General Category > Introduce Yourself

Hello from Atlanta, GA

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Thank you everyone for your warm welcome...


--- Quote from: JusticeForIsrael on October 12, 2008, 07:47:58 PM ---Hi Shamgar,
Go to here from you...I have not owned a gun in about 15 years...When I did I would practice with my Grandfather often...What kind of guns do you have? As for the Jewish community in Atlanta it is at about 100,000...

Shamgar Wrote:
Welcome to a fellow Georgian (USA). I am thrilled that not all the Jews are in NYC. Do you have guns and like to shoot???

--- End quote ---

Have quite a few - longs guns are mostly 223 and 308 calibre. Enough to have to work so I can afford to shoot them all. Amunition has skyrocketed in price over the last couple years.


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