Samuel L. Jackson &
Christina Ricci??!Let's see now....
In the Deep Old South, a beautiful nymphette with unresolved lustful passions (Ricci), decides to "take it on the run" rather than endure any more of her White Plantation Owner Husband's (some chump...can't read the poster) drunken beatings.
Hiding out in the woods & "swomps", the nubile and bursting with life Ricci encounters a runaway slave (Jackson, of course), who, rather than tolerate the brutal beatings and whippings of the same or some other White Plantation Owner, has decided to "beat it to Dee-troyt!"
Running by night, hiding out by day, the unlikely couple each contribute their unique survival skills, resulting in the "forbidden" race-mix couple to "see each other for the first time as "man" and "woman"; forever breaking the social strictures and bonds inhumanely leveled at them by RACISM AND WHITE BIGOTRY!!!
He no longer seen by her as "boy"; She no longer seen by him as "yassuh Missy!"; the intense heat of the Southern savannahs give the two no choice but to remove all of their clothes and "skinny-dip" together in Master Whitman's Pond.
An intense cinemaphotographic event is captured on film, as Jackson "takes" Ricci underwater, violating, with her full approval and longing, her "Southern Purity".
Later, they hear horses deep in the woods.....
They got's to run....but it's difficult....considering Christina Ricci's now "in a family way"!
Jackson, wasting no time, scoops up Ricci in his massive bullwhip-scarred arms, and though barefoot, hauls butt into the Southern sunset shouting:
"Feets!...Don't b' fail'in me now!....Dee-troyt City he' we come!!!!!"
*that is, unless the producers decided to do it "modern"; in which case the same situation unfolds between the two future lovers, only this time he was formerly her 6th grade Hygiene Teacher, while she was a little too much "inquisitive". Bad timing caused the principal to turn the corner, and what was in actuality innocent and beyond reproach, appeared to the White Racist Patriarch Principal to be a Satanic Act of Unnatural Lust!
So...the couple pop a few caps into the Principal's ugly face, steal his car, and tear up every highway from Atlanta to Bogaloosa, in search of one more Quick-Mart to "knock off", one more "little bag of joy powder" to sniff, and hundreds of cheap thrills and easy dollars!
As the Highway Patrol, soon augmented by the Feds, close in, Christina is in the bathroom at the cheap Motel, looking at her stomach in a kind of mixture of sick but ecstatic joy....she is "p.g." with Sammy's kid!
Knock on the door!.....Sam's back, unaware of the dozens of SWAT TEAM agents in position, all awaiting their order to "take 'em down"... (to be continued)