First of all, I doubt he will win. (as if what i predict matters)
Secondly, I think he will want to be reelected, so during his first term he will only try to do such things under the radar. The second 4 years will be a disaster.
Also, Japan is definitely a great place to live. Second biggest economy, smart people, very low crime, very clean, excellent culture and food. Strict immigration. Worlds ahead of the rest of Asia. In my opinion, Japan is sort of like the Israel of Asia. Hard working industrious people in a small nation. Of course there are many differences as well. Although Japan is not attacked constantly as little Israel (as Chaim calls it) is, Japan
is located in a hostile environment. Huge militaristic communist nuclear-armed dictatorship China, rogue (semi nuclear) Japan-hating North Korea, and the flexing muscles funded by new found-oil-wealth of KGP Putin's nuclear Russia. Not a great neighborhood. Fortunately Japan is an island/s

But I digress. The likelihood of mass Muslim immigration into Japan is laughable.
Which brings me to something that annoys me. I take issue when people say "the West" when they mean democratic/civilized countries, or often they say "the West" when they mean every country that is not Islamic. Do such countries exist only in the western hemisphere? Misusing the term "the west" discounts democracies such as Japan, India, etc. Moreover, the last time I checked, Japan is to the west of the US. And just how "western" are the dhimmi Eurabians? I think we need a new term.