Author Topic: No MORE attacking AMERICA on this section..  (Read 21822 times)

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Offline cjd

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Re: No MORE attacking AMERICA on this section..
« Reply #75 on: October 12, 2008, 08:50:01 AM »
After reading through this thread I can honestly see that the Serbian section is causing our movement nothing but disruption. The Hostility that comes out of that section and the glorifying of Russia a nation that has relentlessly killed Jews is sickening. There seems to be some impression that there is a separate subsection just for Serbs that non Serbs should avoid. The fact of the matter is most people follow the forum on the most recent posts page and this garbage pollutes  the entire forum. Chaim has given Serbs a great opportunity to advance peoples knowledge of Serbian issues and its sad to see that that opportunity is being wasted.
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Re: No MORE attacking AMERICA on this section..
« Reply #76 on: October 12, 2008, 08:55:12 AM »
The Hostility that comes out of that section and the glorifying of Russia a nation that has relentlessly killed Jews is sickening. 

This no true.
When did the Russians killed Jews?
Please do not say that you believe this?

The fact of the matter is most people follow the forum on the most recent posts page and this garbage pollutes  the entire forum. Chaim has given Serbs a great opportunity to advance peoples knowledge of Serbian issues and its sad to see that that opportunity is being wasted.

What have we said that makes you think like this?
Provide please examples?

I respect you and I always considered you cjd as a inteligent person.
Do not end our sub forum, please..

Offline Shlomo

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Re: No MORE attacking AMERICA on this section..
« Reply #77 on: October 12, 2008, 08:56:01 AM »
Wow... we have people attacking everything and everyone in this thread. What is going on here?

Paulette, I think your post put a few people on the defense. It probably wasn't the best idea to post like this. There's usually a better way than to scream at people using ALL CAPS and showing an example of what you were talking about would have been a good idea.

AryehYehudah, DALMACIJA, and SerbChicago... why are you being so ugly to one another? Are we part of the same organization or are we not? That got pretty ugly and I'm embarrassed to have this on our forum. What type of example do you think this sets for people who are new or looking to see if they should sign up? You should all be more careful with your tempers.

Cjd, I have a LOT of respect for you and I understand why you would be frustrated. But please, let's be fair. The great Serb members are not ruining the movement, G-d forbid... not at all. They are here to help us.

I don't want people attacking the wonderful Christian members, the beautiful Jewish members, or the courageous Serbs who have joined our forum. This is against the forum rules and will not be tolerated.

As for America, Israel, and Serbia... they all have horribly corrupt and evil leadership. They all have people who would rather live more "comfortable lives" than lift a finger to make this world a better place. And they all have their share of problems, but let's try to be respectful to the other members and keep this insane fighting down to a reasonable level. Let's face it, we are human and people are going to argue sometimes. Bashing on America or Serbia is NOT the way to handle this and this needs to stop.

And per Russia... it is an evil country that supports the destruction of Israel, has been giving nuclear technology to Iran who wants to nuke every "infidel", and has been a long time enemy of the US. I understand the position of the Serbs, believe me, but you also have to understand that things like the "protocol of the elders of zion" came from Russia and are still being used today to kill innocent Jews. Israel is first here... that's why it's called the Jewish Task Force. I think that is reasonable so please be careful with this subject. It is a very passionate subject for a lot of people.

One more thing, I want respect shown to the moderators of this forum (like Jasmina, Cjd, etc). These amazing people work so hard and they do it all from volunteering their own time and energy to make sure our forum runs smoothly. You owe these people a huge thank you and a couple of you owe them an apology.

In order for us all to achieve what we need to achieve, we need UNITY - not more division. Unless we work together, we cannot be successful. I'm not really sure what's so difficult to understand about that.

I am locking this terrible thread.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 09:19:40 AM by Shlomo »
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