It as fantastic. All the dots are now connected. I took notes, but am not ready to type them, as I am quite tired. My life now consists of watching tv, listening to Sean Hannity for 3 hrs. on the radio, reading articles.....I am not feeling well now for months, at the thought of this power hungry narcissistic, i can't even find the words to describe him, other than DICTATOR, has fooled the American public, just as the other followers of Saul Alinsky, does Hillary ring a bell? have done. His associations with Bill Ayers .... ACORN....everything, perfectly laid out, evidence was brought forth, brilliant authors and even an FBI agent who lived with Bill Ayers, was on the show. It was terrific and Sean Hannity deserves credit for trying to educate these stupid American voters who refuse to listen. Only us conservatives listen. We are called "liars" when we speak the truth about Obama. Well, Gov. Huckabee had a nice little surprise on his show tonight: ACORN will be exposed w/in weeks for their shady dealings and mismanagement of funds. Just in time for Nov. 4