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Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Al Qaeda endorses Obama
« on: October 31, 2008, 04:23:25 AM »
A new video by Al Qaeda calls for Republican humiliation in the upcoming U.S. presidential election, revealing perhaps that the terrorist organization senses an easier time with Barack Obama in the White House. The announcement is poor timing for Obama since it may put his Muslim heritage back in the spotlight in an unfair way.

Al Qaeda Barack Obama Endorsement

Pundits remember the threatening 11th hour Al Qaeda endorsement of John Kerry in the 2004 election which did nothing but hurt the Democrat at the polls. Americans are a resilient and hardy people who are not easily intimidated by terrorists.

In contrast to 2004, the new show of support is not directly menacing, but rather a prayer to Allah that Barack Obama and the Democrats be elected to office. That will ensure the humiliation of the Republican party and apparently vindicate the terrorist organization in their minds.

“O G-d, humiliate Bush and his party, O Lord of the Worlds, degrade and defy him.”
– Al Qaeda endorses Obama in 2008

The last thing the Obama campaign wanted was an Al Qaeda video. They do not want voters reminded of the image that Hillary Clinton released of Obama in Muslim garb, nor do they want voters focusing on his Islamic childhood and father.

More than even that, they positively do not want any hints that terrorist organizations and states expect an easier time under Obama than Bush, regardless of his pledge to meet with them unconditionally.

Obama’s friends in the press will split hairs to portray the video as not really a direct endorsement of Obama, since he was not actually mentioned by name. Instead Abu Yahya al-Libi, a top Al Qaeda leader, called for the humiliation of George Bush and his Republican party in the Tuesday election, leaving no doubt what is on their mind. He issued the statements in a sermon that was posted on an Al Qaeda website.

One might expect Al Qaeda to take credit for a potential Obama victory next week by gloating that US voters cowered under pressure.

Al Qaeda’s Message to Democrats

According to ABC’s The Blotter, Al Qaeda has sent a message to the Democrats, taking credit for the mid-term election victory.

Al Qaeda has sent a message to leaders of the Democratic party that credit for the defeat of congressional Republicans belongs to the terrorists.

In a portion of the tape from al Qaeda No. 2 man, Ayman al Zawahri, made available only today, Zawahri says he has two messages for American Democrats.

“The first is that you aren’t the ones who won the midterm elections, nor are the Republicans the ones who lost. Rather, the Mujahideen — the Muslim Ummah’s vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq — are the ones who won, and the American forces and their Crusader allies are the ones who lost,‿ Zawahri said, according to a full transcript obtained by ABC News.

Zawahri calls on the Democrats to negotiate with him and Osama bin Laden, not others in the Islamic world who Zawahri says cannot help.

Offline jaime

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Re: Al Qaeda endorses Obama
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2008, 05:24:18 AM »
They are twisted thinkers.  Of course they want to humiliate Bush because we've been safe for 7 years.  They just trash talk and are morons.  The latest endorsement is not a good sign for -0-.  Thank you G-d.  Perfect timing ;D