:jump:time to cry you lousy democrats Pelosi, Dodd, Reid, Obama, et al. McCain, yesterday, leading in Ohio. Dow up 673+. Bad news for dems. Obama slipping polls. I quit subscribing to Rasmussen, he posts polls but tells us they are no good "till next week." Who does he poll? only 1,000 people and are any of them republicans? Someone on this site advised me to quit watching the polls, except for Zogby, thank you. I am feeling much better now ;Ddid anyone get to see Sen. McCain's inspiring speech from Virginia Bch. today? I think "Nobama" is being exposed from the moron he is. HE IS STILL SAYING SMALL BUSINESS PAYS CAPITAL GAINS. He is nothing but a liar. He met w/2 members of Hamas yesterday, among a group of Muslims and said, "I didn't know they'd be there (Hamas,) LIAR. NY Times, Katie Couric, big mouth Joy Bayher, "Sean Hannity is dangerous on television," (statement released today,) please lodge your complaints to her bosses at ABC, along w/Barbara "do me" (she says that on the air; what a revolting image,) here: