Just paid for my VZ-58 today, good ol Czech Republic quality, actually the receiver I believe states it's made in Slovakia. The rifle will be shipped today and I should have it by Tuesday, can't wait

, came with additional goodies, 4 magazines (so 5 total), bayonet, magazine pouch, sling, cleaning kit, some cd on the history of the vz-58 and I think that's pretty much it. The company was supposed to get 20 in stock as I had a backorder for the folding stock version but they ended up getting all fixed stock instead, oh well, no biggy, i'll just buy a folding stock for 30 bucks and switch out the fixed or keep the fixed for the range since it's more accurate.
I feel like I'm cleaned out financially now, purchase came out to be $799.99 + 18 dollar shipping fee, then I gotta pay a $25.00 FFL fee for the background check and transfer, gotta order a couple thousand more rounds of 7.62 x 39 and more magazines. Probably buy an Intbel FAL .308 next.
Pure sexy

Here is video on the reliability of the VZ-58, over 4000 rounds in fully automatic just to cause one stoppage, pretty damn reliable.