The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

"It Is Islam, Dummy"

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oh, so hypocritical these muslims are. in the western world, they demand equality, fairness, freedom, free speech and so on, and fully get them and even beyond that. but, when it comes to THEIR approach to the western world, theres a sudden change of mind.. out of nowhere, suddenly thei become extreme, against freedom, against anything western, seeking to destroy western lifestyle and impose their own one instead, and suddenly terror becomes a good mean to acheive that. never listen to liberal muslims, as they say islam is all good and peacefull... they only wanna make you ignorrant of the growing problem so that the islamic takeover of the world would be a surprise to you and you wont fight it in time until it becomes too late, when every western country would get plagued by islamig nazi terror and an islamic majority of population. one day you people would wake up in the morning to say your prayers to allah. folks, if we sit on the fence and do nothing this whole scenario would become reallity, a bad dream for all of us here.

For refferrence, lets quote the quran: "Fight and slay the Unbelievers wherever ye find them.  Seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war."
 Qur'an, Sura 9:5

An interesting comparrison:

Full of hatred??? I hope that response is tongue in cheek. If not, let me illuminate you. It's called self-defense. What I have written about Islam is true - what I have written about the lunatics who would blow their innocent infant up with them for jihad, is true - and the sad part is, the lunatics think that's glorious. Do you know of any other religion that encourages parents to sacrifice their children or encourage them to suicide? As for the treatment of women in Islamic countries, the record stands for itself. As for the Patton quote - that's what happens in war - you don't stand around being diplomatic in combat - you stay alive and keep your buddies alive as best you can. That means taking out the people who are trying to kill you before they can accomplish that goal. It's very simple. No one every said it was pretty or nice, but it is reality. As for my feelings about Islam and the terrorists who seek our destruction - a member of may family survived 9/11 by the grace of God - I guess I do take it personally when someone tries to kill a member of my family, and succeeds in murdering my fellow Americans. And I do get angry when the murderers and their supporters play the victim and cry prejudice and racism as soon as someone calls them out for what they are. All I ask is that we be honest with ourselves and ask "Would the world be better off without Islamic fascism and fanaticism?" and "Does "mainstream" Islam (if that really exists) do anything positive to keep their religion from being "hijacked" as they claim?" The answers are pretty obvious.

Hail Columbia:

--- Quote from: Tough_American on August 23, 2006, 07:28:51 PM ---wow... you guys are so full of hatred.

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Of course!  The ignorant, knuckle-dragging, throat-cutting, wife-beating, child molesting, mass murdering, camel jockeying group of people otherwise known as Muslims are the enemy, you know, just like the Nazis were, and then some.

El Cabong!:

--- Quote from: Tough_American on August 23, 2006, 07:28:51 PM ---
--- Quote from: stevefromqueens on August 22, 2006, 09:53:03 AM ---Couldn't agree more with the Iranian writer. It is extremely important that truth about this insane cult masquerading as a religion gets out there. Another great writer is a young Muslim woman named Irshad Manji, author of "The Truth About Islam". I heartily recommend this book to anyone who wants to know about the inner workings of Islam and how it intrudes into every aspect of the life of those who practice it. It is amazing to me how the liberal apologists for this belief system conveniently ignore its horrendous treatment of women, yet take on the banner of "women's rights" here in this country. They ignore the fact that Islam treats women like chldren at best, and at worst, like property to be used, abused, and then condemned to hell (the Koran states that hell is filled with women). Only last week we learned about (but were not surprised by) the fact that among those plotting to bring down the airliners over the Atlantic, were a young Muslim couple who were going to take their 6-month old infant onto the plane with them and blow themselves up for jihad. This is not only lunacy, but evil of the highest degree. Yet, once more, there are so many who preach that negotiation and diplomacy is the way to go when dealing with Islamic extremism. I for one belive in what General George Patton said during WWI (my dad served under Patton in Normandy, and was wounded in battle at St. Lo). Paton said: "No one ever won a war by dying for his country - you make the other son of a b---h die for his!" Truer words were never spoken - the only way to root out Islamic fundamentalism is to kill the suckers before they kill us.

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wow... you guys are so full of hatred.

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Let me explain it to you: islam IS a hate crime, hating islam is virtue.


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