They should allow Lou Dobbs or Glen Beck to moderate a debate.
But the commission in charge of debates would never ask them.
Glenn Beck is excellent. They would never allow him to moderate because he is INFORMED and does his homework. They are afraid of him.
I like Sean Hannity. He works hard putting Hannity's America on Sunday nights, does a 3 hr. radio show M-F, and a tv show, not to mention books he has written so he is very busy. I like Hannity's America, minus cockroach Alan Colmes and Hannity HAS CONNECTED ALL THE DOTS to the dirty dealings and the "grooming" of Obama. I think it started with Frank Davis Marshall, known as "Frank", until the digging started that took months and months to uncover. yesterday, a thread was posted on the Funny Money, another thread proved Frank Davis Marshall is a sex pervert, loved pornography, and a warning was placed before you go to the referred site, which I did not go to due to the warning, that it was sexually explicit, extremely upsetting and offensive. Dreams of My Father, Obama's memoir, refers to "Frank," no last name, a communist, who helped shape Obama's mindset back in the early years. Since Obama's father fled to Kenya, not graduating Harvard and abandoning Barack during forumative years (around his teenage years I believe, correct me if I'm wrong please,) and there were others that helped this chamelon form his world views. Yesterday I heard on WABC AM radio Mark Levin in NY, say that if he's in Florida speaking to the Jews he acts one way, talking to blacks in other cities, he speaks another way, that's what I mean by being a chamelon. He really is an empty shell , so impressionable, that's what Sen. McCain means, unknowingly, when he says Sen. Obama "doesn't understand," or he is "green." it all runs very deep. he was swayed by Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and even that battle ax of a wife of his. His wife wears the pants in that family, will answer the White House phone at 3:00 A.M. and DIRECT Obama as to what to do during a crisis. This man, at 46, with 2 children and a wife

is still discovering himself. He seems quite immature and petty to me. This is a man who has no soul. If he had one, he sold it to the devil. Some would say he is the DEVIL himself. His associations are deplorable, at best. I think Sarah Palin will be the attack dog, negative ads, proven to be effective, and perhaps Obama will make a major gaff within the 27 days left. Once Sen. Biden is back on the scene, mourning the loss of his mother-in-law, we can count on more gaffs from him any time he speaks. Sen. McCain probably had so much on his mind during the debate last night, and that idiot moderator did too much talking

which was distracting to the candidates, Sen. McCain couldn't get the Ayers stuff in at that time, unless he connected it directly to the $50M he distributed for "radical political teachings" in connection iwth the Annenberg/Ayers fiasco. I believe he will bring it up at a different time and will continue on a viscious attack till the end, along with Sarah. I don't think it was the right setting to start a brawl, although Obama seemed subdued last night, perhaps meds for mood disorder

There is a thread here about the $200 M the Saudis contributed to his campaign but the deal was struck up when the former lawyer for Malcolm X inadvertently told a local tv news program in NYC that a favor was needed. The former attorney for Malcolm X, introduced young Obama to the top advisor of a Saudi official, and that is how this lazy free pass regular user of cocaine (he stopped after Frank's death, yeah, whatever Barry, got into ultra prestigious Harvard. Top ranking official of Hamas said, "I like Mr. Obama. I would like to see him get elected to the White House." Please send your ideas or comments to John McCain at this link: