Sen. Obama, regarding Jeremiah Wright, what were you doing for 20 years during his sermons? You said you didn't hear any anti-American rants, what did you hear? I find it impossible to not hear him shouting, so what did you hear?
I'd like to ask another question that maybe you'll have an easier time answering than the first one. How come I never heard you mention Israel early in your campaign or the Jewish vote? I know what he'll say," You weren't listening to me!

If you had been listening to me you'd have heard me say, "I love the Jews. Just because I want to sit down without preconditions with Israel's biggest threat, does not mean I don't want the Jewish vote. See, if you had been listening to me

like I told you to, we could have avoided this discussion and I could contemplate without being interrupted by your stupid questions, you Bible thumping, gun toting, antipathy towards others unlike yourself, you moron."