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Ask JTF for Sunday, November 2, 2008.

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Everybody, please know that Chaim is only able to address one brief comment or question per member per week. Thank you.

Shalom Chaim,

The pathetic, moronic campaign McCain has run boggles the mind. Is he trying to lose? Is he senile? His campaign has been execrable even by the PC standards of today's Republican establishment; it's almost like he's being paid to "take a dive", and another JTFer I mentioned this to privately basically agreed. Did you know McCain has been getting booed at his own rallies by Republicans fed-up with his mamby-pamby ways? I know you hate wild conspiracy theories, but is it possible that this leftist pseudo-Republican, who has based his Senate career on stabbing his party in the back, ran for the Republican nomination in order to undermine and doom the GOP?


Greetings Chaim. If you were ever allowed to move to Israel do you think that you'd be harassed and arrested like Noam Federman and his family have been, and maybe even deported for speaking the truth?

Dear Chaim,

How did you and David Ben Moshe become friends?

Thank you and G-D Bless

Shalom Chaim,

The other day my teacher said I laugh when I hear ignorant people say "well I'm not voting for Obama because he is a Muslim." My teacher then said that Obama is anything but a Muslim and was a Christian because he belonged to Jeremiah Wright's church? I thought that was crazy to say such a thing, JTF has always had all the facts that he went to Muslim schools, doesn't salute the American flag and is a pro-Muslim Fakistinian supporter and Jew-hater, but people fail to see the truth about Obama. In fact 23% of Texas thinks Obama is a Muslim, though all Americans should realize he's a Muslim, Terrorist Sympathizer.

G-d Bless,


Dear Chaim, I'm 28 years old and I'm still having problems with acne. Is there anything people shouldn't do I already know you should never pop the pimples. There are certain foods for people suffering from acne shouldn't eat? Could you name a few foods acne sufferers should never eat. Thank you as always, Blastaway.


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