Author Topic: Fake article or Tom Hanks really supports Serbia?  (Read 7891 times)

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Offline Draughts

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Fake article or Tom Hanks really supports Serbia?
« on: May 27, 2013, 12:36:35 PM »
Tom Hanks: Kosovo always was Serbia
February 17, 201313
Serbian press are ablaze with stories that Tom Hanks has nailed Serbian colours firmly on the Kosovo mast in an interview with TV station E! when he stated Kosovo has always been Serbian and would one day be again.
Tom Hanks, Hollywood’s all-time highest box office star, was publicising a Steven Spielberg production about the history of Israel. Hanks compared the historic suffering of Jews – who for centuries greeted one another “Next Year in Jerusalem” to that of Kosovo’s Serbs. Hanks went on to say:
We have a similar case today in Kosovo. It was inhabited by Serbs, who built monasteries and had their own kings and then they were expelled by Albanians. At the end of the 20th century there were NATO bombs falling on Serbs, but they still do not want to accept Kosovo as an independent state and proudly say that “Kosovo is Serbia”, like the Jews who once eventually returned to their country, so maybe that is the case with the Serbs.
Tom Hanks has sided with various left-leaning causes from the Obama campaign, gay rights and environmentalism. He also has a keen interest in history – the actor can trace his ancestry back to Nancy Hanks, the mother of Abraham Lincoln.
Tom Hanks with wife Rita Wilson
Hanks grew up in Catholic then Mormon household. After he married actress Rita Wilson, of Greek Orthodox descent, he apparently converted to Orthodoxy and there has since found stability in the faith. (The article goes on to say that the pair often attend daily services during Holy Week and their daughter is a nun serving in the Holy Land at the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.) Perhaps this gave him another perspective on the Kosovo question?
Some 16 months previously, the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued this report that Hanks discussed possible cooperation of a film project sponsored by the Minister.

Offline Draughts

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Re: Fake article or Tom Hanks really supports Serbia?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2013, 12:37:09 PM »
Henks: Kosovo je oduvek bilo srpsko
Holuvudski glumac Tom Henks izjavio je u emisiji kablovske stanice "E!" da je Kosovo oduvek bilo srpsko i da će jednog dana Srbi uspeti da vrate svoju zemlju
Povodom snimanja filma o istorijatu nastanka Izraelske države u produkciji Stiva Spilberga, uporedio Jevreje sa stradanjem kosovskih Srba.

"Jevreji su tokom Drugog svetskog rata pretrpeli pogrom holokausta a da ne govorim šta im se sve dešavalo stotinama godinama ranije. I pored svega toga nikada nisu gubili veru u svoje korene i da će vratiti svoju zemlju pa su se ceo jedan milenijum pozdravljali sa "Dogodine u Jerusalimu". Sličan slučaj imamo i danas kada je reč o Kosovu" izjavio je ovaj poznati holivudski glumac.

"Tamo su nekada živeli Srbi, podizali manastire i imali svoje kraljeve a onda su došli Albanci i proterali Srbe. Krajem 20 veka na Srbe su padale i NATO bombe ali oni i dalje ne žele da priznaju da je Kosovo samostalna država i govore "Kosovo je Srbija", poput Jevreja nekada koji su se na kraju ipak vratili u svoju zemlju, pa možda to bude slučaj i sa Srbima" zaključio je Henks.
Izvor: Pressonline

Offline Draughts

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Re: Fake article or Tom Hanks really supports Serbia?
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2013, 12:41:15 PM »

"The Jews during World War II had suffered pogroms and the Holocaust, not to mention what has happened to them hundreds of years ago. Regardless of that they never lost faith in their roots and to restore their land.... Similar case we have today when it comes to Kosovo," said the famous Hollywood actor Tom Hanks.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Re: Fake article or Tom Hanks really supports Serbia?
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2013, 09:16:44 PM »
Fake. He never said any of that. Tom Hanks is actually friendly with Albanians,115,997
Really? It sounded good...
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline weelittlefishy

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Re: Fake article or Tom Hanks really supports Serbia?
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2013, 04:22:53 PM »
How is a flaming liberal a member of the ROCOR?
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