General Category > Ask JTF
Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
Chaim, here's an idea from the JTF Think Tank:
"Why not have Chaim and JTF take a spot on Satellite Radio. I understand that Sirius and XFM have more slots than they have shows. Heck, let's get two shows!
This wouldn't cost Chaim any time because he could simply submit the audio from his already existing Cable shows he does in Queens. Those two shows are a solid hour and half of radio (with commercials) that would be radio gold.
(I'm not sure how this works out with payment. Do they pay their hosts? Or do hosts just get ad revenue money?)
But in any case, JTF can expose itself to a new audience of millions of people around the world with its vital message, and may make some money off the deal in the process.
Compared to garbage on there now, Chaim will easily become one of the top stars of Satellite Radio. "
What do you think of this idea?
If you like it, we can have all the JTFer's start e-mailing the satellite radio stations telling them how we (and all our friends) would get a subscription to satellite radio if you had a show there.
Shalom Chaim, I am glad to hear everything is well. Might I ask your opinion of Jean-Marie Le Pen? As France is now a cesspool of antisemitism, moral and Islamic filth I noticed that this fellow is very pro-French culture, nationalistic, anti-UN, EU, and as "wikipedia" seems to state is "Right Wing". What are your opinions on this man with respect to Israel and the Arabs and for French Jewish communities in general. Pro or anti-Jew? Worthy of support or no? Yishar koach ve shalom...MarZutra
Hi Chaim,
I have a religious question for you. I once went to a Friday night singles Shabbat dinner, and the rabbi said that the reason we keep the Challah bread covered at the table is to not hurt the feelings of the bread. (I inadvertently giggled out loud when the rabbi said this, and this woman at the table shot me a dirty look.) The rabbi also connected this to Moses having his brother Aaron strike the Nile with his staff to turn all the water in Egypt to blood. His reasoning was that Moses felt protected by the Nile, (since he floated on that river in a basket as a baby) and didn't want to strike it himself.
Have you heard this explanation before? Personally, I don't understand how a loaf of Challah bread can have feelings. I also think rabbis should not be wasting their time discussing the non-existent "feelings" of a loaf of Challah bread. There are many more important issues they should be addressing.
Thanks as always. Your Ask JTF program is my favorite part of every Monday.
Hi Chaim,
I really liked your last JTF show on the subject of energy independance.
I wish OZ77 could produce a video on the issue and post it on YouTube.
Frank the Tank
Global Warming is a Hoax:
Dear Chaim, I read part of an article online about how you and Robert Friedman, had an interview in a coffee shop while you drank tea and talked about how Jews must take crazy measures. When you had this conversation with Friedman amongst others did you ever have a verbal or physical confrontation with him and my second question is, is it true that you once had the unfortunate experience of meeting Schmuck Schumer while he was campaining for his first senate run in 98' and at synagogue? Could you elaborate on it for our forum members. Thanks as always, Mark (Aharon Ben Yitzchak)
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