My greatest concern is for Israel and the incessant push by Dennis Axelrod, his leftist Bolshevik Jewish campaign manager, to force her to give up her Biblical heartland to the muslim nazis that surround her. Obama is merely a typical politician in the same way that he described his own grandmother as a "typical white woman". His campaign looks at polls and sees what people want to hear and then tells them that, so they think he supports whatever they do. This way he disguises his agenda until he is elected and then he will spring his real agenda on us. G-d forbid! Let us peacefully and legally oppose Obama's wicked leftist agenda.
I can't stand David Axelrod. He got the first black governor elected to the State of Massachusetts, my home town. Once a Red Sox fan, always a Red Sox fan

and now Massachusetts is facing bankruptcy. These blacks are not qualified to do these jobs, but Axelrod sure knows how to run these campaigns and get these no nothing bums elected and destroy our country, one state at a time. Only they will live like millionaires while our home values dwindle, our neighborhoods become unsafe, we don't have enough police officers to protect us, the military will walk our streets, our small children will be radicalized politically in schools. Obama is an empty vessel. He is confused about his white grandparents, his white mother who is a "typical white woman," because a black panhandler frightened her so this shaped his entire life about "white woman," but you don't see the b@stard turning down money from "typical white woman," whatever that means

he is an empty vessel and whatever David Axelrod tells him, he says, to get votes. he is a chamelon. like Scott Peterson, Andrew Cunanan, and other black widow murderers. These are woman (the black part is just the name of it, nothing to do w/race,) who marry men, then kill them after the ceremony. Often, they kill by arsenic poisoning, to watch the man slowly suffer a painful lingering death.) I am not saying Obama is a serial killer, but he is drunk w/power. I believe Obama is a sick sick man. see this link: Heaven Forbid and G-d Forbid is not the way to deal with this maniac. We are now his victims, unless Sen. McCain wins. We don't know that yet. It doesn't look to promising because of the old fashioned way Sen. McCain ran his campaign: honesty, naively and so on. All we can do is stick together. I am not going to let this ruin my life like it has been of late. I've erased all shows from my dvr except when you turn it on it's still on Fox News

I love books, games, dressing up nice and going out, and making plans for my future. I hope that all of you go on with your lives and just ignore these people, just for a short time, if you can. It will do you a world of good. Blessings to All.