Author Topic: Confirmed: MSM Holds Video Of Barack Obama Attending Jew-Bash & Toasting PLO  (Read 1333 times)

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Friday, October 24, 2008 Gateway Pundit
Confirmed: MSM Holds Video Of Barack Obama Attending Jew-Bash & Toasting a Former PLO Operative... Refuse to Release the Video!

This post is by Gateway Pundit

LA Times writer Peter Wallsten wrote about Barack Obama's close association with former Palestinian operative Rashid Khalidi back in April.
Wallsten discussed a dinner held back in 2003 in honor of Khalidi, a critic of Israel and advocate for Palestinian rights.
Barack Obama has denied his close association with Khalidi, too.

According to Wallsten the evening not surprisingly turned into a classic Jew-bash:

    "During the dinner a young Palestinian American recited a poem accusing the Israeli government of terrorism in its treatment of Palestinians and sharply criticizing U.S. support of Israel. If Palestinians cannot secure their own land, she said, "then you will never see a day of peace."

    One speaker likened "Zionist settlers on the West Bank" to Osama bin Laden, saying both had been "blinded by ideology."

Barack Obama also praised the former PLO operative during the event.
And, Obama confessed that his family often shared dinner with the Khalidis:

    His many talks with the Khalidis, Obama said, had been "consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases... It's for that reason that I'm hoping that, for many years to come, we continue that conversation -- a conversation that is necessary not just around Mona and Rashid's dinner table," but around "this entire world."

    ...The event was videotaped, and a copy of the tape was obtained by The Times.

Khalidi and the Obamas were great friends in Chicago and often shared meals together.
By the way, Khalidi was also best friends with Bill Ayers.

Terrorist Bill Ayers--- Barack Obama--- Jew-hater Rashid Khalidi

On Wednesday I talked with Peter Wallsten from the Los Angeles Times about the article on Obama and Khalidi:

    Wallston was one of the few mainstream media reporters to report on this radical Obama associate.

    Wallston said that the article was written after he watched video taken at the Khalidi going away party. When I asked him about the video he said that as far as he was concerned he was through with the story.

    I asked him if he was planning on releasing this video of Obama toasting the radical Khalidi at this Jew-bash. He told me he was not releasing the video. He also would not comment on his source for the video. Wallston also said he did not know if Khalidi's good friend Bill Ayers was at the event or not.

So, there you have it.
The LA Times has video of Obama toasting a former PLO operative at a Jew-bash but will not release the video.
This is outrageous.
Obviously, this video would do great damage to Obama who struggles with Jewish voters due to his circle of close anti-Semitic friends.
Maybe this is the reason it is not being released?

More on Khalidi---
Not only does Barack Obama's church of 20 years support Hamas and Hezbollah but Barack Obama also has a longtime close friendship and financial association with suspected former PLO operative and Israel hater Rashid Khalidi.
Earlier this month Sean Hannity dared to report on Barack and Michelle Obama's radical associate and friend, Rashid Khalidi:

Barack Obama funnelled thousands of dollars of cash to Rashidi's anti-Israel Foundation through his work on the Woods Fund.

In 2000, Rashid Khalidi, a former PLO operative who justified Palestinian terrorism as contributing to "political enlightenment," threw a fundraiser for his friend Barack Obama.

Although he is described as a former PLO operative, via Free Republic, this is what Rashid Khalidi has to say about Palestinian terrorism against Jews-- he said anti-Israel violence contributed to "political enlightenment":

    On Palestinian violence. Khalidi glorifies anti-Israel violence as contributing to “political enlightenment”[vii] and unsurprisingly admires those who carry it out. His loyalty to Palestinian terrorist groups run so deep that he actually dedicated his 1986 valentine to the PLO, Under Siege, to “those who gave their lives . . . in defense of the cause of Palestine and independence of Lebanon.”[viii] The book whitewashes PLO violence against Israelis and Lebanese, as well as the Syrian occupation.

Khalidi and Ayers were practically best friends.
And, both Ayers and Obama signed the commemorative book given to Khalidi at his going away party.

It's hard to imagine that the LA Times would hold onto a video of Sarah Palin praising an anti-Semitic radical and former PLO operative...
But, that is today's mainstream media.

Tom Maguire has more on this radical friend of Barack and Michelle Obama.

** Obama's Fancied the Chicago Terror Gang-- Partied With Bombers & Former PLO Operative
** Jewish Voters Confront Barack Obama On His Close Association with Former PLO Operative Rashid Khalidi
** LA Times Won't Release Video of Obama Publicly Praising Former PLO Operative & Jew Hater
Media Refuses to Release Video of Obama Toasting & Praising Close Friend Rashid Khalidi--

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What can be done to get the L.A. Times to release that video?

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Offline Gruzinit

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Could this be the October surprise?
The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money. – Alexis de Tocqueville

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Offline Xoce

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one of many, but will it stick?
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Offline nessuno

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They will never release it.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Lisa

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What if we were to all write Peter Wallsten some nasty email messages. 

Also, I realize this is quite late in the game.  But what if someone were to make a list of the L.A. Times' advertisers, so people could write them and tell them to pull their advertising from that left wing rag? 

Offline Xoce

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There may be copies elsewhere, because the article said the la times obtained A copy...
although it is unlikely that the other copy holders would release their tapes...
aka Someone Else

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Deny, Deny, Deny, Obama has lied from the beginning.  Daniel Pipes is an expert on the Middle East, and he is a top knotch investigator, and expert, you can take his word to the bank.  He has been keeping his members informed with details you will not find anywhere else.  It is criminal that the MSM, except for Fox, has not informed the public of these vital facts on Obama.


Offline Debbie Shafer

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I think this Khalidi video holds the key to a landslide.  There must be some pretty incriminating stuff on the tape for the Times to keep it from being shown.  I have to say I was excited and upbeat about Mccain's Rally tonight.  He was a powerhouse tonight, with Stand up and Fight! Fight for your Country, Fight for your Freedom, Fight for the America we all love, Never give in, Never give up!   The Crowd was going bonkers!!  He has such credibility because of his service and torture in Viet Nam.

I was at a rally in Iowa, and it was the same type of excitement.  The men were yelling so loud, I had a hearing deficit the next day.  You could feel the spirit of America!
