I won't be writing any novels. There are too many crappy books around as it is.

These days I can barely find the energy to read anything. If I can't be bothered reading books then I wouldn't expect anyone to read anything of mine.
The future belongs to the radical new thinkers. There will be more women and more 'minorities' writing books, while white men continue their slide into obscurity.
All worthwhile people have tried to kill themselves at somepoint. There's no point being alive.
The future, the day after tomorrow, belongs to new people, new blood. The day of the white man is well and truly over.
And yet - and this brings tears of laughter and of sorrow to my ears - some white women still bring white male children into existence, even today? A sin against the Holy Ghost. - The only righteous white women are those I see taking half-black kids to school in the morning. There is no longer any excuse to have white children any more. It is selfishness in the highest; malicious and sadistic to the utmost.