The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Michael Jackson just converted to Islam

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I made a thread a few days ago about Mike Tyson being my favorite black Muslim. Looks, like Wacko Jacko is vying for my attention. I think he'll make for a great Muslim. He molests little boys, he's antisemitic (uses "jew" as a verb), he's a druggie, he has a low IQ. What else?

WTH i guess he is following in his brothers footsteps. No wonder he was caught a while ago, hiding in disguise under an islamic jalabah. The world has gone crazy, though i guess its not much of a loss if he converts, is it?

Good riddens to that creature blackson he could change to S.Arabian Ibn Jack.He's does'nt know if he's a man or woman black or wannabe white

he's obviously doing it so that he can molest little boys over there.


--- Quote from: MackaB on February 24, 2007, 06:58:45 PM ---he's obviously doing it so that he can molest little boys over there.

--- End quote ---

Thats the most logical reason. Otherwise he'll convert back tomorrow, probably to hinduism.


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