don't foresee a couple of pissed off skin heads taking over our cities and hunting for Jews... I think you're over reacting a bit imho.

He's not overreacting at all. It doesn't take a prophet to envision the effects of the U.S. economy completely collapsing. The Jews will be blamed. They will be targeted in large scale pogroms as people loot, pillage and riot throughout each city. It's a nightmare scenario, but it could easily happen here. To dismiss it or trivialize it is foolish. The only positive note is that unlike the Jews of Europe, I believe American Jews will put up a fight.

American Jews will put up a fight?  Most of the American Jews I know are self-hating Marxists who want all guns banned. They're gonna march into the boxcars just like their European ancestors.  Best worry about yourself.  Lock and load!

  Too true!! Spoken like a TRUE KAHANIST :) 


Get out your WET noodles Lefty rotten traitorous Jews:   
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Offline MarZutra

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #116 on: October 06, 2008, 08:15:53 AM »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #117 on: October 06, 2008, 09:12:51 AM »

  Well, dont dance too much- MarZutra- they will want you to fight for them.  GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROWL- here is a gun for ya MarZutra:

      :throw: :nono:

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #118 on: October 06, 2008, 09:38:32 AM »
Meir your story was really interesting! Thanks for posting it!

Offline Scriabin

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #119 on: October 06, 2008, 10:12:06 AM »
After much thought, I worry that if I had a gun in my house, that Gd forbid my child woudl find it and think it's a toy and Gd forbid kill someone with it.

Take the kid out shooting.

Children that know about and respect guns don't shoot themselves or others accidentally.

On the contrary, children who are sheltered by gun-fearing parents are the ones who have 'accidents'.

Offline Americanhero1

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #120 on: October 06, 2008, 01:52:52 PM »
After much thought, I worry that if I had a gun in my house, that Gd forbid my child woudl find it and think it's a toy and Gd forbid kill someone with it.

Take the kid out shooting.

Children that know about and respect guns don't shoot themselves or others accidentally.

On the contrary, children who are sheltered by gun-fearing parents are the ones who have 'accidents'.

I agree with Scriabin because I grew up with guns in my house and I knew not to touch them

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #121 on: October 06, 2008, 02:01:49 PM »
Kids who are taught at a young age usually respect firearms.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #122 on: October 06, 2008, 02:04:42 PM »
After much thought, I worry that if I had a gun in my house, that Gd forbid my child woudl find it and think it's a toy and Gd forbid kill someone with it.

Take the kid out shooting.

Children that know about and respect guns don't shoot themselves or others accidentally.

On the contrary, children who are sheltered by gun-fearing parents are the ones who have 'accidents'.

I agree with Scriabin because I grew up with guns in my house and I knew not to touch them

that's because you are a good boy...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #123 on: October 06, 2008, 02:14:14 PM »
After much thought, I worry that if I had a gun in my house, that Gd forbid my child woudl find it and think it's a toy and Gd forbid kill someone with it.

Take the kid out shooting.

Children that know about and respect guns don't shoot themselves or others accidentally.

On the contrary, children who are sheltered by gun-fearing parents are the ones who have 'accidents'.

I agree with Scriabin because I grew up with guns in my house and I knew not to touch them

that's because you are a good boy...

Scenario here, a kid who has never used a gun or been taught discipline about it is told "no stay away from guns", most kids are instinctive about being 'rebellious', it's natural to rebel against law and what your told. The child is at a friends house and finds the fathers gun and playing around with it like they see in the movies, wanting to play cops and robbers and someone is shot.

This has to do with lack of education.

I shot my first gun when I was about 10 years old, my dad had me in the basement with a shotgun, he had it setup for shooting. I remember the first time I shot it, I felt the recoil and saw what it did to the target, I knew guns weren't a joke and knew not to touch them after seeing what it could do to a person.

Kids who are taught to respect and use things the way they are meant to be usually grow up a much better person, look at most city kids to country kids, most city (suburbanite) kids are spoiled little brats who go out and do whatever they want, no respect for anything. It's all about getting drunks, getting laid, and taking no responsibility for their actions.

A lot of these southern country boys grew up in the stick working hard and earning what they have. I'd rather be living next to southern boys than some northern nassal accent city slicker who thinks they know everything about life when in reality, they are just arrogant.

No offense to northerners, just bad experiences.

People don't respect the south though and we're treated like the armpit of America.

Gun owners aren't respected either, people act like we're a bunch of criminals or registered sex offenders and we must be up to no good because we own firearms. I really don't understand that concept at all.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Will you buy a gun before November elections?
« Reply #124 on: October 06, 2008, 03:17:27 PM »
After much thought, I worry that if I had a gun in my house, that Gd forbid my child woudl find it and think it's a toy and Gd forbid kill someone with it.

Take the kid out shooting.

Children that know about and respect guns don't shoot themselves or others accidentally.

On the contrary, children who are sheltered by gun-fearing parents are the ones who have 'accidents'.

I agree with Scriabin because I grew up with guns in my house and I knew not to touch them

that's because you are a good boy...

Scenario here, a kid who has never used a gun or been taught discipline about it is told "no stay away from guns", most kids are instinctive about being 'rebellious', it's natural to rebel against law and what your told. The child is at a friends house and finds the fathers gun and playing around with it like they see in the movies, wanting to play cops and robbers and someone is shot.

This has to do with lack of education.

I shot my first gun when I was about 10 years old, my dad had me in the basement with a shotgun, he had it setup for shooting. I remember the first time I shot it, I felt the recoil and saw what it did to the target, I knew guns weren't a joke and knew not to touch them after seeing what it could do to a person.

Kids who are taught to respect and use things the way they are meant to be usually grow up a much better person, look at most city kids to country kids, most city (suburbanite) kids are spoiled little brats who go out and do whatever they want, no respect for anything. It's all about getting drunks, getting laid, and taking no responsibility for their actions.

A lot of these southern country boys grew up in the stick working hard and earning what they have. I'd rather be living next to southern boys than some northern nassal accent city slicker who thinks they know everything about life when in reality, they are just arrogant.

No offense to northerners, just bad experiences.

People don't respect the south though and we're treated like the armpit of America.

Gun owners aren't respected either, people act like we're a bunch of criminals or registered sex offenders and we must be up to no good because we own firearms. I really don't understand that concept at all.

Listen..i think that certain citizens are allowed to have guns..You displayed a picture of a gun that seems unusual for self-defense...

And I'm not one who had ever thought that if one owned a gun they were a registered sex offender or anything of that sort.

Personally, I never grew up in a tough neighborhood like the majority on this forum. I have no pre-judgement on those who wish to defend themselves and do what they need to do.  I just tell myself, what size does the gun need to be if it is for self-defense?  HOw many guns does one need?  ANd then when I hear one needs 20 weapons...I think, "Oh boy....I guess you live in the jungles of Nicaragua."
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein