Author Topic: Putin popular amoug Russians  (Read 12068 times)

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Re: Putin popular amoug Russians
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2008, 10:43:21 AM »
If Mr.Chaim got no problem that Serbs support Russians why does he?

Can you show me the link to where Mr. Chaim supports the decision of Serbs to support Russia?
Well i have asked him in Ask jtf for September 7-8 but i can't find where do they store the answers.But he sad that he got no problem for Serbs supporting the Russians and that he understands why.That was basically it,but if i find the answering tread i will give it to you.
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Re: Putin popular amoug Russians
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2008, 11:51:07 AM »
AryehYehudah so you continue to bombard forum with your anti-Save Serbia sub forum posts.You are angry on Russia(almost every time you are referring Russia as still Soviet and communist country).Well I will try to straight facts to find out why is Serbia really supporting Russia.It is more like Serbia thanking Russia for supporting us in many historic occasions.Support mainly dates from Balkan wars 1912 when Russian Empire  backed Serbia,Montenegro,Bulgaria and Greece Alliance to freed themselves from terror Turkey muslim occupation lasting almost 500 years in Balkans.Then again in 1914 Russian Empire entered WW1 to protect Serbia from Austro-Hungarian invasion(when holocaust on Serbian people really began,which goals was destruction of everything that is Serbian)protecting us together with France,United Kingdom and later Italy and US.Even today Russian Federation supports Serbia's stand on Kosovo,when most of the our former Allies for both World Wars betrayed us by recognizing part of our historic province,very important to us because it is "our Jerusalem".THAT'S WHY Serbia is so thankfull and that's why Serbia respect Russia as its protector,not to mention faith,culture and common Slavic origin.
Although I really don't understand why are you so Anti-Russian,Anti-Serbian,Anti-Orthodox and generalise whole nations and faith.If you generalise whole faith or nation with your hate,what makes you different from Nazis then?Tell me please,I'm curious...
What are you doing here is spreading hate,and I don't think that's main goal of this (I think great) forum.If you want to debate,do it please,just avoid hate speeches.Thank you.

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Re: Putin popular amoug Russians
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2008, 12:24:00 PM »

  Russian people, in general dont have a "heart" for ANYBODY.
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Re: Putin popular amoug Russians
« Reply #28 on: October 10, 2008, 12:29:54 PM »

  Russian people, in general dont have a "heart" for ANYBODY.

At least the Russians are not selfish, cold or abnormal people.
They do not know what feminism or homosexual tolerance is, neither do they support other aspects, of same kind, which are accepted and normal in Western societies !

How many Russians do you personally know YOU ALL from the JTF who know very good to accuse Russians of everything, how many Russian have you met?

Well Russian have a speacial place in their hearts for us the Serbs...
Or do not you believe me because I am a Serb "and Serbs support Russia no matter what..."
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 12:39:05 PM by DALMACIJA »

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Re: Putin popular amoug Russians
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2008, 01:49:17 PM »

  Russian people, in general dont have a "heart" for ANYBODY.

At least the Russians are not selfish, cold or abnormal people.
They do not know what feminism or homosexual tolerance is, neither do they support other aspects, of same kind, which are accepted and normal in Western societies !

How many Russians do you personally know YOU ALL from the JTF who know very good to accuse Russians of everything, how many Russian have you met?

Well Russian have a speacial place in their hearts for us the Serbs...
Or do not you believe me because I am a Serb "and Serbs support Russia no matter what..."

 I know lots of Russians. LOTS.
 Cold? USA is NOT cold.  WE HELP EVERYBODY- EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. I dont care if u support Russia, but you should really KNOW that the KGB-PUTIN supports AHMADINEJAD- PLUS they are taking OUR LAND in ISRAEL!!!!! GET OUT OF ISRAEL RUSSIA!!! YOU HAVE ENOUGH OF YOUR OWN, more than ENOUGH!
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Offline Kerber

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Re: Putin popular amoug Russians
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2008, 02:30:27 PM »
I know he made a joke about it earlier, but I am seriously starting to think that that Dalmacija is a russian spy or KGB agent.   

Dalmacija is a Serb, that lives in former Serbian, now Croatian territory of Crajina.
Just like some other people on this forum, he is suspecting NATO-EU-USA from planning an invasion of Russia and Siberia.

I am absolutely sure that NATO-EU-USA elitists are indeed planning to take conrol of Eurasia, and the biggest obstacle for them is Russia, since it is the biggest country of Europe-Asia.

In the same time these elitists are planning the controled destruction of all nation-states, in order to create a one-world-government.
Since I object this one-world-government to come , G-d forbid, I think we patriots of our resective countries, should work to more mutual understanding, that we are all fighting against the same enemy, i.e. these elitists that want to destroy our nation's souvereignity, and that these divisions between us are only helping their agenda.

I think Dalmacija endorses JTF out of true Patriotical and religious reasons instead of neo-Soviet or pro-EU-USA-NATO-KGB reasons.

whether Putin&Medvedev are Patriots, or a One-worldists in disguise, the future will tell us.

I, for sure, don't trust the Ruling Leaders in any country of this world.
Of course...You are right.


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Re: Putin popular amoug Russians
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2008, 02:36:51 PM »

Offline Kerber

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Re: Putin popular amoug Russians
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2008, 02:41:15 PM »

  Russian people, in general dont have a "heart" for ANYBODY.

At least the Russians are not selfish, cold or abnormal people.
They do not know what feminism or homosexual tolerance is, neither do they support other aspects, of same kind, which are accepted and normal in Western societies !

How many Russians do you personally know YOU ALL from the JTF who know very good to accuse Russians of everything, how many Russian have you met?

Well Russian have a speacial place in their hearts for us the Serbs...
Or do not you believe me because I am a Serb "and Serbs support Russia no matter what..."

 I know lots of Russians. LOTS.
 Cold? USA is NOT cold.  WE HELP EVERYBODY- EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. I dont care if u support Russia, but you should really KNOW that the KGB-PUTIN supports AHMADINEJAD- PLUS they are taking OUR LAND in ISRAEL!!!!! GET OUT OF ISRAEL RUSSIA!!! YOU HAVE ENOUGH OF YOUR OWN, more than ENOUGH!
Will you be so kind to vote someone who is going to stop "US help" all over the world,a?
And especially to stop "helping" Serbia...

Offline AsheDina

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Re: Putin popular amoug Russians
« Reply #33 on: October 11, 2008, 08:22:33 PM »

Yes, America WANTS A MOSLEM PRESIDENT- so GET READY FOR SHARIA LAW.  ~Obama will be even SERBIAS master- then you will PRAY for the 'good ole days' in Serbia, THEN WHAT WILL YOU WANT FROM the "good ole" USA??


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Re: Putin popular amoug Russians
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2008, 08:56:05 PM »
Someone give Putin a noose so he can hang his pitiful self!
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Re: Putin popular amoug Russians
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2008, 02:06:36 AM »
Hi there,

Although I was born in the former USSR, I have no sentiment to Russia ans Mr. Putin. Neither have I hostility toward it. I think Russia is just trying to regain its power and influence, and Putin has done much for it.

In my opinion, we the Jews don't need to be afraid of the current rise of Russia. Although some things it's doing certainly are certainly harmful to Israel, there are positive things too. After all, the global American domination is not too good for us, because I'm sure it seduces America to pursue its broader interests (like oil supply) at Israel's expence. It is obvious that the USA are ready to back some Arab claims to Israel in return for better relations with countries like Saudi Arabia.

On the other hand, when Russia is strong enough to challenge the USA all over the globe, the value of Israel as an American ally rises sharply. In this case a strong ally in such an explosive region as the Middle East matters more than some tankers of Arab oil. I think Israel must be an American ally but not a servant like it is now.

I completely understand the Serbs when they adhere to Russia. After all, Russia supported them in the past and supports now, why refuse? Unlike America, it's advocating its allies broadening, not shrinking ;D
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