Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Croatian Nazis

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ftf that hadith is correct, except it is not the stone, instead the tree. Many muslims claim incorrectly that the jews are hurriedly planting trees because they believe in this so called prophecy. They also believe this will happen in the land of israel.

I looked it up and found stone not tree... I said persecuted not dead because I'm yet to see a quranical verse or a verse in the hadith that says that all the jews need to be dead for judgement day to occur, the one I posted is the closest I've seen.


--- Quote from: Dr. Brennan Fan on February 19, 2007, 10:03:34 PM ---Croats are Serbs that converted to Catholicism. Bosnians are Serbs that converted to Islam.

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Zasto si stavila sliku ove glumice koja  u toj seriji jeste najzesci ateista i evoluvionista! Pored toga u toj serij se reklamira masonerija i druga okultna drustva!


--- Quote from: crnitrn on July 01, 2010, 01:49:22 PM ---
--- Quote from: Dr. Brennan Fan on February 19, 2007, 10:03:34 PM ---Croats are Serbs that converted to Catholicism. Bosnians are Serbs that converted to Islam.

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Zasto si stavila sliku ove glumice koja  u toj seriji jeste najzesci ateista i evoluvionista! Pored toga u toj serij se reklamira masonerija i druga okultna drustva!

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Prijatelju, to je muskarac, nije Srbin, i voli tu glumicu. Kakva je, takva je, pusti to jer nas on gotivi. Ne moze sve na forumu biti po nasoj volji.

serbian army:

--- Quote from: Dr. Brennan Fan on February 19, 2007, 10:03:34 PM ---Croats are Serbs that converted to Catholicism. Bosnians are Serbs that converted to Islam.

--- End quote ---
Very true.


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