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"FASCIST EUROPE RISING" - EU and US members of GLOBALIST NAZI SS CREATED Bilderberg Group behind Western governments' anti-Serbian policies

Who is behind the formation of the European Union? [formerly known as the European Community (EC) and before that the "European Common Market"]

The men behind the formation of the GLOBALIST Bilderberg Group! Did you know that the Bilderberg Group is responsible for the EU's and US's anti-Serbian policies for the last 18 years?

Did you know that the creator of the EU, the Bilderberg Group, was founded by:

1) Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands: a former Nazi SS officer who resigned from Hitler's SS in the late 1930's just so he could marry into the Dutch royal family.

2) Joseph Retinger:  "Retinger, as a Catholic, was viewed by many as an agent of the Vatican, acting in liaison between the Pope and the Father-General of the Jesuit order.

"One of Retinger's renowned achievements in European politics was the founding of the European Movement, leading to the establishment of the Council of Europe on 5th May 1949. With its headquarters in Strasbourg, the Council Executive Committee provided Retinger his first major platform for his expansive ideology.

From his earlier days at the Sorbonne, Retinger believed in greater European unity, both in military and economic terms. It was also at the same time when his interest in the guidance of the Jesuit order manifested itself. He spent a great deal of his time fulfilling these ambitions.

He suggested to Premier Georges Clemenceau a plan to unite Eastern Europe-involving the merging of Austria, Hungary and Poland as a tripartite monarchy under the guidance of the Jesuit order. Clemenceau, doubtful of the Vatican-inspired plan, rejected Retinger's proposal outright. This plan labelled Retinger, thereafter, as a Vatican agent."
(Above quote excerpted from
"The Bilderberg Group: The Invisible Power House" 1994, Armen Victorian )

FreeNations UK article on Bilderberg by Rodney Atkinson ( Former British Ministerial Adviser, past Lecturer at the University of Mainz, Germany and Author of, among other books, "The Emancipated Society", "Europe's Full Circle" and "Fascist Europe Rising" )

The Bilderberg Group, which, according to the former CIA agent and now academic commentator Richard Aldrich, was far more successful than the European Movement in driving forward the abolition of the free nations of Europe and the construction of the European Union, met in Turnberry, Scotland on May 14th, 15th & 16th 1998.

[ Richard J Aldrich is the writer of the Guardian UK article "America Used Islamists To Arm The Bosnian Muslims:The Srebrenica Report Reveals The Pentagon's Role In A Dirty War"]

'The aims and anti-democratic methods of' this group can be gauged by its two disreputable founders.

JOSEPH RETINGER, an ethnic German from Poland, expelled from allied countries during the first world war "as a result of political intrigues", refused to carry a national passport, was close to the Vatican and its support for a "Charlemagne Europe", and moved in exclusively elitist political circles. His approach to Europe (secret elites planning a European State) is summed up by his remark to the Prime Minister of Italy:

"You I were both subjects of the good old Emperor Franz Joseph. Come let us now join forces and conspire together"

PRINCE BERNHARD OF THE NETHERLANDS (a German Princeling), the co-founder of Bilderberg was a Nazi Party member from 1933 - 1937 when he resigned solely in order to marry into the Dutch Royal family.

He had been an SS officer seconded to I G Farben, the Nazis' principal industrial ally which held mock war games as early as 1934 and funded spying missions in the USA where it had a joint venture with Rockefeller's Standard Oil of New Jersey. "American IG" provided vital war technology to the Nazis. (the Rockefeller’s have been the financial mainstay of Bilderberg in the USA since its foundation).

In 1976 Prince Bernhard would have been prosecuted by the Dutch Donner Commission had it not been for the threat of abdication by the Queen of the Netherlands. He had accepted very substantial bribes from the Lockheed Corporation. An Englishman on his way, with evidence, to the Dutch government's Donner Commission investigating Bernhard was run over by a car and his case stolen:

In 1976 The Times noted that Bilderberg meets secretly to plan events that later appear "just to happen." And this in an organisation where no more than about 6% on average of the attendees are elected politicians.

When details of a Bilderberg meeting were leaked some years ago a leading Bilderberger wrote to one of the attending bankers:

"The Associated Press in an instance of unparalleled irresponsibility picked this up and the New York Times and Washington Post printed it"

So much for democratic accountability! But this was an exception - press silence has been the rule. Indeed recently David Rockefeller congratulated the world's press for keeping "their project" secret for so long! Bankers, businessmen, politicians, journalists who will not report, trade unionists who don't tell their members what they are doing - all meeting at secret locations with secret agenda and secret lists of attendees represent, at its worst, the phenomenon of CORPORATISM. This is also the chief characteristic of the European Union and of course of European Fascism in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Vichy France.

It is therefore no surprise that those behind the creation of the European Union have been even more successful at destroying the democratic nations of Europe than Hitler.

Today no nation in the European Union: -

has a sovereign government
a national parliament which governs them
control of their own citizenship and borders -
control of their waters or fishing
control of agriculture, produce or produce export
control over who can vote in their country
control over the arrest and extradition of their own citizens

and much more.


For more information on Bilderberg see

‘Europe’s Full Circle’ and 'FASCIST EUROPE RISING'






of a speech given at a public meeting at the House of Commons in February 2008 chaired by Philip Davies MP by Rodney Atkinson (Former Ministerial Adviser, past Lecturer at the University of Mainz, Germany and Author of, among other books, The Emancipated Society, Europe's Full Circle and Fascist Europe Rising)


In the cd "The Nazis and Fascists who founded the European Union", launched today, Rodney Atkinson tells the detailed story of an unmentionable truth - that: "The EU was founded and initially led by "former" Nazis and Fascists, as was the Charlemagne Prize awarded to Tony Blair, Edward Heath, Roy Jenkins and others for their role in removing democratic sovereignty from the nation states of Europe."

 No wonder, says Atkinson that the EU has today reproduced the policies and structures of 1940s Europe and shows all the characteristics of a totalitarian anti democratic corporatist Empire - for that is what its fascist founders intended.

In this speech - delivered at a public meeting held at The House of Commons on Tuesday 26th February 2008 - Atkinson describes in detail the backgrounds of those Nazis and Fascists who were so prominent in founding and supporting that "European Union" which now governs Britain - he describes how, among many others:

Walter Hallstein a trained "Nazi Leadership Officer" promoted Nazism in German Universities and the Law became the First President of the European Commission in 1957.

Paul Henri Spaak openly rejected the democracies in favour of the fascist powers and warned the Allies not to attack Germany through Belgium. He became a Founding Father of the European Union.
Walter Funk was a Minister under Goebbels at the Nazi Propaganda Ministry and as Reichs Economics Minister was responsible for dispossessing Jews of their property. He wrote the economic blueprint for a united Europe adopted by the European Union. He was employed in the Lower Saxony Education Ministry from 1957 to 1960.

Hans Josef Globke drafted the Nuremburg Race Laws and then became Director of the German Chancellor's Office from 1953 to 1963 when the European Economic Community was created. etc etc etc

In the cd Atkinson describes how the Fascists' influence is plain to see in the structures, politics, economics and geopolitics of the EU today.

Rodney Atkinson is a former adviser to Ministers and an internationally praised author of 6 books on political economy and the crisis caused by the European Superstate, including Europe's Full Circle and Fascist Europe Rising (available, as is this cd, at £12 from Compuprint Publishing, St Omers House, St Omers Road, Gateshead, NE11 9EL). He founded the international cross party website Freenations ( and The British Declaration of Independence ( He has broadcast on radio and television in the UK, Germany, Poland, Yugoslavia, Australia and the USA and his books have sold in more than 50 countries. The books can be ordered on

JOURNALISTS CAN OBTAIN A FREE CD FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. PUBLISHERS ABROAD SHOULD CONTACT THE AUTHOR at [email protected] The cd is available for £10 post free from Compuprint Publishing, St Omers House, St Omers Road, Gateshead, NE11 9EL, UK


"Thank you for your inspiring book" President Vaclav Klaus, the Czech Republic

"Thank you for the book. British Commissioners in Brussels should bear allegiance to one or other but not both sovereigns." Lord Denning, Lord of Appeal in Ordinary
The Vatican is also deeply involved in Bilderberg and the European Union's founding by German Nazis.

Offline syyuge

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« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2008, 02:02:49 PM »
Yes! They all have to rely upon the social, political and executive powers of Euro-Communism.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline 4International

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« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2008, 03:10:25 PM »
Shalom brother syyuge,

you are closer to the G-d's honest truth than you may realize...

EU and Globalism: Facts denied to the public

UK Independence Party fringe conference 2&3 October 2004

Speech by William Wolf, publisher of Facts and Chronicles denied to the Public, by Pierre de Villemarest

When Nazis and Communists buried the Hatchet, they planted a poisonous seed, which has Grown into the CFR and later into Brussels’s Europe.

When, in March 1988, the Soviet empire was beginning to disintegrate, details of secret, East-West negotiations were leaked to Pravda, and then to Moscow News, to the effect that “ten or twenty years ago,” a world government “could only have led to domination by American capitalism being enshrined in international law”.

However, the article continued, “the situation has changed. What has to be done is to establish a new international political order [for which] the socialist world is well prepared [because] the idea of internationalism is in the very nature of our [Communist] system of government”.

What Moscow realised in 1988 was that globalism represented a final opportunity to rescue communist structures, if not communism itself, from collapse. At the same time, the World Economic Forum, host to annual international summit meetings in Davos, launched, under the names of members of the Bilderberg Group and of the Trilateral Commission, a series of economic plans, to which Moscow was only too willing to subscribe.

The aim of these plans was not to liberate Eastern European sovereignty and democracy, but to engineer, together with the USSR, the domination of Europe by a supranational regime. This aim was identical to that enshrined in the terms of the Soviet-German Treaty of 1939 – a correspondence, which is conveniently ignored by commentators today.

However, if we understand this correspondence, we can easily understand the words of Marcel Déat, as published, in 1943, under German supervision, in his daily newspaper, L’Œuvre [i.e. “The Task”] Déat said:

“It is a question of creating one great European Economic State…The new Europe will either be socialist or it will not exist at all.”!

Here is the beginning of understanding the hidden history of modern Europe - not a Europe which could combine free countries while preserving their sovereignty (i.e. without imposing a supranational state) but that of Jean Monnet, whom the CIA financed in order to create a system of European governance, just like that which Walter Funk, the Nazi Minister of Finance, actually designed.

For decades, the so-called “Fathers of Europe”, Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, Jacques Delors, and others, spread their hatred of sovereignty and democracy through their powerful adherents in the media, and kept quiet about themselves and their ‘godfathers’ in the Fabian Society, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and so on;

namely, Joseph Retinger, Otto Abetz, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, Ernst Aschenbach, Paul-Henry Spaak, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski [Obama's Foreign Policy Advisor], David Rockefeller et cetera, all of whom have worked, in effect, to blend Nazi pan-Europeanism with Communist Internationalism to create the global, oligarchic, corporate system, we see emerging today.

As shown in the Congressional Record - on 15 December 1987, Jesse Helms dropped a bombshell in the US Senate. He denounced “the State Department, the Trade Department, certain banking and financial groups, multinationals and tax-exempt foundations [saying that they were effectively controlled by] organisations such as the CFR, the RIIA, the Trilateral Commission, the Dartmouth and Bilderberg Meetings, the Aspen Institute and the Atlantic Insititute”, which are, he said, “using them to spread and coordinate plans for a so-called New World Order, serving the business and financial channels of the political world…”

Indeed, Senator Helms, whose high degree in Freemasonry, suddenly became a matter of dispute with the Grand Order, ventured to go further still. On the morals of what he called “this secret system of government”, he said,

“The world views of these insiders are characterised by atheism and materialism. All that matters to them is to maximise their profits, by wielding the twin-weapons of debt and monopoly. That is absolutely not true capitalism, and it is not surprising if the insiders of these clubs - while vying with each other – are also plotting together to join forces with Kremlin leaders, whose vision of the world is also that of atheistic, materialistic profiteers.”

Helms also described what he called “the destructive role of Fabian socialism”, specifically deploring the fact (and I quote) “that Europe has lost its identity and sense of mission as a bastion of Western civilisation, whereas Marxism, in all its forms, is replacing the culture and the traditional values of the nations of the Old World”.

How is it possible that so few people know about these powers and their role in shaping Europe and the World since the War? There are two reasons: the first is that foreign correspondents in the United States, are snowed under by government press-releases and trivia, and rarely find time to examine the Congressional Record, let alone to listen to speeches in the Senate or House of Representatives.

The second, and more cogent, reason is apparent from a speech, given in Essen, West Germany, on 8th June 1991, by David Rockefeller, the President of the Bilderberg Group, and of the Trilateral Commission, and one of those who control the media through their financial interests. He said:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been quite impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, now that the world is more sophisticated, it is prepared to march towards a world government and accept the supranational sovereignty of an intellectual and financial elite, which is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries…”

Only a few publications, of very limited circulation, or else this book I’ve just published entitled Facts & Chronicles denied to the public, written by Pierre de Villemarest, a former member of the Special Services for French National Defence, reported this astounding statement, while, among the “great publications” referred to by Rockefeller were the newspapers of record of all the European Union member states, whose eminent columnists – some of them Members of Parliament - preferred not to protest about the censorship imposed by this man and his accomplices, but to continue to allow themselves to be led, together with an ignorant public, on a forced “march towards a one-world government”.

For more than fifty years, the self-appointed “Wise Men” of these plutocratic “Clubs” steadfastly ignored the atrocities perpetrated by the precursor of the Europe of Brussels - the USSR. Under cover of a silence imposed by them, the nomenklatura, who were so admired by Monnet and Delors, were able to impose their “new socialist order” upon 100 million slaves - and murdered as many more.

During an official visit to Bucharest, the then President of France, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (a Bilderberg-attendee since 1968) took the opportunity of assuring the Communist boss, Ceaucescu, as follows:

“We have identical ideas about the problems facing the world, and they are in line with a New Economic World Order”. (Le Figaro, 28 July 1975).

Giscard made almost the same comment to Brezhnev after placing flowers at Lenin’s tomb, as the first Western Head of State to pay tribute to the man who, in founding the Cheka, created the first, modern police-state.

It was at about this time that Alexander Solzhenitsyn miraculously succeeded in breaking through the blanket of silence in the West and in denouncing the Empire of the Gulag. After that, other survivors of the death camps, such as the Russian Vladimir Bukovski, drove the point home by pointing out that the East-West détente, so desired by the globalists, was built upon a hundred million corpses. When challenged about his motives for saying this, Vladimir Bukovski replied, with wonderful, Russian wit and succinctness:

“I am neither from the revolutionary camp, nor from the reactionary camp - I am from the concentration camp.”
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 01:11:57 PM by 4International »


  • Master JTFer
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« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2008, 03:27:05 PM »
Wow good information... and also in English....

I like to read this!

Offline syyuge

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« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2008, 04:56:54 PM »
Thanx and Shalom brother 4International:

I too was surprised to see the distinct similarities with my own considerations. Earlier I could have thought such articles as conspiracy against the conspiracies, but not now.

Actually simple case of Serbia has been made so complicated that all the forces behind it are getting exposed.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.