Author Topic: When Pauls outnumber Peters. What a great article!! Please read and circulate.  (Read 482 times)

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Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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When “Pauls” Outnumber “Peters”
By Arnold Ahlert (bio)
For a long time, Americans have tolerated the incessant whine from a portion of their fellow citizens whose innumerable complaints can be reduced to a single idea: life is not fair. Question: why would any rational American want to put these people in charge of the country? You can dress up the rhetoric of Barack Obama any way you want, but in the final analysis it is all about government imposing “fairness” upon us–by any means necessary.

The ascendancy of Americans who believe somebody “owes” them something without regard to mitigating factors such as hard work, ambition and personal responsibility is breath-taking. Yet it is hardly surprising. Years of sub-standard education have produced Americans whose misunderstanding of reality is profound. They truly believe that none of the problems they face are of their own making. They truly believe equality of opportunity and equality of results are one and the same. They truly believe self-esteem has no relationship to accomplishment.

In other words, it doesn’t matter what you do, it only matters what you want. And if you don’t get what you want, it’s because America is a rotten country.

Barack Obama’s entire political philosophy is based on the premise that America is essentially flawed. Not essentially good with some tweaking needed, but a net minus as a nation. That this essential contempt for America resonates with the likes of Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Hollywood celebrities, and the mainstream media is nothing new. Hating one’s country–even as it has made you rich and/or famous–is what much elitist behavior is all about.

The rise of Barack Obama suggests that this contempt is no longer limited to the ivory towers of academe, Manhattan or San Francisco cocktail parties, the mainstream media, the aging hippies, the radicals, the misfits and the neer-do-wells. It suggests that we may have reached a watershed moment in American history: those who disdain this country may finally outnumber those who love it. Those who complain may outnumber those who achieve. Those who take may outnumber those who give.

Perhaps Barack Obama is truly a man ahead of his time. He has seemingly tapped into a wellspring of discontent as powerful as it is misguided. “Robbing Peter to pay Paul” sounds attractive–but only as as long as one has a steady supply of Peters ready,willing, and able to be bludgeoned by suffocating government. How long such people will be willing to put up with such an arrangement is anyone’s guess. It is far easier to ride on the wagon than pull it–especially when those riding have the gall to suggest the pullers aren’t doing their “fair share.”

What happens when everyone wants a free ride, aka when the “Pauls” outnumber the “Peters?”

“Change you can believe in,” that’s what.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2008, 04:14:27 PM by zachor_ve_kavod »