Author Topic: Muslim Nazi Gets Prison For Threatening Debbie Hussy--What Do You All Think?  (Read 2953 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Granted--this lowlife scum of the earth deserves a lot more than eight months for what he did (how about eight centuries, in Gehenom?), but the fact that the judicial establishment has Debbie Strumpet's back is not surprising. This whore has devoted pretty much her entire life, for the past month, to ruining the chances of Governor Palin in the November election. Do any of you think that a conservative commentator who defends Sarah Palin would be supported by the legal system?

For that matter, have any of the numerous people who have made death threats against Chaim Ben Pesach ever seen a day of jail time?

As far as I am concerned, Hussy should be sentenced to live with her Muslim friends in Dearborn for ten years. However, she might enjoy that too much. She'd probably be delighted to be surrounded with people who hate the beautiful Sarah Palin as much as she does.


Quote from: Detroit Free Press
Dearborn man gets prison for threats against commentator Debbie Schlussel

A federal judge today sentenced a Dearborn restaurant cook to 8 months in prison for e-mailing death threats to conservative TV commentator and blogger Debbie Schlussel.

“I find it abhorrent,” U.S. District Judge Marianne Battani told Mohamad Fouad Abdallah, 40, of two e-mails he sent to Schlussel one minute apart in August 2006.

Schlussel, who lives in Oakland County, is an outspoken critic of what she calls government tolerance of Islamic extremists in the United States. She told Battani that the e-mails, in which Abdallah used sexist and Anti-Semitic remarks against her and threatened to rape and blow her up, had caused her to fear for her safety and become somewhat of a hermit. (Chaimfan's note: Boo-hoo. Like I really buy that.)

The e-mails were prompted by views she expressed on her Web site,, about prominent members of Metro Detroit’s Islamic community.

She urged Battani to sentence Abdallah to the maximum 12 months in prison on the misdemeanor charge — interfering with Schlussel’s federally-protected activities. He pleaded guilty in June.

One of the e-mails said Hizballah, a Lebanese group that the U.S. State Department has designated a terrorist group, “is awesome.”

Abdallah, breathing from an oxygen tank, told Battani he was ashamed of what he had done and that he has suffered health problems ever since. Schlussel called the oxygen tank a prop and accused him of trying to gain sympathy from the judge.

Battani ordered Abdallah to undergo mental health and diversity training after getting out of prison. She lectured him about teaching fear, murder and intolerance to his 9-year-old daughter.

Contact DAVID ASHENFELTER at [email protected].

I wouldn't be surprised to see this ugly, flatulent witch stumping for Obama any day now...
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 12:27:07 PM by C.F. »

Offline muman613

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I dont know if I agree with your rant against Schlussel. Although I dont know much about her I think that a terrorist who makes death threats should do some time.

Good afternoon,


PS: I realize there may be a question of first amendment rights and free speech. I am very careful when I say things about people and rarely, if ever, do I say that someone should be killed or blown up.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Ulli

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At least this story says a lot about the intelligence of Muslims.

This sand-apes seem really to believe, that the web is anonyme ...

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Offline q_q_

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I wouldn't be surprised to see this ugly, flatulent witch stumping for Obama any day now...

funny how you include that particular picture of her and write ugly underneath.
(covered in makeup is bad, but doesn't imply the woman is ugly. She probably looked good at the time that picture was taken)

didn't you once say that Condi Rice was attractive, or was that the old poster chaimjunior?

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Muman, I clearly said the Muslim Nazi deserved a lot more than eight months.

q_q, no, I don't find Schlussel comely in the least. And yeah, I did say that I find Condi attractive, and won't take it back.

Offline q_q_

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Muman, I clearly said the Muslim Nazi deserved a lot more than eight months.

q_q, no, I don't find Schlussel comely in the least. And yeah, I did say that I find Condi attractive, and won't take it back.

this reminds me of two situations..

person A, person B

person A , said a particular girl looked good.. I thought she was ugly, and said "WHAT" . He disagreed with me, maintaining that she was not ugly.  I then asked him who he thought was better. Her, or, and I went through a list.. He said "her".   He said "what can I tell you, it's not a logic thing, I can't explain it".
Funnily enough , at the end I gave up and said "She is not a pretty girl".  To my suprise he did admit that she was definitely not a pretty girl!

person B is an illogical left winger from a foreign country..a sensible discussion with him always gets nowhere.
I said to him..  What do you think of this girl.  He said "she looks nice, why?".
I said, 50% of people think this girl looks like a man, and 50% think she looks nice. (note, that is censored a little)

He says "she does look like a man"
I said "You just said she looks nice a moment ago"
He says "oh come on, you gotta admit she looks nice"
I said "but you just said she looks like a man"
He says "oh definitely".

I didn't want to push him too hard on the contradiction.. because others were around and would have heard, and I got the idea!!

No doubt you'd be a new character other than Person A and B, but I prob can't give you a complete test on the JTF forum.. even restricting it to only a facial question.

It would certainly be enlightening to thoroughly analyse the tastes of somebody that thinks condi is attractive

Offline TruthSpreader

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Muman, I clearly said the Muslim Nazi deserved a lot more than eight months.

q_q, no, I don't find Schlussel comely in the least. And yeah, I did say that I find Condi attractive, and won't take it back.

Yeah, he deserves to be there for enternanity.
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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You can analyze me all you want. You can say thinking Condoleeza is attractive means that I am attracted to Martians for all I care. Whether or not Schlussel is physically attractive (and I do not believe that she is), she is an ugly human being, as is Condi. (Although--I haven't heard CR rip Sarah Palin.)

But yes, to reiterate, I honestly find Schlussel to be homely and overly made-up to compensate. She is easily the least of the "conservababes" (i.e. her, Coulter, Korin, Malkin, Ingraham, and--last but not least--the one and only Sarah Palin).

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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What is wrong with you CF, how can you say these horrible things about Debbie Schlussel?

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Have you checked out her website lately?

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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No, why?   I have only looked at a recent article about walid shoebat but nothing else...

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Here's one of the kinder recent posts by this Obamaphile:

(Particularly damning statements have been highlighted by Chaimfan.)

Quote from: Debbie Schlussel
October 03, 2008
On Last Night's Debate: Palin Held Her Own, But BOTH Clueless on MidEast, Hezbo, Israel
Printer Friendly

By Debbie Schlussel

Since I've been critical of Sarah Palin's ignorance over the last few weeks, I will also acknowledge that she held her own in the Vice Presidential Debate, last night, other than the ten times that she said "nuke-yuh-ler." Reminds me of someone else, currently in the White House.

She gave great answers and knew her stuff on everything, except the Mid-East, on which she knew so little, she didn't notice or attack a gaping mistake by Joe Biden about Hezbollah. Joe Biden was actually to the right of her on Israel, Lebanon, and that region of the Mid-East, and he actually knew more of what he was talking about.

Biden, Palin Both Clueless on Hezbollah, Condi Clueless, Israel
Except the Hezbollah stuff. He claimed that at one point Hezbollah was kicked out of Lebanon. I was wondering what the heck he was talking about, since Hezbollah, from its start in the early '80s, has always had a significant presence in South Lebanon, though it now dominates much more of the country. I think it's safe to say I know more about Lebanon than any American blogger not of Lebanese descent, and I just couldn't believe he said that.

To be fair, Sarah Palin didn't dispute what he said because she's even more clueless about the Mid-East and hasn't a iota of knowledge about Hezbollah, or she would have corrected him in her rebuttal. She didn't because she's ignorant of the Mid-East and doesn't know better about Hezbollah. Lucky us: wrong vs. ignorant, regarding the heart of Islamic terrorism.

Palin's answer on how she supports a two-state solution in Israel and how she applauds Condoleezza Rice's pressuring of Israel and apartheid housing policies for Jews in Israel, should tell you something. For all her alleged "pro-Israel" stances and all the gushing by Republican Jews over that, her expressed view on Israel, last night, is actually no different than George W. Bush's and Barack Obama's.

Palin claimed that we'll never allow a second Holocaust, yet she supports the means to help that happen: giving Islamic terrorists Jewish people's homes for a country. Hello . . .? This is what happens when you have ignorant people running, who are well coached. Coaching can only do so much, not teach you Mid-East history or the long-term goals and methods of jihad.

And let's face it. None of this is her position, because she doesn't know much about the Mid-East. It's the John McCain position, which she was coached to parrot. And that's bad news, but not surprising to me, since I've long noted it on this site.

As I've warned and warned and warned, John McCain is gonna be no great shakes on Israel, the Mid-East, Islam, and terrorism. Palin says that pressuring Israel to make "peace" (ie., amputate more pieces of land) with the Palestinians will be a top priority and that she and McCain want to continue in Rice's step. (Chaimfan's note: Debbie needs to lay off of the LSD. This is completely imaginary.)

Is this really what you want? How is this different from Bill Clinton? From Madeleine Albright?

It isn't. Israeli Esser Agaroth isn't impressed. He's rightfully disturbed.

No matter who is President--as Palin made clear, last night--Islamic terrorists will be rewarded with a state. So much for her continued claims to Katie Couric and Charles Gibson that they would fight Islamic terrorists around the world.

Also, as Biden pointed out, Bush's policy of free elections to usher in HAMAS and more power for Hezbollah in the Lebanese government has been a predictable disaster, one which Bush pursued . . . in the name of giving Western legitimacy to barbaric Third World terrorists.

Palin has repeatedly insisted that she and John McCain want to spread democracy around the world including the Islamic world, as she told Katie Couric. And she couldn't rebut Joe Biden on this, because democracy in the Mid-East does not work (except in Israel, which is basically a Western island).

Palin also espoused the BS position of both Obama and McCain, and Bush and Clinton and Bush before them, of moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. As I've noted before, this is a big lie. She isn't the first to tell this lie or the last. It will never happen. Every single candidate elected to the White House, since Reagan, has promised this, but not a single one has lifted a finger to movie the embassy to Israel's capital. In fact, each has opposed it. McCain-Palin and Obama-Biden will be no different. Don't be a sucker for this throwaway line of fertilizer.

The bottom line is that neither Palin nor Biden were honest on the Mid-East. Both of their running mates will pressure Israel and create more disasters there in the name of negotiation and peace deals and free elections which elect Islamic extremists.

We expect that from the Democrats. We expect better, but don't get it from the Republicans.

Either way, Israel is screwed. The so-called "two-state solution" is actually a one-state solution, with that state ending up, eventually to be a Palestinian State, with no Israel left.

Don't forget, both Biden and Palin--especially Palin--see nothing wrong with Condi Clueless' outrageous Israel suicide plan. Both praised her.

Like I said, there's almost no difference in the choice we have in a month. (Yeah, like that doesn't sound like her telling people to vote for Obama.)

Posted by Debbie at October 3, 2008 05:45 PM

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Offline americankahanist

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I wouldn't be surprised to see this ugly, flatulent witch stumping for Obama any day now...

funny how you include that particular picture of her and write ugly underneath.
(covered in makeup is bad, but doesn't imply the woman is ugly. She probably looked good at the time that picture was taken)

didn't you once say that Condi Rice was attractive, or was that the old poster chaimjunior?

  Congo Rice attractive?? Are people insane? She is an ugly beast.
  Schussel: Whats wrong with Schussel?

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Schussel: Whats wrong with Schussel?
Did you read the column of hers I posted?

Offline t_h_j

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I wouldn't be surprised to see this ugly, flatulent witch stumping for Obama any day now...

funny how you include that particular picture of her and write ugly underneath.
(covered in makeup is bad, but doesn't imply the woman is ugly. She probably looked good at the time that picture was taken)

didn't you once say that Condi Rice was attractive, or was that the old poster chaimjunior?

  Congo Rice attractive?? Are people insane? She is an ugly beast.
  Schussel: Whats wrong with Schussel?

not "you people".  It's just CF.

Offline americankahanist

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I wouldn't be surprised to see this ugly, flatulent witch stumping for Obama any day now...

funny how you include that particular picture of her and write ugly underneath.
(covered in makeup is bad, but doesn't imply the woman is ugly. She probably looked good at the time that picture was taken)

didn't you once say that Condi Rice was attractive, or was that the old poster chaimjunior?

  Congo Rice attractive?? Are people insane? She is an ugly beast.
  Schussel: Whats wrong with Schussel?

not "you people".  It's just CF.

  Yes, I see- but I stated: "Are people insane?"  still its disgusting.

Offline q_q_

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OK.. we've seen the picture and all the quotes. No need to keep quoting them..

Offline muman613

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What difference is there between some 'jtf' members who say it doesnt matter who we vote for and Mrs Schussel? It maddens me more to read some of our more established members say that voting for either candidate is wrong.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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It maddens me more to read some of our more established members say that voting for either candidate is wrong.


Yeah, that pisses me off too, and I go after the people who say that crap.

Offline DownwithIslam

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If shlussel thinks that Biden is more pro Israel than Palin, then she is either retarded or simply needs her tuchis roasted in Gehenom.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline jaime

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I wouldn't be surprised to see this ugly, flatulent witch stumping for Obama any day now...

funny how you include that particular picture of her and write ugly underneath.
(covered in makeup is bad, but doesn't imply the woman is ugly. She probably looked good at the time that picture was taken)

didn't you once say that Condi Rice was attractive, or was that the old poster chaimjunior? may have outer beauty, but their inner beauty is what makes them ugly once they open their rat traps.

Offline Gruzinit

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No offense C.F. but Debbie Schlussel has a right to her own OPINIONS. She brings up some legitimate point of Palin's politics, unlike the MSM.

What I have found disheartening is her criticism of Bristol's Pregnancy and referring to Todd Palin as Mr. Mom. How many teens go through the difficult decisions Bristol has, let alone on national television (unless you include those morons on the Maury show), and isn't Todd Palin's role in his children lives a wonderful demonstration of the necessary role father's play in their children lives?

I found her behavior in this matter somewhat haughty and aloof, especially since she is unmarried and has no children. But I've noticed she has criticized and supported Palin on specific issues, and that she is not gushing over her like we have seen with Obama supporters.

I mean honestly can anyone hear say they weren't disappointed when she said she supported a "two-state solution", instead of taking a genuine stand on the Mideast?

Schlussel has spent months ripping Obama, and exposing his pro-PLO sympathies and Anti-semitism, just because she's not crazy about McCain-Palin doesn't mean she's wants Obama in the White House. I think she generally feels we will get more of the same, which is her right!
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