Author Topic: Anti-JTF Croat Nazi Marbus Brags about getting JTF Accounts Banned from Zootube  (Read 1321 times)

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Offline 4International

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Shalom dear JTF brothers and sisters,

The dyslexic anti-JTF Croat Ustasha Nazi piece of garbage on zootube going by the user name of "Marbus" - who just happens to be chosen as a supreme ally of leftist bolshevik morons Peace Now - has bragged on many occasions how he is the main individual behind the anti-JTF flagging campaign which resulted in many JTF accounts with videos of Chaim and David speaking the truth to the world being banned from zootube without warning.

The entire account/channel gets pulled - not just one or two videos. His flagging campaign is directed mainly to any accounts containing even one JTF video of Chaim speaking in English. What he does is to lead a mass anti-JTF flagging campaign by getting his fellow Croat, Albanian and Bosnian Nazis [of which there are thousands on zootube] to flag the JTF accounts containing videos of Chaim speaking in English until the account gets suspended. Zootube purportedly has its own special flagging system whereby if a certain account receives a set number of flags by the zootube user community, the account is automatically disabled and all videos uploaded in the account get pulled along with it by the zootube "moderators".

Here is just one example of Marbus' constant bragging on zootube. This time his bragging is on another anti-JTF neo-Nazi zootube page run by some David Duke-loving freak called "SamanthaTheCat" who got banned from JTF a year ago for spewing his antisemitic neo-Nazi garbage here on the JTF forum:

"ahhh Jsullvian he was the first victim of my JTF flagging campaign a year ago. Got him suspened from Youtube back when i used to flagg JTF videos."

He means zootube JTF'er "JSullivan" [As JTF brother ProJewCatholic has also discovered, this guy "Marbus" must be suffering from dyslexia]

To all JTF brothers and sisters here who have zootube accounts - It is payback time: when you have some free time, flag all of the videos uploaded to zootube by this Nazi piece of garbage going by the zootube user names of "Marbus0", "JTFSUX" and "DarkPyramid0".

Here are this Nazi piece of garbage's accounts on zootube:

Offline P J C

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This Marbus always attacks me on youtube. My JTF video was attacked by this Croat nazi scum! May a plague enter his home and god take his life and send him back to hell were he was sent from!!!
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline 4International

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This Marbus always attacks me on youtube. My JTF video was attacked by this Croat nazi scum! May a plague enter his home and G-d take his life and send him back to hell were he was sent from!!!

Shalom brother ProJewCatholic,

thanks a million for your support on this important issue. This "Marbus" Croat Nazi piece of garbage is not only anti-JTF but is also a Holocaust denier who laughs at the Jewish and Serbian victims of the Holocaust.

Thank G-d not all of his anti-JTF campaigns on zootube have been successful. However many of them have been very successful and for that he needs to be taught a lesson by having his own zootube accounts suspended. Like I mentioned earlier, zootube has its own unique system whereby if a certain account receives a set number of flags by the zootube user community, the ENTIRE account gets pulled and with it every single video uploaded to that account. That is why all of us here with zootube accounts need to flag this vile Ustasha Nazi scum's videos as much as possible so he is kicked off zootube and can no longer silence the voice of G-d's truth that is JTF.

Thank you once again for your righteous support of JTF and my efforts here and your brilliant work in getting the truth out on zootube, brother ProJewCatholic!!



Offline mord

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Marbus is an idiot i'm not even sure he's a Croat he might be an Israeli leftist in drag
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline P J C

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This Marbus always attacks me on youtube. My JTF video was attacked by this Croat nazi scum! May a plague enter his home and G-d take his life and send him back to hell were he was sent from!!!

Shalom brother ProJewCatholic,

thanks a million for your support on this important issue. This "Marbus" Croat Nazi piece of garbage is not only anti-JTF but is also a Holocaust denier who laughs at the Jewish and Serbian victims of the Holocaust.

Thank G-d not all of his anti-JTF campaigns on zootube have been successful. However many of them have been very successful and for that he needs to be taught a lesson by having his own zootube accounts suspended. Like I mentioned earlier, zootube has its own unique system whereby if a certain account receives a set number of flags by the zootube user community, the ENTIRE account gets pulled and with it every single video uploaded to that account. That is why all of us here with zootube accounts need to flag this vile Ustasha Nazi scum's videos as much as possible so he is kicked off zootube and can no longer silence the voice of G-d's truth that is JTF.

Thank you once again for your righteous support of JTF and my efforts here and your brilliant work in getting the truth out on zootube, brother ProJewCatholic!!



Thank You for the kind words. You also are a fantastic JTFer. I will continue to flag all of his accounts.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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marbus and samantha the cat (who i met) both have no lives...they are sorry souls that everyone hates.  And they are nothing but rejects in society.  So they have lots of time on their hands to bash JTF and tiny teeny movement.  They are nothing more than ants in this big big world and really, I have, nor should anyone here have any fear of them.  JTF WILL become a mass movement while those two will die and be forgotton.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline nessuno

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It doesn't seem productive to have a thread about Marbus on JTF.
It would just drive people to look him up.
I would not even like to see his name on this site.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline P J C

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It doesn't seem productive to have a thread about Marbus on JTF.
It would just drive people to look him up.
I would not even like to see his name on this site.
You're right bullcat.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline 4International

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It doesn't seem productive to have a thread about Marbus on JTF.
It would just drive people to look him up.
I would not even like to see his name on this site.

Shalom sister bullcat3,

Under normal circumstances, yes, I would agree and say "he's just a minor pest and irritant, ignore him" but these are not normal circumstances we are facing. Having Chaim's and David's videos in the English language on zootube for everyone in the world to see is important in my view. I don't see why this Nazi piece of trash should get away with what he is doing to JTF. I would agree with you 100% on ignoring him IF - and only IF - Marbus and his gang of Nazi friends were not so enormously successful with their anti-JTF flagging campaigns - by getting Chaim's and David's videos and JTF accounts which host them consistently pulled from zootube. It is ridiculous for us to sit back and let this piece of Nazi garbage get away with harming us this way.It is time he got a taste of his own medicine by having his own accounts suspended.

On the contrary, instead of ignoring him, I believe it is very productive for us to bring this issue up and help defeat this Marbus Nazi piece of garbage's anti-JTF campaigns on zootube. Normally I would say "sure ignore him and don't worry about him" since I'm not in the habit of promoting Croat Nazis on JTF just like none of us here are in the habit of promoting any other enemy of Israel, Jews or America when we create threads here exposing our enemies' harmful actions against our national interests and well being and those of JTF.



« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 01:12:46 AM by 4International »