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Ask JTF For April 1 Broadcast

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I'm posting this on behalf of Yacov Menashe.

Do you believe there are lost tribes in Western Europe? There is a theory called British-Israelism that says that Anglo-Saxons are from Ephraim and Menashe. They call it Brit Am (Covenant of The Nation) and they say that the word British derives from the Hebrew word brit. There are also other such examples such as saying Sweden is from Zevulun based on the etymology of the word.

Dear Chaim,
       Without question it is a Avera to oppress any righteous gentile, and doubly so one who has fought for the Jewish people (Gemara Makos, and Rambam Hilchot Melachim) you asked if lamalshinim and Mosrim have a place in the world to come, they are included among traitors according to Gemara Sanhedrin.

        When we come to power I assume we will demand the immediate extradition(for execution) of everyone involved in the murder of Rabbi Kahane zt'l what will we do if the Jew haters in the US government refuse to give them to us?

Christian Zionist:
Dear Chaim!

1. What do think about the privatization of Social security?  If it is not done what will happen after 15 to 20 years?

2. Is Elizabeth Dole a true conservative?  What was here involvement in the Red Cross?

Thanks In Advance!

Christian Zionist.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Shalom Chaim,

1: A few days ago I saw a documentary on Israel that focused on the daily lives of members of the Gur sect of ultra-Orthodox Chasidim. Can you tell me something about these guys? The narrator of the short film explained that these Jews do not work and are supported by the state and their wealthy leader (the Gur rabbinical leader [they said his name, but I forgot it] was said to be one of the richest men in Israel). Purportedly the Gur devote their lives to leading pickets and protests against various minorities, such as Arab/Armenian priests and Christians in general, but of course I take into account that the film could have been an anti-Semitic hack job. Are these guys the "real deal" and supporters of JTF and Rabbi Kahane, or frauds like Shas?

2: Have you ever exposed the vile, filthy, depraved k**e demon Michael F. Jacobson of CSPI? This atheistic, pro-stem-cell murder piece of human dreck is responsible for countless Goebbelsian junk-science campaigns; he's largely responsible for persuading the entire food industry to standardize on hydrogenated trans-fats (i.e. petrolatum jelly) for frying, and thus tens of millions of cardiac deaths worldwide. He should be fried if JTF takes power.

G-d bless you forever,

Dr. Dan:

1. What would the kahanist govt do if one of its soldiers or citizens were kidnapped?

2. (This question might have been asked before). If the Hilltop Youth or any other true right winged group became large enough and strong enough in Israel, could there be a possibility of a civil war with the current Jewish state?  Or even two Jewish states? one Kahanist Jewish State and the one which is like today?  I hope niether scenarios ever happen. Jews should never be divided irregardless of point of views.

Happy Pesach. Don't overdo it with the Kharoset!


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