Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Julia Gorin exposes the Genocide against the Serbian people in Croatia & Kosovo
--- Quote from: Nik_Srb on September 04, 2009, 03:53:07 PM ---how can a "human" being do something like...this....
i honestly feel very sorry for those "people" who could do something like this(not as much as the victims ofc),i mean,i can't imagine what kind of an existance it is
when you are able to do something like this........
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They are not human being,they are disease... Some day when UN get everything what they need on Kosovo they will go away and than something similar is gonna happens to them...We have no compasion for them because they are much much worse than animals.
I think I'm going to throw up. :yuck:
the pictures are graphic but at the same time they should be posted so the world can be witness what kind of animals the croatian and muslim nazis have done and are still doing to this parents witnessed these events during world war 2
--- Quote from: ProudToBeSerb on February 14, 2010, 07:17:51 AM ---They are not human being,they are disease... Some day when UN get everything what they need on Kosovo they will go away and than something similar is gonna happens to them...We have no compasion for them because they are much much worse than animals.
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Don't say this thing ,otherwise you are no better than them! In Serbia, all nations (about 40) and religion, have today, and throughout history had the same rights as Serbs. No one was prosecuted and convicted if he respected the law!Bad things that the media are talking about Serbia and Serbs have never occurred, there were and there are some small groups of extreme, but it has in all nations, and in Serbia and perhaps the least!
The deaths of these people will be avenged.
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